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1.Achilles' heel
俚语含义:a weak or vulnerable factor唯一致命的弱点 例:Ah beer! My Achilles' heel! [用法来源] Achilles,the hero of Homer's Iliad,the son of Peleus and Thetis and slayer1 of Hector. The legend of Achilles has it that he was dipped into the river Styx by his mother in order to make him invulnerable. His heel wasn't covered by the water and he was later killed by an arrow wound to his heel. [情景] Skit:From "the Simpsons" Homer:Mmmm……Forbidden donut! My one weakness ……my Achilles' heel! ! Note:这里用forbidden来修饰donut,是要表达Homer对甜面包圈那种又爱又怕的感受。Homer太喜欢甜面包圈了,虽然它那么甜,会让他发胖,可是他实在割舍不下。Bonus:在美国,警察们有个喜欢吃甜面包圈的名声。因此俚语Donut ranger指巡警。 例: Can you believe it?The donut ranger2 gave me a ticket for driving too slow! 巡警给我开了张罚单,说我开车太慢! 2.BOO 1. boo-boo:A boo-boo is a small mistake or minor3 injury. 愚蠢的小错误,轻伤 例: I made a boo-boo in my presentation — I hope no one notice it! 在我的报告里有一个小小的错误,—但愿没人注意到它。 [用法来源] "Boo boo " comes from the crying sound a child makes when he is injured——"boo hoo"(见第三条解释) 2. boo! : (interjection) Used to express contempt,scorn,or disapproval4 or to frighten or surprise another. 嘘!表示不满、的轻蔑、的反对或吓唬别人时发出的声音。 例: They booed Chris off the stage. Chris 被观众哄下台去。 [情景] Tobby booed and hissed6 during his Jerry's stand-up show to show support,which totally ruined Jerry's show! Jerry: "Booing and hissing7 are not part of the show . You boo puppets. You hiss5 villains(坏人,恶棍) in slient movies. " 3. boo-hoo:the crying sound of a child ——used to mock people when they complain too much 小孩的哭声,一般用来嘲弄那些经常抱怨的人 例: I've got no time sitting here listen to your boo-hooling. 我可没时间坐这儿听你怨这怨那。 [情景] Phoebe's pregnant with three babies and had to pee frequently: Phoebe:(angrily) That's like the tenth time i've peed since i've been here ! Monica:bpp hoo! That's also like the tenth time you told us. 3.breaker /breakee [俚语含义] breaker:one who suggested break-up of the relationship 在恋爱关系中主动提出分手的一方 breakee:one who's dumped in a relationship 在恋爱关系中被抛弃的一方 例: Gwen had always been a breaker in her past romantic relationship and she couldn't believe that she too could end up being a breakee. 在Gwen的罗曼史上她一直扮演着抛弃别人的角色,没想到终于又一天她自己也被抛弃了。 [用法来源] 来自短语break up:(一段恋爱关系的)分裂,结束 例: Their marriage broke up. 他们的婚姻破裂了。 NOTE: 造词规律:Verb+er 动作发出者 Verb+ee动作接受者 如:interviewer/interviewee employer/employee [情景] Before they go to a party together,George and his girlfriend Gwen break up. 在去参加一个晚会之前,George 跟他的女朋友Gwen 分手了。 George: I can't go to that party now. Gwen will be there . Kramer: Well she should be the one who shouldn't go. Jerry: Yeah when couples breaks up they have plans to go a neutral place,who withdraws, what's yhe etiquette8? Kramer: Excellent question. Jerry: I think she should she should withdraw. She's the breaker, and he is the breakee! He needs to get on with his life! Elaine: I bet the different. He is the losser, and she is the victor. To the victor belong the spoiled. 4.catch on [俚语含义] To become popular受人欢迎,流行 例1: Skateboarding catches on among the kids realfast. 滑板在年轻人中间流行的真快。 例2: U2's new hit caught on really quickly. U2的新歌很快就流行起来了。 [用法来源] catch愿意抓住。可以这么理解:抓住大众心理,即受人欢迎,流行。 [情景] George (on the left) is a baldingman. (George 日渐秃顶) Kramer: Well maybe baldness will catch on. George Hey,believe me,baldness willcatch on. When the aliens come, who do you think they're gonna relate to? Who do you think is gonna be the first ones getting a tour of the shio? [参考译文] Kramer:也许秃顶会成为一种时尚。 George:嘿,相信我吧,秃顶肯定会变成一种时尚,哪一天当外星人来到地球时,他们会跟谁更亲近些?你想想谁会先被请去参观他们的飞船? Note: The popular images of the aliens are all hairless in madern movies,as if they are the next kin9 to the bald people. That's why George is saying that people will want to become bald in the future to look like the alien's relatives. 现代电影中,外星人总是一光头的形象出现,就好像是秃子门的同类。所以George 说未来大家都希望自己变成秃头,以便看上去更像外星人的亲戚 点击 ![]()
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