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来电显示 caller ID 蜡雕 wax carving1; wax sculpture 拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth 拉关系 try to curry2 favor with 垃圾融资 junk financing 垃圾邮件 junk e-mail 垃圾邮件 junk email; spam 垃圾债券 junk bond 垃圾综合处理 integrated garbage treatment 拉锯战 seesaw3 battle 啦啦队 cheering squad4 啦啦队长 "cheer-leader, rooter king" 拉力赛 endurance race 拉练 undergo field training by marching and camping 拉链工程 zipper5 project 拉尼娜现象 La Nina phenomenon 蜡染 batik; wax printing 蜡像馆 wax work museum 拉选票 seek a vote 来电 fall in love with someone 来电显示电话机 caller ID telephone 来料加工 process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing 来料、来样、来件加工产品 process products with materials supplied by clients 垃圾分类收集 separate waste collection 蓝筹股 blue chips 滥发文凭 issue diplomas recklessly 滥发纸币 excessive issue of bank notes; excessive note issue 蓝光光盘 Blue-ray Disc 蓝盔人员 blue helmet personnel 蓝领工人 Blue-collar worker 烂摊子 awful mess 蓝牙技术 bluetooth 滥用权力 abuse of power 滥用职权 abuse one's power;misuse one's authority 浪子回头 return to the fold; turn over a new leaf; return of the prodigal6 son 劳保医疗制度 labor7 medicare system “老大难” 问题 long-standing problem; big and difficult problem; lasting8, complex and hard-to-solve problem 劳动服务公司 labor service company;service company 劳动定额 labor quota9 劳动合同制 labor contract system 劳动教养 education through labor; rehabilitation10 through labor; indoctrination through labor 劳动力产权 labor property rights 劳动力的流动性 fluidity of labor 劳动力过剩 labor surplus;manpower surplus 劳动力资源配置 allocation of labor resources 劳动密集型 labor-intensive 劳动密集型产业 labor-intensive industry 劳动模范 model worker 劳动预备制度 vocational training system 劳动者素质 quality of the workforce11 劳动争议 labor dispute 劳改农场 reforming farm; reform-through-labor farm 老化效应 aging effect 老黄牛 a person who serves the people whole-heartedly; an honest and industrious12 worker 老龄委 senior citizens' work committee 老年保险制度 endowment insurance 老三届 junior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968; school leavers of 1966~1968 老少边穷地区 "former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas " 老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché 劳务费 service charge; service fee 劳务市场 labor market 劳务输出 export of labor services 老爷式的态度 bureaucratic13 attitude 老一套 old practice; the same old stuff; the same old story; the beaten track 老油条 wily old bird; old slicker 老中青三结合 combination of the old, the aged15" target="_blank">middle-aged14 and the young in the leadership 劳资 labor and capital 老字号 an old and famous shop or enterprise; time-honoured brand 劳资纠纷 trouble between labor and management 老子天下第一 regard oneself as the No.1 authority in the world 老年学校 school for the aged 劳保 labor insurance 克隆 clone 雷达覆盖区 radar16 coverage17 雷达跟踪 radar tracking 累犯 recidivist; incurable18 criminal 勒紧裤带 tighten19 one's belt 累进税率 progressive tax rate 冷板凳 cold stool; an indifferent post or a cold reception; cool one's heels 冷门 ark horse; a profession, trade or branch of learning that receives little attention; an unexpected winner 冷遇 cold reception; indifferent treatment 冷战思维 Cold War mentality20 离岸价格 free on board(FOB) 离岸金融市场 offshore21 market 篱笆墙 barriers/ blockage22 to inter-regional trading 理财 arrange the finance;money management 力挫 defeat with utmost effort 立等可取服务 instant service; on-the-spot service 立法真空 legislation vacuum 利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery 力争上游 strive for the best; aim high 立国之本 the foundation underlying23 all efforts to build the country 利好因素 wrinkle 理货公司 tally24 company 利基 niche25 离经叛道 rebel against the orthodoxy 理论与实际相结合 integrade theory with practice 礼尚往来 courtesy calls for reciprocity; courtesy demands reciprocity 历史遗产 historical heritage;legacy of history 历史遗留下来的问题 roblem left over by history; an issue rooted in history 利税分流 payment of the tax plus a percentage of profits to the state 理顺经济秩序 straighten out the economic order 力所能及 within one's power;to the bes of one's ability( capacity) 立体电视 three-dimensional television 立体开放口岸 trading port open to sea, land and air 立体农业 three-dimensional agriculture 立体式报道 an in-depth and comprehensive report 立体思考 three-dimensional thinking 立体战争 three-dimensional war 离退办 office for the affairs of the retired26 workers 离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees 礼仪小姐 ritual girl 礼仪小姐 guiding girl 立于不败之地 be in an invincible27 position;remain invincible 联产承包责任制 system of contracted responsibility linking remuneration to output; contract system with remuneration linked to output 连带责任 joint28 liability 联防 joint defense29 恋父情结 Electra complex 联购联销 joint purchasing and marketing30 联合公报 joint communique 联合国反腐败公约 UN Convention Against Corruption31 《联合国海洋法公约》 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 联合国环境署 UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) 联合国会费 the UN membership dues (fee) 联合国开发计划署 UNDP (United Nations Development Program) 联合国粮农组织 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation) 联合国维持和平部队 United Nations Peace Keeping Forces 联合国维和行动 UN peacekeeping operations 联合;合并 merger32 联合兼并 conglomeration33 and merger of enterprises 联合联络小组 joint liaison34 group 联合投标 syndicated tender 联机环境 on-line environment 廉价商店 discount shop;budget store; discount shop 廉价市场 bargain market; bargain center 廉洁奉公,以正治国 (of an official) clean and devoted35, and govern the state with his own example of uprightness 恋母情结 Oedipus complex 联赛 league match 连锁店 chain store 连锁反应 chain effect; domino effect 练摊 to be a vendor36 联体婴儿 Siamese twins 联网 on-line;be networked 联想集团 Legend Group 连续抽烟的人 chain smoker37 廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) 廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration 廉政建设 build a clean and honest government; strive for a clean government 廉政、勤政、务实、高效政府 an honest, diligent38, pragmatic and efficient government 两岸民间行业组织 non-governmental trade organizations across the Straits 两岸三地 the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong 两岸直航促进会 Association for Promotion39 of Cross-Straits Direct Transportation 两岸直航 cross-Straits direct transportation link 两大历史性课题(提高党的执政水平和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力) the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and wardingoff risks 两弹一艇 "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine" 两弹一星 atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and artificial satellite 亮底牌 reveal the ins and outs 两个对等的政治实体 two equal political entities41 两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethical42 progress 两会 two Conferences (i.e. the National People's Congress and the Chinese Political Consultative Conference) 粮食风险基金 grain risk fund 粮食流通体制 grain distribution system 粮食收购部门 (government's) grain procurement43 (purchasing) agencies 粮食主产区 major grain producing areas 两手抓两手都要硬 grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient importance to both 两思(致富思源,富而思进) to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence44 两条腿走路 walking on two legs 两头大、中间小 be small at both ends and big in the middle; a few at each extreme and many in between 亮相 pose; state one's view 良性循环 virtuous45 circle 两伊战争 the Iran-Iraq War 粮油关系 grain and oil rationing46 registration47 两院院士 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 两者不可兼得 You cannot eat your cake and have it. 量子力学 quantum mechanics 两岸关系 relations across the Taiwan Straits 联名存款帐户 joint account 连锁经营 chain-store operations 连体姐妹 conjoined twin sisters 疗效食品 remedy diet 《聊斋志异》 Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio 劣等品 shoddy goods; substandard goods; lemon (informal) 猎头公司 head-hunting company 列席会议 attend a conference without voting rights 临时巴勒斯坦国 provisional Palestinian state 临时工 temporary worker 临时牌照 temporary licence 临时主教练 caretaker coach 领海 territorial48 waters 零和博奕 zero-sum game; zero game 另类 a different, special, completely new or fashionable type or trend 另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music 零配件 spare and accessory parts 另起炉灶 make a fresh start 灵巧导弹 agile49 missile (建议)零售价 (suggested)retail price 领头羊 bellwether50 领土归属 territorial entitlement 领土完整 territorial integrity 薪领工人 new-collar workers 流窜犯 mobile criminal 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope." 流动服务 mobile service 流动人口 transient population; floating population 流动售货 mobile vending51 流动图书馆 travelling library; bookmobile 流动性负债 current liabilities 流动性资产 current assets 流动资产 current assets; liquid assets 流动资金 circulating fund; floating money; liquid fund; working fund 流水账 daybook;day-to-day account;current count 流通股 circulation stock 流通领域 circulation domain52 流通企业 distribution firm 流通系统 system for the distribution of commodities 留校 work at one's Alma Master after graduation 流行款式 fashion 流行事物 the in-thing 流行文化 pop culture 流星雨 meteor shower 流行字眼 vogue53 word; in-word; often-heard word 溜须拍马 fawn54 on; apple polish 留学咨询 consulting on the study abroad 六艺:礼、乐、射、御、书、数 "six classical arts: rites55, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic" 留职停薪 retain the job but suspend the salary 流转税 turnover56 tax; indirect tax 六方会谈 the Six-Party Talks 流感监测站 influenza57 monitoring station 流感疫苗接种 influenza vaccinations58 流行偶像 pop idol59 利息税 tax on interest from deposits 龙的传人 descendants of the dragon—the Chinese people 垄断行业 monopolized60 industry 隆乳 mammaplasty 龙头产品 flagship product (行业中的)龙头老大 leading enterprise; flagship of the industry 露马脚 give oneself away; reveal oneself; let the cat out of the bag; show the cloven hoof61 陆地和海洋生态系统 terrestrial and marine40 ecosystems62 陆基巡航导弹 ground-launched cruise missile 录取通知书 letter of admission 录取通知书 acceptance letter 录取线 admission line 路演 road show 乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 "unwarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction63 of fees from enterprises " 乱检查 make unwarranted inspections64 乱码 messy code 乱收费 arbitary charges 乱摊派 requisition donations arbitrarily 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款 "arbitrary charges, fund-raising quotas and fines" 轮岗 work shift 轮流(坐庄) in turn 论文答辩 (thesis) oral defense 《论语》 Analects of Confucius 轮值主席 rotating chairman 裸机 bare mobile phone 录取分数线 entry score 绿地覆盖率 forest coverage rate 绿化 afforestation 绿化运动 afforestation drive 绿卡 green card 旅客列车票价 price of passenger train tickets 绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People's Olympics 绿色产品 green product 绿色电脑 green computer 绿色急救通道 emergency green path 绿色科技 green science annd technology 绿色能源 green energy resource 绿色农业 green agriculture 绿色企业 green enterprise 绿色食品 green food 绿色通道(办证快捷通道) green channel; landscaped roadways 绿色银行 green bank 旅行纪录片 travel documentary 旅行结婚 honeymoon trip; wedding vacation; wedding travel 旅游定点饭店 certified restaurant/hotel for tourism 旅游黄金周 golden week for tourism 点击 ![]()
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