文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-02-02 02:28 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
在第七届安特卫普奥运会上,象征五大洲团结和奥林匹克精神的五环交错会旗,在开幕式上首次升起,并首次举行运动员宣誓仪式,为奥运会正规化开创先例。从此,奥林匹克运动更具吸引力,有更多的城市争办奥运会。 Dialogue A: Talking of the Olympic Flag, what do you know about it? 说起了奥运会会旗,你们对它了解多少呀? B: There will be a handing-over and taking-over ceremony in each closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The mayor of the host city will give the flag to president of the IOC, and president will hand it to the mayor of the next host city. 每届奥运会的闭幕式上都有会旗的交接仪式,由奥运会主办城市市长将会旗交给国际奥委会主席,主席再将旗递交下届主办城市的市长。 C: But the flag raised at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is only a substitute. The host city treasures it after it receives the flag. 但在奥运会开幕式上升起的那面旗只是一面代用品,主办城市接旗后都把它珍藏起来了。 A: The flag was officially used on June 15, 1914. It was first raised at the celebration congress of the 20th anniversary restoration of the Olympics movement in Paris. Unfortunately, this Olympic flag was burned in the flames of WWI. 会旗正式使用是1914年6月15日,在巴黎为庆祝现代奥林匹克运动恢复20周年纪念大会上第一次升起。不幸的是,这面会旗毁灭在第一次世界大战的战火中。 B: Then where does the flag we use now come from? 那我们现在用的那面会旗是从哪里来的呢? A: The flag we use now was made by the Belgian Olympic Committee in 1920 when the Games were held in Antwerp. It was given to the International Olympic Committee as a gift, which has been used since then. 现在使用的会旗是1920年在比利时安特卫普举行奥运会时,比利时奥委会制作时,并且把它赠给了国际奥委会,一直沿用到现在。 B: It was passed down one games after another it became an "Heirloom". 这样一届一届传下去,就成了“传家宝”了。
