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probate 遗嘱认证 Probate Registry 遗产承办处 proceeds 收入;收益;得益 proceeds from borrowings 举债所得款项 proceeds of bills 库券收益 proceeds of forfeit 出售没收物品所得收入 proceeds of sale 售卖得益;销售收入 pro-competition 鼓励竞争 pro-competition policy 鼓励竞争的政策 procuration fee 借款代理费 procuration signature 代理签名 producer 生产商 product price index [PPI] 生产物价指数 production approach 生产计算法 production cost 生产成本 production expenses 生产开支;生产费用 production-based gross domestic product estimate 以生产为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字 productive capacity 生产能力 productivity 生产力;生产率 professional accountant 专业会计师 professional charges 专业收费 Professional Course for Equity1 Options Practitioners 股票期权从业员专业课程 professional indemnity2 insurance 专业弥偿保险 professional reinsurer 专业再保险人 professional valuation 专家估值 profit 利润;盈利;溢利 profit and loss account 损益帐;损益表 profit and loss appropriation3 account 损益分配帐 profit and loss of previous period 前期损益 profit and loss of previous year 上年损益 profit and loss on exchange 汇兑损益 profit and loss on securities 证券损益 profit and loss statement 损益表 profit arising in or derived4 from Hong Kong 于香港产生或得自香港的利润 profit forecast 利润预测;盈利预测 profit margin 利润率;利润幅度 profit maximization 获取最大利润;最高利润点 profit record 盈利记录 profit sharing 盈利摊分 profit taking 获利回吐;见利抛售 profitability 盈利能力 profiteer 投机商人;奸商 profiteering 牟取暴利;投机倒把 profit--loss sharing ratio 盈亏分配比率 profits tax 利得税 profits tax assessment 利得税评税 profits tax return 利得税报税表 profit-sharing bonus 红利奖金 program trading 程序买卖 Programme Management System 纲领管理制度 programme of deregulation [interest rate] 撤销利率限制计划 Programme of Economic Surveys 经济统计调查计划 progressive rate 累进税率 progressive tax band 累进税阶 project cost 工程项目费用 project estimates 计划预算;工程项目预算;工程计划预算 project financing 项目融资 project-by-project approach 逐项计划处理方法 projected income 预计收入 projected revenue 预计收入 projection 推算;预测;预计 project-linked borrowing 与指定计划有关的借款 promise to pay 付款承诺 promissory note [P/N] 承付票;本票;期票 prompt collection of money 迅速收款 prompt date 交割日 proof of debt 债权证明;债权证明表 proof of title 业权证明 proper account 妥善帐目 proper books of account 妥善帐簿 proper disbursement 正当垫付费用 properties sectorial index 地产分类指数 properties sub-index 地产分类指数 property 财产;物业;产权 property assessable to tax 应课税的物业 property derived from the deceased 得自死者的财产 property gains tax 物业增值税 property investment arrangement 财产投资安排 property lending 物业贷款 property liable to estate duty 须缴纳遗产税的财产 property market 物业市场;地产市场 property market rental6 index 物业市场租金指数 property passing on a death 死者去世时转移的财产 property portfolio 房地产投资组合 property situated7 outside Hong Kong 在香港以外地方的财产 property tax 物业税 property tax assessment 物业税评税 Property Tax Demand Note 物业税缴税通知书 property tax return 物业税报税表 property taxpayer 缴纳物业税的人士 property-linked benefit 与财产相连的利益 proportional treaty 比例协约 proportional treaty reinsurance 比例协约再保险 proportionate reduction of property tax 按比例减征物业税 Proposal for Alteration8 of Valuation List 修改估价册建议书 proposal form 投保表格 proposed estimates 建议预算 proprietary insurance corporation 营利保险法团 proprietor 东主 proprietorship 独资企业;东主所有权 prospective buyer 有意购买者;准买家 prospective liabilities 预期负债 prospective planholder 有意参与投资计划的人士 prospectus 招股章程;发行章程 Protection of Wages on Insolvency9 Fund 破产欠薪保障基金 Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Board 破产欠薪保障基金委员会 protective trust 保护信托 protest of bills 汇票的拒付证明 provable debt 可证债项;可证债权 provident benefit 公积金福利 provident fund 公积金 provident fund scheme 公积金计划 provision 拨款;预留款项;备付款项;准备金 provision for diminution10 in value 减值准备 provision for taxation 备付税项 provision on account 临时拨款额 provisional administrator 临时管理人 provisional agreement for sale and purchase 临时买卖协议 Provisional Certificate of Receipt of Estate Duty 遗产税收讫临时证明书 provisional damages 临时损害赔偿 provisional estimate 临时估计数字 provisional estimate of gross domestic product 本地生产总值临时估计数字 provisional letter of allotment 暂定配股通知书 provisional limit 暂定限额 provisional liquidator 临时清盘人;暂委清盘人 provisional profits tax 暂缴利得税 provisional property tax 暂缴物业税 provisional salaries tax 暂缴薪俸税 provisional tax 暂缴税 provisional tax instalment system 暂缴税分期缴付制度 Provisional Urban Council rates 临时市政局差饷 provisionally acceptable levels [PALs] 暂定上限 provisionally acceptable levels of expenditure11 暂定预算开支上限 provisioning policy 坏帐准备政策 proxy 代表;委托书 prudential supervision12 system 审慎监管制度 public account 政府帐目 public accountant [PA] 注册核数师 Public Accounts Committee of the Legislative13 Council 立法会政府帐目委员会 public auction 公开拍卖 public body 公共机构 public company 公众公司 public consumption expenditure 公众消费开支 public corporation 上市公司;公营公司 public debt 政府债务;公债 public debt repayment 偿还政府债务 public deposit 政府存款 public examination 公开研讯 public expenditure 公共开支 public finance 公共财政 public float 公众持股量 public float requirement 公众持股量规则 public fund 公帑;公共基金 public interest 公众利益 public investment expenditure 公共投资开支 public limited company 公共有限公司;公众有限公司;上市有限公司 public listed company 公众上市公司 public money 公帑 public offer 公开发售 public officer 公职人员 public policy 政府政策;公共政策 public revenue 政府收入;公共收入 Public Search Division [Companies Registry] 公众查册部〔公司注册处〕 Public Search Hall [Companies Registry] 公众查册大堂〔公司注册处〕 public sector5 公营部门 public sector entity14 in Hong Kong 香港公营单位 public sector expenditure 公营部门开支 public sector expenditure on buildings and constructions 公营部门的建造开支 public sector expenditure on consolidated15 account 综合帐目内的公营部门开支 public subscription 公开发售;公开认购 public tender 公开招标 public trustee 公共受托人 public utility 公用事业;公用事业设施 public utility company 公用事业公司 public utility tariff 公用事业的收费 public utility-type undertaking 公用事业式企业 Public Works Management System 工务工程管理系统 public works non-recurrent expenditure 公共工程非经常开支 public works recurrent expenditure 公共工程经常开支 Public Works Subcommittee [PWSC] [Finance Committee of the Legislative Council] 工务小组委员会〔立法会财务委员会〕 Public Works Tender Board 工务投标委员会 published price 公布价格 punitive tax 惩罚性税项 purchase and sale statement 日结单对帐表;买卖报告 purchase consideration 买入价格;购买代价 purchase money 买款 purchase price 买价 purchase tax 购物税 purchaser 承购人;购买人;买家 purchasing and inventory control 购货与存货管制 purchasing pattern 购买模式;采购模式 purchasing power 购买力 purchasing power parity 购买力平价 pure reinsurer 纯再保险人 put option 认沽期权;看跌期权 put warrant 认沽认股权证 pyramid selling 层压式推销法 点击 ![]()
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