Russia threatened yesterday to pull out of a landmark1 nuclear arms control treaty unless the US backed away from plans to install its missile defence shield in Eastern Europe.
俄军总参谋长尤里o巴卢耶夫斯基(Yuri Baluyevsky)表示,俄罗斯可能单方面退出美国和前苏联1987年签署的《消除中程和中短程导弹条约》(《中导条约》)。根据这份条约,两国均不得发展射程介于500公里至5500公里、地面发射的导弹,无论是弹道还是巡航导弹,携带核弹头还是常规弹头。
Yury Baluyevsky, the Russian army chief of staff, said Moscow might unilaterally withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty, which forced the US and the Soviet2 Union to ban nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500km.
There was "convincing evidence" for leaving the agreement because "many countries are developing and perfecting medium range rockets", he said.
But the general also explicitly3 linked Russia's stance to the US's plans to extend its missile defence into central Europe.
美国五角大楼正准备与波兰和捷克展开谈判,计划在这两个国家部署导弹拦截系统和雷达。波兰总理雅罗斯瓦夫o卡钦斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)昨日对加入导弹防御系统表示了有条件的支持。
The Pentagon is preparing to start negotiations4 with Poland and the Czech Republic about hosting missile interceptors and radars5. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Polish prime minister, yesterday expressed conditional6 support for participating in the system.
A senior Pentagon official said the US would "resist" the Russian move, which he said would have serious implications for American allies in Europe.
《中导条约》规定,一方有权退出该条约,但前提是出现"非常事态……危及其最高利益",并且需要提前6个月通知。美国国务院(State Department)表示,俄罗斯尚未正式通知美国其打算退出该条约。
The INF treaty includes the right for a party to withdraw with six months' notice if "extraordinary events?.?.?.?jeopardised its supreme7 interests". The State Department said Russia had not formally notified the US of any move to abrogate8 the treaty.
巴卢耶夫斯基发表上述言论前几天,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔o普京(Vladimir Putin)曾警告称,美国试图在波兰部署导弹防御系统,可能引发新一轮的军备竞赛。
Gen Baluyevsky's comments came days after Vladimir Putin, Russian president, warned that US attempts to deploy9 part of its missile shield in Poland could spark a new arms race.
Mr Putin said the INF treaty was no longer in its interests because of proliferation of short and medium-range missiles. He rejected US assertions that the system was aimed at countries such as North Korea and Iran, not at Russia.
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