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博导 tutor of a Ph.D. student/ 伯乐 a good judge of talent (a name of a legendary2 person in the state of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Period who excelled in evaluating horses)/ 补缺选举 by-election / 补偿贸易 compensatory trade/ 不买帐 not take it; not go for it/ 不良贷款 non-performing loan / 不眠之夜 white night / 不明飞行物 unidentified flying object (UFO)/ 不惹是非 Stay out of trouble.; Let sleeping dogs lie. / 不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses/ 不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency / 不正当竞争 unfair competition/ 不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best/ 不夜城 "sleepless3 city, ever-bright city" / 不败记录 clean record, spotless record / 不承诺放弃使用武器 not undertake to renounce4 the use of force / 不打不成交 "No discord5, no concord6. " / 不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. / 不分上下的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential election result / 不管部部长 minister without portfolio/ 不怀恶意的谎言 white lie/ 不记名投票 secret ballot/ 不结盟运动 non-aligned movement/ 不可再生资源 non-renewable resources / 不可抗力 force majeure / 布雷顿森林体系 Bretton Woods system / 布达拉宫 Potala Palace / 步行天桥 pedestrian overpass/ 步行街 pedestrian street / 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position/ 部长级会议 ministerial meeting C/ 禅 dhyana / 重复建设 building redundant project; duplication of similar projects / 《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals / 擦网球 net ball / 擦边球 "edge ball, touch ball" / 层层转包和违法分保 multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting / 拆迁户 households or units relocated due to building demolition / 拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul / 菜篮子工程 shopping basket program / 采取措施前 ex ante / 采取措施后 ex post / 采取高姿态 show magnanimity / 菜鸟,新手 green hand / 茶道 sado / 查房 make/go the rounds of the wards / 参政、议政 participate in the management of State affairs / 参拜靖国神社 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine/ 差额投票 differentail voting / 差额选举 competitive election / 差额拨款 balance allocation / 参股者 equity participant / 点击 ![]()
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