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raider [takeover] 狙击手〔收购〕 raising of loans 筹集借款 rally 止跌回升;反弹 ranking liabilities 认可负债 rapid collapse 急泻 "rat account" practice “老鼠仓”买卖 "rat trading" “老鼠仓”买卖;“老鼠仓”活动 rate 率;利率;汇率;价格 rate of change 变动率 rate of charge 课税率;收费率 rate of contribution 供款率 rate of depreciation 折旧率 rate of discount 贴现率;折扣率;扣减率 rate of estate duty 遗产税率 rate of ex gratia compensation 特惠补偿率 rate of exchange 汇率 rate of increase 上涨率;增幅 rate of interest 利率 rate of rediscount 再贴现率 rate of return 回报率;收益率;报酬率 rate of tax 税率 rate per annum 年率 rate per cent per annum 年息百分率 rate per diem 日率 rate per mensem 月率 rate quotation1 system 汇率报价制度 rateable value 应课差饷租值 rateable value above the cut-off point 应课差饷租值在限额以上 rateable value rent 差饷估值租金 ratepayer 差饷缴纳人 rates 差饷 rates payable 须缴差饷 rates percentage charge 差饷征收率 rates receipt 差饷收据 rates relief 差饷宽减 Rates Relief Scheme 差饷宽减计划 Rating Advisor 差饷估价顾问 rating agency 评级机构 Rating and Valuation Department 差饷物业估价署 rating assessment 差饷估价 rating system 差饷系统 rating valuation list 差饷估价册 ratio of advances and loans to deposits 垫款与贷款对存款的比率 reactivation of quoted shell company 上市空壳公司恢复业务 readjustment 重新调整 ready market price 现有市场价格 real account 真实账户;实账户 real estate 不动产;房地产 real gross domestic product 实质本地生产总值 real growth 实质增长 real income 实际收入 real increase 实际增长 real property 不动产;房地产 real value 实际价值 real wage 实际工资 realizable 可变现 realizable property 可变现财产 realizable savings 可变现的节省额 realizable value 可变现价值 realization 变现;变产 realization of gains 利益变现 realization of property 变卖财产;变卖产业 realization statement 变产帐目 realized investment 已实现投资 realized profit 已赚得利润;变现利益 realized value 变现价值 real-time delivery versus2 payment 实时货银交收 Real-Time Gross Settlement System [RTGS System] 实时支付结算系统 real-time payment versus payment 实时汇款同时交收 realty 不动产;房地产 reasonable expenses 合理费用 reassessment 重新评税;重新评定 rebate 回佣;回扣;退款 rebate of interest 利息回扣 rebound 回升;反弹 rebound in prices 价格回升 rebound strongly 大力反弹 rebuilding allowance 重建免税额 receipt 收入;收据 receipt for duty and interest 税款及利息收据 Receipted Demand Note 经加盖机印证明税款收讫的缴税通知书 receipts and payments account 收支账户 receivables 应收款项 receiver 接管人;破产管理人 receivership 接管;接管权 receiving bank 受理银行 receiving order 接管令 reciprocal basis 互惠原则 reciprocal duty 互惠关税 reciprocity 互惠措施;互惠条件 recision of contract 撤销合约 recognizance 签保;担保 recognized clearing house 认可结算所 recognized dealer3 of Exchange Fund bills 外汇基金票据认可交易商 recognized stock exchange 认可证券交易所 reconciliation 对帐 reconciliation process 帐目核对过程 reconciliation statement 对帐表;调整表 reconstruction of a company 重整公司 reconstruction of capital 资本重组 reconstruction tax 重建税 record date 注册日期;登记日期;记录日期 recourse 追索权;追索补偿 recover 追讨;复原 recoverable 可收回;可追收 recoverable advance 可追收的垫款;可收回的垫款 recoverable rent 可追收的租金 recovery 回稳;复苏;追偿 recovery action 追税行动;追索行动 recovery of estate duty 追讨遗产税 recurrent account 经常帐 recurrent cost 经常费用;经常成本 recurrent expenditure 经常开支 recurrent revenue 经常收入 recurrent subvention 经常资助金 recurrent subvention subhead 经常资助金分目 recursive economic model 递归经济模式 recycling [funds] 资金回流;资金再循环 red chip 红筹股 redeemable bond 可赎回债券 redeemable charge 可赎回的押记 redeemable loan capital 可赎回借贷资本 redeemable preference share 可赎回优先股 redeemable preferred share 可赎回有优先权的股份 redeemable securities 可赎回证券 redeemable share 可赎回股份 redeemable stock 可赎回股票 redemption 赎回 redemption charges 赎回费用 redemption date 赎回日期 redemption fee 赎回费用 redemption fund 赎回基金 redemption money 赎回金额;赎回款项 redemption of Tax Reserve Certificate 赎回储税券 redemption of unit 赎回单位 redemption on maturity 到期赎回 redemption price 赎回价格 rediscounted bill 再贴现票据 redomiciling 迁册 redomiciling scheme 迁册计划 reduced share 拆细股份 reducing balance 递减余额 reducing value 递减价值 reduction 减少;削减 reduction of full amount of duty 减低整笔税款 redundancy payment 裁员支出;裁员赔偿 re-establishment period 筹备复业期 re-export 转口 reference date [rating valuation] 估价根据日期〔评估差饷〕 refinancing 重新筹集资金 refinancing package 再行贷款计划;重新集资计划 reflationary policy 复苏政策;刺激景气政策 refund 退款;退还税款 Refund Notice 退还税款通知书 refund of brokerage 退还经纪佣金 refund of rates 退还差饷 refunding of estate duty 退还遗产税 Refurbishment Allowance for Hotels 酒店翻新免税额 register 登记册;记录册 register of assignment of book debt 账面债项转让登记册 register of businesses 商业登记册 register of certificates to bearer 不记名证明书登记册 register of charges 押记登记册 register of corporations 法团登记册 register of debenture holders 债权证持有人登记册 Register of Disqualification Orders 取消资格令登记册 register of holders of registered units 已登记单位的持有人登记册 register of interests in shares 股份权益登记册 register of professional accountants 专业会计师注册记录册 register of shareholders 股东名册 registered certificate 登记证明书 registered charge 已登记押记 registered company 注册公司 registered contract 已登记合约 registered dealer 注册交易商;注册证券交易商 registered deposit-taking company 注册接受存款公司 registered office 注册办事处 registered owner 登记拥有人 registered person 注册人 registered securities 注册证券 registered stock 登记公债 Registrar of Companies 公司注册处处长 Registrar of Money Lenders 放债人注册处处长 registration 登记;注册 Registration Division [Companies Registry] 公司文件注册部〔公司注册处〕 registration fee 登记费;注册费;过户费 registration number 注册编号 registration of contract 合约登记 Registry Manager [Companies Registry] 注册处经理〔公司注册处〕 regressive tax 累退税 regular audit 定期审计;定期核数 regular premium 定期保费 regular premium policy 定期缴付保费的保单 regularity auditing 合规性审计 regulate 调节;规管;规限 Regulation Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 监察科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 regulation of markets 市场调节;市场监察 regulator 监管机构 Regulatory Affairs Group [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 监察事务处〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕 regulatory body 监察机构;监管当局 regulatory committee 监管委员会 regulatory demand 调节需求 regulatory system 规管制度;监察制度;监管制度 rehabilitation loan 复兴借款 Rehabilitation Loan Sinking Fund 复兴借款偿还基金 reimbursement 偿款;发还款项;偿付;付还 reimbursement other than appropriation-in-aid 不包括补助拨款的偿款 reinsurance 再保险;分保 reinsurance business 再保险业务 reinsurance premium 再保险保费 reinsurance premium ceded 分出再保险保费 reinsurance premium payable 须付保的再保险保费 reinsurance treaty 再保险协约 reinsurer 再保险人 reinvestment 再投资 rejection of proof 拒绝债权证明 related corporation 有联系公司 relative 相对数字 relative size 相对比率 relative size of the public sector in gross domestic product 公营部门开支在本地生产总值中所占比率 relative size of the public sector in total expenditure 公营部门开支在总体开支中所占比率 relief 宽免;宽减 relief from double taxation 双重课税宽免 reminder 催缴单 remission 减免 remission of estate duty 减免遗产税 remittance 汇款 Remittance Advice 领款通知书 remittance charge memo 汇费通知单 remittance fee paid 汇费支出 remittance fee received 汇费收入 remittance overseas 海外汇款 re-mortgage 再按揭;再抵押 remuneration 酬金;薪酬;报酬 remunerative rate 有利比率 renewal of a loan 借款重贷 renewal of contract of insurance 续保 renewal of registration 登记续期;注册续期 renewal policy 续保保单 Renminbi Yuan [CNY] 人民币元 rent 租金 rent charge 租费 rent record 租金记录 rental income 租金收入 rental index 租金指数 rental return 租金收益 rent-free 免租 renunciation 放弃书 reorganization of capital 资本重组 reorganization of share capital 股本重组 repaid bill 已偿付库券 repayment 偿还;归还款项;退还税款 repayment capability 偿债能力 点击 ![]()
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