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Exchange Fund Bills Programme 外汇基金票据计划 Exchange Fund Debt Certificate 外汇基金债务证明书 Exchange Fund debt instrument 外汇基金债务票据 Exchange Fund Guarantee Scheme 外汇基金保证计划 Exchange Fund Investment Limited [EFIL] 外汇基金投资有限公司 Exchange Fund note 外汇基金债券 Exchange Fund Notes Programme 外汇基金债券计划 exchange gain 汇兑增益 exchange loss 汇兑损失 exchange market 外汇市场;汇兑市场 Exchange Member 交易所会员 exchange memo 兑换水单 exchange position 外汇头寸 exchange premium 外汇升水;汇兑溢价 exchange quotation 外汇行情 exchange rate 汇率 exchange rate contract 汇率合约 exchange rate fluctuation 汇率波动 exchange rate index 汇率指数 exchange rate mechanism 汇率机制 exchange rate movement 汇率变动 exchange risk 外汇风险 exchange surcharge 汇兑附加费;汇兑附加税 exchange transaction 兑换交易 exchange value 汇兑价值;交换价值 exchange value of the Hong Kong dollar 港元汇价 exchange-based short selling activity 经交易所进行的卖空活动 exchange-traded derivative 在交易所买卖的衍生产品 excise duty 消费税 excluded property 除外财产 excluded reserve 除外储备 exclusive of rates 不包括差饷 exclusive right 专有权;独有权 exclusivity 专营权 Executive Board of International Monetary1 Fund 国际货币基金组织执行董事会 Executive Committee [Hong Kong Futures2 Exchange Limited, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 执行委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕;常务委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 executive director 执行董事;执行理事 Executive Director (Banking Policy) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理总裁(银行政策) Executive Director (Banking Supervision) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理总裁(银行监理) Executive Director (External) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理总裁(外事经研) Executive Director (Monetary Policy and Markets) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理总裁(货币政策及市场) Executive Director of Securities and Futures Commission 证券及期货事务监察委员会执行董事 Executive Director (Reserves Management) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局助理总裁(储备管理) executor 遗嘱执行人 executor of small estates 小额遗产的遗嘱执行人 exempt dealer 获豁免交易商 exempt from tax 获豁免缴税 exempt investment adviser 获豁免投资顾问 exempt person 获豁免的人 exempt sum 豁免款项 exempted institution 获豁免机构 exempted loan 受豁免的贷款 exemption 豁免 exemption certificate 豁免证明书 exemption clause 免责条款;豁免条款 exemption from estate duty 豁免遗产税 exemption from property tax 豁免物业税 exemption from rates 豁免差饷 Exemption From Salaries Tax Order 豁免薪俸税令 exemption from stamp duty 免缴印花税 exercise period 行使期 exercise price 行使价格 existing controller 现有控权人 existing licence 现行有效的牌照 existing loan 现有贷款 expectancy of value 预期值 expenditure 支出;开支;费用 expenditure approach 支出计算法;开支计算法 expenditure baseline 开支基线 expenditure commitment 开支承担 expenditure component 开支项目 expenditure for the services of the government 政府服务开支 expenditure guideline 开支指引 expenditure on scientific research 科学研究开支 expenditure on the gross domestic product 本地生产总值开支 expenditure outturn 开支结算 expenditure pattern 开支模式;消费模式 expenditure range 开支范围;开支幅度 Expenditure Summaries 《开支摘要》 expenditure survey 消费统计调查 expenditure-based gross domestic product 以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值 expenditure-based gross domestic product estimate 以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字 expense 费用;支出;开支 expense disbursement 开支支出 expense loss 开支亏损 export credit 出口信贷 export earnings 出口收益 export financing 出口融资;出口信贷财务 export licence 出口许可证;出口证 export market development programme 出口市场拓展计划 export of goods and services 货物及服务出口 export performance 出口业绩 export value 出口货值 exporter of services 服务出口地 export-led 由出口带动 export-oriented 出口为主;出口导向 exposure 承受风险;收支差〔外汇〕 expressed in Hong Kong dollar 以港元计算 external assets 对外资产 external auditor 外聘核数师;外聘审计师 external claim 对外债权 external commercial relations 对外贸易关系 external competitiveness 对外竞争力 External Department [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 外事经研部〔香港金融管理局〕 external equilibrium 对外均衡 external fund manager [Exchange Fund] 外聘投资经理〔外汇基金〕 external investor 外来投资者 external liabilities and claims 对外负债和债权 External Managers Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕 external price competitiveness 对外贸易价格竞争能力 External Relations Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority] 对外关系处〔香港金融管理局〕 external sovereign debt 对外国债 external trade 对外贸易 externally oriented economy 以外贸为主的经济;倚赖对外贸易的经济 extinguishment allowance 结业津贴 extortionate stipulation 敲诈性的规定 extra allowance 额外津贴 extra statutory concession 法外宽减 extraordinary item 非经常项目;特殊帐项 extrapolation 外推法 extrinsic value 外在价值;非固有价值 点击 ![]()
上一篇:英语词汇-财经类词汇(E2) 下一篇:英语词汇-财经类词汇(F1) |
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