文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-02-03 01:38 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
房间里Nathan 正在拿着一把球拍琢磨…… 有人敲门……

  Nathan: come in, the door is open.

  慧慧: Nathan,别一个人在家闷着,一起去活动一下。矣?你拿个网球拍在屋里干什么?

  Nathan: Oh, this is not a tennis racquet, this is a squash racquet.

  慧慧: 哦,这就是壁球拍呀。看起来跟网球拍也没什么区别。不都是racket sports 么,怎么打不一样,拍子还分得那么清。

  Nathan: 不要以为都是racquet sports,就是拿拍击球么,有什么不一样的。

  慧慧: 可是在我看来,它们之间最大的区别就是一个大点儿;一个小点。

  Nathan: you said it. 就是因为大小不一样,所以在击球的时候,用力的部为就不一样。

  慧慧: 哦?

  Nathan: well, In tennis, power comes predominantly from the shoulder, arm and the follow-through.

  慧慧: 你是说网球力量来自肩部和手臂power comes from the shoulder and arm?那squash 呢?

  Nathan:In squash, power is also shared by the wrist.

  慧慧: 哦,shared by the wrist。壁球还需要手腕的力量。原来拍的大小,对击球的技术还有这么大影响。

  Nathan: Yeah, 不过我现在要发明的球拍可不光光是在大小和其他的拍子不一样.

  慧慧: 哦?我们今天还真得看看Nathan到底有什么新鲜的发明?

  慧慧: 看来虽然racket sports中的拍子的样子都大同小异,可是其中的区别只有亲身体验了才知道。不过Nathan要发明的球拍到底和其他的拍子有什么不一样呢?

  Nathan: huihui, have you ever wondered why racket technology and strings1 have advanced to the 21st Century but the poor racket handle has been sadly left behind in?

  慧慧: 你别着急,什么意思?

  Nathan: ah, I said: racket technology and strings have advanced to the 21st Century,

  慧慧: 有关球拍的技术和球拍的弦都在21世纪有了很大的改观?

  Nathan: Right. But the racket handle has been sadly left behind in.

  慧慧: 哦,我明白了。你是觉得现在球拍的手柄的改进一直落后球拍在其他方面的改进。

  Nathan: 对。you know,among all the all the elements for control, the grip IS most essential.

  慧慧: 听你这么一说,这个grip握拍的确倒是很重要。可除了这么一个直把儿,你还能怎么改呀?

  Nathan: have you ever heard the word “ergonomics”? – 人类工程学?

  慧慧: 人类工程学?Nathan,你玩的可够深的。

  Nathan: I think the shape of the racket should be designed to fit the human hand but still allows for flexibility2 of movement.

  慧慧: be designed to fit the human hand, 同时还要allow for flexibility. Nathan说的到是有理,这个设计就是应该根据人手的握拍习惯为标准。

  Nathan: 对,所以我就根据我自己的手形设计了这样的球拍。(show to huihui the racket with five pits on the handle. )

  慧慧: 这就是您改进那个球拍呀?挖了这么多小槽,你不是糟蹋东西么?

  Nathan: no,it allows the fingers to be slotted in from middle to little.

  慧慧: Nathan想改进球拍的想法倒是不错,可这么一改到适合你的手了,但不是每个人的手形都是一样的。再说,谁玩球的时候,手不会有一些上下的动作,比如我打球的时候,后场的时候,握拍就靠后,前场的时候就靠前,你这发明还有什么意义呀,而且我有时候还喜欢把拍在手里转来转去的……

  Nathan: maybe you got something there.

  慧慧: 算了吧Nathan, 我看要打好球还是从提高球技开始吧,别老时指望球拍上站什么便宜。

  Nathan: 那?

  慧慧: 我们还是趁着好天气,外面玩上两盘吧。


1 strings nh0zBe     
  • He sat on the bed,idly plucking the strings of his guitar.他坐在床上,随意地拨着吉他的弦。
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
2 flexibility vjPxb     
  • Her great strength lies in her flexibility.她的优势在于她灵活变通。
  • The flexibility of a man's muscles will lessen as he becomes old.人老了肌肉的柔韧性将降低。