If the length of maturity is within one year, interests shall be computed9 at the contracted interest rate, and they shall remain unchanged in case of the adjustment of the legal interest rate; if the term of one loan is over one year, in case of adjustment of the legal interest rate, a new interest rate shall be adopted in accordance with the relevant grade of interest rate as from the beginning of the following year.
The credit lines for large consumer durables loans range from RMB2,000 to RMB100,000. The down payment of a borrower in purchasing expensive consumer goods shall not be less than 20% of the total value of the purchase, and the amount of borrowing may not exceed 80% of the total value of the purchase.
The borrower shall open a current account with the Bank of China, and according to the repayment10 plan provided in the contract, deposit money sufficient for the current repayment of the loan and the interest accrued11 in the current account prior to the day of repayment and also authorize12 the lender to withhold13 the right of deducting14 the amount from the account on schedule.
Within the borrowing time limit, the borrower may, according to the methods of repayment provided by the lender, repay the principal and interests of the loan by installment or by lump sum in full.
With the consent of the lender, the borrower may service the debt ahead of schedule.