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gain 收益;增益 garnishee order 债权扣押令 GE Capital Finance Ltd. 通用金融财务有限公司 gearing ratio 资本与负债比率;杠杆比率〔认股权证〕 general acceptance 一般承兑 general account 一般帐目;总帐 general administrator 一般遗产管理人 General Agreement on Tariffs1 and Trade [GATT] 《关税及贸易总协议》〔《关贸总协议》〕 General Agreement on Trade in Services [GATS] 《服务贸易总协议》 general apportionment 一般分摊 General Arrangements to Borrow [GAB] 《借款总安排》 general body of shareholders 全体股东 general business 一般业务 general capital increase 总增资 general clearing member 一般结算会员 General Consumer Price Index [GCPI] 一般消费物价指数 general crossed cheque 普通划线支票 general crossing 普通划线 general expenses 一般开支 general fund 普通基金 General Household Survey 综合住户统计调查 General Insurance Council [Hong Kong Federation2 of Insurers] 一般保险总会〔香港保险业联会〕 general ledger 总分类帐 general levy 一般征款 general offer 公开要约;全面收购建议 general partner 普通合伙人 general partnership 普通合伙 general policy 一般保单 general proxy 一般委托书 general rates 一般差饷 general reserve 一般储备金 general revaluation [rates] 全面重估应课差饷租值 general revenue 一般收入;政府一般收入 General Revenue Account [GRA] 政府一般收入帐目 General Revenue Account expenditure 政府一般收入帐目开支 General Revenue Account revenue 政府一般收入帐目收入 general revenue balance 政府一般收入余额 general support grant 一般经费补助金 general warrant 普通拨款令 Generale Belgian Bank (also known as Belgian Bank) 华比银行 generalized system of preference [GSP] 普及特惠制〔普惠制〕 gilt-edged investment 稳当投资 gilt-edged market 金边证券市场 gilt-edged securities 金边证券 Gini Coefficient 基尼系数 global allocation 总拨款;拨款总额 global costing 整体成本计算法 go private 私有化;私营化 go public 上市 godown warrant 仓单 going concern 经营中的机构;持续经营 gold 黄金 gold bullion3 金条;黄金 gold bullion held on an allocated4 basis 特别划分方式持有的黄金 gold bullion market 黄金市场 gold coin 金币 gold coin certificate 金币证明书;金币证 gold coin coupon 金币配给券 gold exchange standard 黄金汇兑本位制 gold futures 黄金期货;期金 Gold Identity Marks Registry 黄金标记注册处 gold market 黄金市场 gold on paper 黄金券;纸黄金 gold, silver and platinum5 held in physical form 实金、实银及实白金 gold standard 金本位;金本位制 good book debt 可收回的账面债项 good delivery 合格交货;合格交割 good year 丰年 goods and services 商品及服务;货物与服务 goodwill 商誉;信誉 government bond 政府债券 government consumption expenditure 政府消费开支 government conveyancing 政府产权转易 Government Economist 政府经济顾问 government expenditure 政府开支 government lotteries6 政府奖券 Government Lotteries Management Committee 政府奖券管理委员会 government mortgage institution 政府按揭贷款机构 government property 政府财产 government property assets 政府物业资产 Government Regulations 《政府规例》 Government rent 地税;地租 government reserve 政府储备 government revenue 政府收入 government securities consultant 政府证券业顾问 government trading department 参与商业活动的政府部门 government utility 政府公用事业 graduated rate 渐进税率 grant 补助金;拨款 grantor 授予人 gratuitous payment 赏金 gratuity 酬金 gratuity benefit 酬金福利 grey market 暗盘市场;灰市;暗市 grey market trading 暗盘交易 gross amount 毛额 gross capital formation 资本形成总额 gross claim 申索毛额 gross claim paid 已偿付申索毛额 gross commission payable 须付的佣金毛额 gross contract value 合约总值 gross domestic capital formation 本地资本形成总额 gross domestic fixed capital formation 本地固定资本形成总额 gross domestic price capital formation 本地价格资本形成总额 gross domestic product [GDP] 本地生产总值;国内生产总值 gross domestic product at constant (1980) market price 按固定(一九八零年)市价计算的本地生产总值 gross domestic product at factor cost 按生产要素成本计算的本地生产总值 gross domestic product at market price 按市价计算的本地生产总值 gross domestic product by industrial sector 按工业类别计算的本地生产总值 gross domestic product component 本地生产总值的组成部分 gross domestic product deflator 本地生产总值平减物价指数 gross domestic product estimate 估计本地生产总值;本地生产总值的估计数字 gross domestic product per capita 按人口平均计算的本地生产总值 gross expenditure 开支总额;总支出 gross expenses 开支总额;总开支 gross income 收入总额;总收益 gross insurance liabilities 毛保险负债 点击 ![]()
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