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F. I.B. free into barge (燃料)交到油驳价格 FILSD free in lashed,secured and dunnaged 船方不负担装货、捆扎、加固、隔垫(料)等费用 FIOS free in,out and stowed 船方不负担装卸费和理舱费 FIW free in wagon 船方不负担装人货车费 FLWS follows 跟随,下面 F/M export freight manifest 出口载货运费清单,运费舱单 FO free out 船方不负担卸货费 FO for orders 等待指示 FOB free on board 船上交货\ 离岸价格 F.O.W first open water 解冻后首次派船 FPA free of particular average 平安险 F. R. &C. C. free of rlots and civil commotions 暴动和内乱不保条款 FRT freioht 运费 F/T freight ton 运费吨 FW fresh water 淡水 F.W.D fresh water damage 淡水损害 FYG for your guidance 供你参考,供你掌握情况 FYR for your reference 供你参考 GENCON uniform general charter 统一杂货(程)租船标准合同,“金康程租合同” GR grain capacity gross (船舶)散装容积毛(重) GRT gross register tonnage 总登记吨 GW gross weight 毛重 HADIM hatch dimension 舱口尺寸 HD heavy diesel1 重柴油 HP horse power 马力 H.W. high water 高潮 IAC including address commisslon 包括租船人佣金 IFO intermediate fuel oil 中燃油 IMO international maritime2 organization 国际航海机构 IN inch 英寸 IND index 指数 INST instant 本月的,立即 INV invoice 发票 ITWF international transport workers federation 国际运输劳工协会 J.&W.O. jettison and washing overboard 投弃货物和甲板,货物被冲 KG kilogram 公斤 KM kilometer 公里 K/T kilo-tons 公吨 LAT latitude 纬度 LBS pounds 磅 LCL less than container load (集装箱)拼箱货 L.D. loaded draft 满载吃水 L/G letter of guarantee 保证书,保证信 LDG&BKG leakage andbreakage 漏损和破损 L.M.C. lloyd’s machinery3 certificate 劳合氏船机证书 LO liner out 由船方负担卸货费 LOAD-READY for loadreadying, ready to load 已备妥,可装货 LT liner terms 班轮条款 L/T long ton 长吨 (约合1.016公吨) LTD limited (有限) 公司 LW light weight 轻载重量 M. measurement 运价标记,按货物体积计算运价 MAX maximum 最大(多) MDO marine diesel oil 船用重柴油 MIN minimum 最小(少) MISC. miscellaneous 杂项 MME madame 夫人,女士 MOLSO more or less at seller’s option 溢短装由卖方选择 MPP multi-purpose (vessel4) 多用途(船) M/R,M. R. mate´ s receipt 大副收据 MS miss,mistress 小姐,夫人,女士 M/T,MT, metric ton 公吨(易与尺码吨相混,故尽量用K/T表示) MTD metric ton delivery on b0aro 每吨船上交货价 MV motor vessel 内燃机船 N.A.A. not always afloat 不经常漂浮 N.C.V no commercial value 无商业价值 N•H•P• nominal horsepower 定额马力 N/M no mark 无唛头,无标记 NOR notice of readtness 装卸准备就绪通知书 N/R notice of readiness 装卸准备就绪通知书 NRT net register tonnage 净登计吨 NVOCC non-vessel operations common carrier 无船公共承运人 OBO oil bulk and ore(carrier or ship) 石油,散货,矿砂(船) OCP overland common points 内陆共同点 O/P overage premium 老船加保费 OTLX our telex5 我方电传 OWRS owners 船东 PCE piece 一件 PCT percent 百分比 P.&I. protection and indemnity6 保赔协会 PENAVICO china ocean shipping7 agency 中国外轮代理总公司 P&I CLUB protection and indemnity club 船东保赔协会 P/L partial loss 部分损失 PLs please 请 P/N promissory note 期票 P.P. picked ports 选定港 PPO RATA in proportion 按比例(计算) PWWD per weather working day 每晴天工作日 R•A• refer to acceptor 交付接受人(汇票) RD running days 连续日 RE-DEL re-delivery 还船(期) REVERT- we(i) shall telling you about it again(or later) 详情后告 RF. N0. reference number (函电)参考号码 ROC with reference to our cable 参阅我方电报 RYC with reference to your cable 参阅贵方电报 RYT with reference to your telex 参阅贵方电传 S•C• salvage charges 救助费用 SEC second 秒 S/F stowage factor 积载因素 SHINC sundays, holidays included 星期日和节假日包括在内 SINOCHART china national chartering corporation 中国租船公司 S.L. salvage loss 救助损失 S/N shipping note 装船通知单 S/O shipping order 装货单,关单,下货纸 SOONEST as soon as posslble 尽决,尽速 SOS save our ship,a message for help (船舶遇难)呼救信号,救命 SP safe port 安全港 SPACETONS measurement tons including broken stowage space 包括亏舱在内的尺码吨 SPEC. specifications 规格,说明书 SR sign and release 签发和放行 SS steam ship 蒸汽机船 S/T short ton 短吨(约等于0.907公吨) SUBLET transfer the chartership 转租 SURCH surcharge 附加费 SWAD salt water arrival draft 抵港海水吃水 T/A transhipment additional 转船附加费 TBN to be nominated 待派船,待指定 T/C time charter 期租 TD type derricks 双杆吊(船吊类型) T. D. tweendeck 二层柜 TEMP temporary 临时的 TKS thanks 感谢 T.L.O. total loss only 仅保全损 T.P.CM. tons per cen(tpc) timeter 每厘米吃水吨数 TPND theft,pilferage and nondelivery 偷盗和提货不着(险) T/S tanker ship 油轮 TV tanker vessel 油轮 UD upper deck 上甲板 ULT ultimo, last month,ultimate 上月的,最后的 UU unless used 除非使用 V/C voyage charter 程租船 VLCC very large crude oil carrier 巨型油轮 VOY voyage 航程、航次 W gross weight 运价标记,按货物毛重计算运价 W.B.S. without benefit of salvage 无救助利益 W.G. weight guarantee 保证重量 WIBON whether in berth8 or not (船舶)不管靠泊与否 WIFPON whether in free pratique or not (船舶)不管检疫与否 WKG working 正在做 W/M gross wight or measurement 运价标记,按货物的毛重与体积分别计算, 按高者收费 W.P. weather permits 如果气候条件许可 WRTING we ( i ) shall write to you about it alter 详情函告 WTON weight ton 重量吨 WTSBENDS working time saved at both ends 装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算(速遣费) WWD weather working day 晴天工作日 WWDSH weather workinc ing day sundays,holidays included 晴天工作日,星期日和节假日包括在内 YC your cable 你的电报 YR. your 你的 YTLX your telex 你的电传 点击 ![]()
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