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易建联参加今年选秀大会已经不是新闻了,不过随着他距离NBA的日子越来越近,外界对他的评论也随之增多,其中不乏有关他是否具备在NBA中站稳脚跟的能力,那么作为“先行者”的姚明又是如何看待这位中国篮球新星的呢? 请看外电相关报道:"He is very close to a player who is in the NBA like I would say Amare Stoudemire," Yao said. "Yi is taller. He is almost seven-foot. He has a very nice touch, very athletic1. He has everything (to be) a great player. " "I think he is a very good four. He can play a little bit of a five, sometimes. Good shot blocker. He just needs the right training, people who can tell him how to play on the NBA level." 在姚明看来,“易建联的球风非常接近NBA球员斯塔德迈尔,个子高,手感好,运动能力强 …… 易建联还是一位非常优秀的四号位球员,甚至还可以客串五号位,有时他也会是一位出色的盖帽高手……” 由报道可知,篮球术语“盖帽高手”相应的英文表达是“good shot blocker”,“shot”在此指“投篮”。汉语中,进攻队员投篮或上篮时,将球举到最高点或球刚离手的一刹那,防守队员立即跳起将球打落,称为“盖帽”。英语中,“to block shot”(直译:拦截进球)较好的体现了“盖帽”的含义。 日常运用中,“盖帽”做名次时可用“block”来形容,做动词时可用“to block shot”来表达。“盖帽高手”则是“good shot blocker”。 看下面一个例句:In his fifth season, Yao is 11th in the league with 26.4 points per game, the best among centers. With 10.4 rebounds2 per game and 1.6 blocks, Yao finally is entering the stratosphere of elite3 big men. (姚明在NBA第五个赛季里,以平均每场26.4分的成绩位居联盟球员得分榜第11位,成为NBA得分最高的中锋,再加上每场10.4个篮板和1.6个盖帽,姚明已步入NBA的顶级中锋行列。) 点击 ![]()
上一篇:篮球术语:助攻、助杀 下一篇:“神枪手”怎么说 |
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