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Get Feedback 寻求反馈 If an interviewer seems bored or cold while you're answering a question, all is not lost。 如果面试官在你回答一个问题的时候看上去很不耐烦冷冰冰的,你还没有失去一切。 Stop and ask if your answer is going in the direction they're looking for. That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right things。 停下来然后询问你的回答是否是他们想要的。这样你可以避免在错误的答案上越走越远,重新回到正确的一边。 Maybe you misunderstood the question. Or maybe the question wasn't phrased clearly. That doesn't mean you have to struggle -- just ask the interviewer for some clarification。 也许你误解了这个问题,或者这个问题没有问的很清楚。这不意味着你要苦思冥想——直接让面试官做个进一步的说明就行了。 If you still feel like the interview is going poorly, ask if the interviewer has any concerns or questions regarding you as a candidate. That way, you can respond to any worries directly。 如果你仍然然感觉面试不太顺利,问问面试官对于你应聘这个职位有什么顾虑或者疑问,这样你可以直接对这些担忧做出回应。 The key point to remember: If an interviewer is getting bored or appears distracted, cut your answer short and get some feedback。 要记住的关键问题:如果一位面试官看上去很不耐烦很无聊,你要赶快长话短说然后寻求一些反馈。 Flattery Will Get You Everywhere 适当拍拍马屁会让你心想事成 Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. Even interviewers。 所有人都喜欢自我感觉良好,即使是面试官。 So to put an interviewer in a better mood, offer a compliment。 所以,给面试官一个好心情,说说称赞的话。 Say a nice word or two about the company, the office's location, the view from the window -- something that will make the interviewer feel good. Paying a compliment also indicates you are a positive person, an attitude many hiring managers seek in candidates。 对面试的公司先说一两句好话,办公地址很好啦,从窗子看风景不错啦,说说这些会让面试官感觉很好的。称赞同时也暗示出你是一个积极的人,这是很多面试官希望从求职者身上看到的品质。 Giving a compliment about the company is especially useful, since it will offer you a chance to show that you did research on the company before the interview, proving you're well prepared。 赞美公司特别有用,因为这给了你一个展示的机会表明你在面试前对公司做了些研究,说明你对面试准备得很好。 A note of caution: Your compliments should not be too numerous, too obvious or too personal. If you suddenly begin gushing1 about how GREAT the interviewer's haircut is, the interviewer will see right through your charade2. Better to keep your compliment simple and safe, such as saying how friendly everyone seems to be。 提醒:你的赞美不能太多太明显或者太私人。如果你突然大谈特谈面试官的发型多么好,面试官马上就能看穿你的小心机。赞美的话最好说的简单安全,比如说,这里的每一个人看上去都很亲切和善。 You May Not Be the Problem 也许问题不在你 If you feel like you've done everything possible to succeed in your interview but you're still getting the cold shoulder, then follow this advice: Just do your best and move on。 如果你觉得自己在面试中尽了一切努力却仍然得到轻视,听从这个建议:尽力表现继续前进。 Perhaps the interviewer fought with his or her spouse3 that morning, or perhaps the interviewer is sick. Or perhaps, for no reason, the interviewer is just in a foul4 mood。 也许面试官今天早晨和另一半吵架了,或者面试官生病了。甚至可能什么原因都没有,面试官今天就是心情不好。 There are innumerable reasons why an interviewer may have been in a bad mood ... many of which have nothing to do with you. Interviewers are people too and everyone has bad days。 面试官可能心情不好的原因有千千万,其中一些和你根本没关系。面试官也是人,是人就有不太顺的时候。 So remember to trust yourself and not let it get you down. Just do the best you can and try not to worry about things you can't control。 所以,要记得相信自己,别让这打击了你。你要做的就是尽自己的全力去表现,不要担心那些你不能控制的事情。 点击 ![]()
上一篇: 面试谷底时的五根“救命稻草”(一) 下一篇:应对2009职场危机的五条建议 |
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