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实用例句 Let us have your instructions for packing and dispatch. 请告知包装及装运之所需指示。 These are fragile. 这些是易碎品。 Most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival. 大多数到货时容易破损。 Could you use cartons? 你们能不能用纸箱? Could you use wooden cases instead? 你们能不能改用木箱? I am afraid the cartons are not strong enough. 我担心装货的纸箱不够结实。 We suggest that you strengthen the cartons with double straps1. 我方建议用两根包装带加固纸箱。 This kind of packing costs more. 这种包装费用更多。 This kind of packing is much cheaper. 这种包装比较便宜。 I would appreciate it very much if you could deliver the goods by this Friday. 如果你们能在这个星期五前出货,敝公司将不胜感激。 It will be around December when a new stock is supplied. 大概要到十二月左右始有新货供应。 I will let you know as soon as the new supply is available. 当有新货时,我会尽快通知你。 In spite of our effort, we find it impossible to secure space for the shipment owing to the shortage of shipping2 space. 虽然敝公司已尽最大努力,却因为船位不足而无法保证交期。 We find both quality and prices of your products satisfactory and enclosed the order for prompt supply. 敝公司对贵公司的产品的质量和价格均感满意,现寄上订单,请供应现货。 I'm sorry to say that your delivery is a week behind schedule. 很抱歉,你方的交货时间比计划日程晚了一个星期。 As the market is sluggish3, please postpone4 the shipment of the order No. 203 goods to August. 由于市场疲软,请将敝公司订单编号203延迟至八月出货。 商品解释Explanation of goods 实用例句 Would you compare our samples with the goods of other firms? 您可以将我们的产品和其它公司的产品作一个比较吗? Our model ER586 refrigerator is designed on modern lives and gives. 我们ER586型号的冰箱是为现代化生活及需求所设计。 So you will agree that it is the outstanding goods for economy. 您一定会同意这是市场上非常出色的商品。 We have none in stock now. 我们现货中没有此商品。 We are sorry that we do not have these goods. 很抱歉,我们没有这些商品。 As our stocks are running short[low][out], we would advise your order soon. 因为我们的现货逐渐短缺[减少][售完],我方建议贵公司尽快下订单。 We regret this article is out of stock. 很抱歉,此货物已无存货。 Your glasses are very popular in Europe. 贵方的眼镜在欧洲很受欢迎。 In respect to quality, I don't think that other fruits can compare with our fruits. 在质量方面,其它水果质量很难和我们的水果相比。 I think we can strike a bargain with you if your goods are competitive. 我认为如果产品有竞争力,我们就可以达成交易。 We are pleased to find that your materials appear to be of good quality. 我们很高兴发现贵公司的产品质量相当优良。 You can find that our products are of high quality. 您可以发现,我方的产品质量高。 付 款Payment 实用例句 随信附上发票。 We request your immediate6 payment. 我们要求您立即付款。 You should pay an invoice for$500. 根据发票,您应该付款五百元。 We won't accept payment in cash on delivery, but may consider payment in cash with order. 我公司不接受货到付款的支付方式,但可以考虑随单付款的支付方式。 We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing any discount. 我公司坚持货到付款,不打任何折扣。 You should make payment against our documentary draft upon presentation. 贵公司应凭敝公司的跟单汇票于见票时付款。 The amount concerned was forwarded to your account of the Taipei Bank by telegraphic transfer today. 上述的金额已于今日电汇至贵公司台北银行的账号。 We insist on payment by irrevocable sight L/C. 我公司坚持凭不可撤销的即期信用状付款。 Payment shall be made CWO by means of T/T or M/T. 装货付款费用应以电汇或信汇的方式。 Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C payable7 by sight draft against presentation of shipping documents. 我们的支付方式是用不可撤销的信用状支付,凭装运单据见票付款。 Payment by L/C will give the best protection to the exporters. 用信用状付款为出口商提供了最好的保护。 Please extend the L/C to July 20. 请将信用状的有效期限延至七月廿日。 According to our Accounting8 Department records, your payment of NT$200,000 for your P/O#4512 is overdue9 since September 1. 根据我方会计部门的数据,贵公司订单编号4512廿万元台币的款项,自九月一日起便已逾期未缴纳。 Our Accounting Department records indicated that US$800 had not been paid due to an oversight10 on your part. 我们的会计部门的记录指出,美金八百元是因贵公司的疏忽而尚未结清。 We hope you will take actions to assist us with our financial difficulties. 希望你方采取措施,帮助我们克服资金困难。 We will not accept L/C 45 days. Please change it to L/C at sight. 我们无法接受见票四十五天后付款的条款,请将之修改为即期信用状。 Please see the enclosed copy of our wire payment. 请参考附件的电汇缴款复印件。 实用例句 Shall I suggest that we meet each other half way? 让我们各作一半的让步吧。 We should be glad to hear at your earliest convenience the terms and conditions on which you are prepared to supply. 能得知您尽早准备提供商品,我方将不胜感激。 We would say that it was unwise of you to have done that. 我们只能说您的所为是非常不明智的。 It seems to us that you ought to have done that. 似乎对我们而言,您应该做那件事。 We are afraid we can not comply with your request. 我们恐怕无法顺从您的要求。 We welcome an opportunity of discussing a contract with you. 我们竭诚欢迎和您讨论合约事宜。 I do appreciate the effort you're making towards concluding this transaction. 我很感谢你为达成这笔交易所做的努力。 Thank you again for your proposal and your understanding of our position will be appreciated. 感谢您的建议,对于您体谅我们的立场,我们不胜感激。 According to our arrangement only through the BCQ Company, can we export our products to American. 根据我们的计划,唯有透过BCQ公司,我们才能出口我们的商品到美国。 I am so sure we can do something to help you. 我确定我们能作些事来帮助你。 It's no problem for us to sign a contract with you. 对我们来说和贵公司签约不成问题。 If negotiation fails, it shall be settled by conciliation12. 如果协商失败,就需要调解。 抱怨、赔偿Complaint、Claim 实用例句 We have to complain to you about the damage in shipment which has caused us so much trouble. 我们不得不向你方抱怨,装运的破损给我方造成很大的麻烦。 We regret to inform you that the goods shipped per S.S. “Beauty”arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition. 我们遗憾地告知你方由「美女」号轮船运来的货物令人十分不满。 The importer has filed a complaint with our corporation about poor packing of the goods. 进口商为货物的差劲包装向我公司提出抱怨。 We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in future deliveries. 我们向你方保证这样的事件在以后的出货中不会再度发生。 As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensation of NT$100,000. 由于你方产品质量低劣,我方要求你方赔偿十万台币。 We can't but lodge13 a claim against you. 我们不得不向你方提出索赔。 We hope you would compensate14 us for the loss. 希望你方赔偿我方损失。 In order to solve the problem, we ask for compensation for the loss. 为了解决问题,我们所受的损失要求赔偿。 The claim is unfounded. 索赔理由不充分。 We are not liable for the damage. 我方对损失没有责任。 It is a case of force which is beyond our control. 这是人力无法控制的「不可抗拒」事故。 道 歉Apology 实用例句 We still feel sorry for the trouble that has caused you much inconvenience. 我们仍然很抱歉对您造成这么多不方便的困扰。 We reiterate15 that we will make every effort to avoid similar mistake in our future transactions. 我们重申我们会尽一切努力,去避免未来处理事务时发生类似的错误。 We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to enter into business relations with any firms. 我们很遗憾地通知您,我们无法和任何公司洽谈商务事宜。 We are terribly sorry that we made so trouble for you. 很抱歉我们为贵公司制造了这么多的麻烦。 Please accept our deepest apology for any inconvenience this matter has caused you. 请接受敝公司对此事所造成之不便的深深歉意。 I feel sorry that I am not able to make a corresponding move. 我为自己不能做相应的让步深感遗憾。 We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us. 我希望这一不幸事件将不会影响你我之间的关系。 We are sorry for the short delivery. 我们为交货量短缺向贵公司致歉。 We are terribly sorry to learn from you that the quality of goods is not satisfactory to you. 我们为产品质量无法令贵公司满意而感抱歉。 We are sorry to learn that your goods were badly damaged during transit16 and the insurance company will compensate you for the losses according to the coverage17 arranged. 我们很遗憾得知你方货物在运送途中严重受损,保险公司将按照投保险种赔偿损失。 结 语Ending 实用例句 We solicit18 your close cooperation with us in this matter. 我们恳求您对于此一事件能给予协助和合作。 Your courtesy will be appreciated, and we earnestly await your reply. 对于您的协助我们将感激不尽,敝公司将静待您的回音。 We are confident to give our customers the fullest satisfaction. 我们有信心能提供给我们的客户最完整的满意。 Thank you for the trouble you've taken in this matter. 谢谢你为这件事费心了。 Thank you again for your proposal. 再次感谢您的企划案。 We hope to be of service to you and look forward to your comments. 以上希望能对您有所帮助,也静待您的指教(意见)。 We are ready to be at your service and await your order. 感谢有这个荣幸为您服务,并静待您的订单。 Please call me any time if you have any questions. 如果你有任何问题,欢迎您随时打电话给我。 We are looking forward to your reply. 我们期待您的回复。 We are looking forward to your immediate answer. 我们期待您的立即答复。 We should appreciate hearing from you immediately. 能立即知道您的消息我们将不胜感激。 When an opportunity arises in the future, we'll contact you again. 将来有机会,我们将再与您取得联系。 Looking forward to entering into a business relationship with you. 期待与贵公司建立合作关系。 We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you. 我们期待您的回音。 We recommend this matter to your prompt attention. 我们建议您立即针对此事回复。 If there is anything remaining unclear, you are always the most welcome to contact us. 如果有任何不清楚的地方,欢迎随时与我们联络。 Looking forward to your prompt action on this matter. 期待贵公司对于此事采取迅速的措施。 Thank you for your cooperation. 感谢您的合作。 Thank you for your kind reply on above request. 感谢您对上述要求的善意回复。 If you need any informations, please contact us or visit our website. 如果您有任何问题,欢迎您与我们联络或浏览我们的网站。 We advise you to visit our website: http://www.yadan.com. 我方建议您浏览我方的网站。 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. 若有任何问题,请不要犹豫与我联络。 点击 ![]()
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