| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cellu-sizer ѹʽάɸ Celsius1 scale ϣ¶ȣ± Celsius thermometer ¶ȼ cembra fir (Pinus cembra, Pinus sibirica) ʯɣǺ cement bonded2 pulpstone ˮĥʯ cement-quartz mortar4 ˮʯӢɰ cemented steel ̼ cementing substance ճϼ center ply5 о㣻м center rewind ʽȡ center stock о㽬 center winding6 ʽȡ centigrade scale ϣ¶ȣ± centigrade thermometer ¶ȼ centipoise 岴 central board ư central layer of secondary в central processor 루Ϣ central ray мϸ centralized instrument panel DZ centricleaner γ centriclone γ centriffler γ centrifiner ʽ centrifugal ʽ centrifugal blower ʽķ centrifugal classifier ķѡ centrifugal cleaner γľ centrifugal exhauster ʽ centrifugal fan ʽ centrifugal filtration Ĺ centrifugal force centrifugal pump ı centrifugal sereen ʽɸʽԲɸ centrifugal scrubber ij centrifugal vacuum compressor ʽѹ centrifugation 루룩 centrifuge Ļ centri-petal İ centripress drainer ѹեˮ centri-sorter ɸ ceramic7 coating Ϳ ceramic fiber8 մά ceramic grindstone սĥʯ ceramic suction box cover մ ceramic time ש ceramics9 մɣƷ cercal straw Ȳ ceresine wax Cerex ϳֽMonsantoƷҵƣ chaff10 cutter вݻ chain ʽãͰ chain barker ʽƤ chain conveyer ʽ chain drive chain flail11 barker ʽƤ chain grate դʽ¯ chain grate stoker դʽú chain grinder ʽĥľ chain length chain molecule12 chain marks ֽţߺֽۣ chain peeler ʽƤ chain reaction Ӧ chain saw chainlide cell ״ϸ chalk chalking Ѵۻ chalking appearance ״ѻֽ chamber13 dryer14 chamotte ͻճ chamotte brick ճͻש change of deckle ߴ changeover switch ת changing of wire changing valve ת Chapman smoothness tester ChapmanƽȲⶨ char15 ̿ս characteristic curve characteristic test Բⶨ characteristics charcoal16 ľ̿ charge װװϣ磻 charger װ charging door װ¥ charging floor װ¥ charging hole װ charging hopper װ϶ charging of acid ͣϣҺ charging of chips װϣװľƬ charging of liquor Һ chart ͼ chattering17 of rolls Ͳ check ˶ԣУˣƣֹ check damper 絲 check plate check valve ֹ淧 checking ˶ԣ cheese roll ιιչ cheese wrapper Ұװֽ chelate ϼ chelating chemical affinity18 ѧƣѧ chemical agent ѧҩ chemical barking ѧƤ chemical bond ѧ chemical composition ѧɷ chemical consumption ѧҩƷ chemical debarking ѧƤ chemical degradation19 ѧ chemical efficiency ѧӦЧ chemical filter ѧ˶ chemical makeup20 ҩƷ chemical oxygen demand ѧ chemical recovery ѧҩƷգ chemical resistance ѧ chemical screenings ѧɸ chemical structure ѧṹ chemical test ѧ chemical-to-wood ratio ѧҩľĵıֵ chemical treatment ѧ chemical wood(pulp3) ѧľ chemically stable ѧȶ chemi-finer Ũĥ chemi groundwood ѧеľ chemipulp hot acid system ϵͳ chemipulp system ϵͳ chemipulper ʽ chemism ѧ chemisorption ѧ chefry(prunus) ӣ chefry birch (Betula lenta L.) 룬ӣƤ chest ۣأ chestnut21 tree cheviot ⻨ֽ chief chemist ܻѧʦ chief constituents22 Ҫ chief engineer ܹʦ chili23 wrapper װֽ chilled iron roll chill(ed) roll chime rings Բ chimney ̴ china grass(Boehmeria nivea) Chinese arbor-vitae (Biota orientalis Endz.) chinese red pine(Pinus massoniana Lamb.) β chip ľƬƬ chip assorting machine ľƬɸ chip belt feeder ľƬƤ chip bin24 ľƬ֣Ƭ chip charger ľƬװ chip charging with packer еװ chip charging without packer Ȼװ chip chute ľƬб chip classification ľƬɸ chip classifier ľƬɸ chip compression debarking press ˫ľƬƤ chip conveyer ľƬͻ chip crusher ľƬ chip dimensions ľƬ chip distributor ľƬװ chip dust ľмľƬм chip duster Ƭ chip elevator ľƬ chip feeder ľƬι chip filler ľƬװ chip filling ľƬװ chip filling device ľƬװ chip filling without filler ľƬȻװ chip fractionater ľƬɸ chip grinder ľƬĥ chip groundwood ľƬĥľ chip hopper װ©© chip mechanical pulp ľƬĥɭ֣ľƬе chip meter ľƬװ chip packer ľƬװ chip packing device ľƬװ chip pile ľƬ chip recrusher ľƬ chip screen ľƬɸƬɸ chip silo ľƬ֣Ƭ chip stock ֽ chip yard ľƬ泡ľ chipper Ƭ chipper disc Ƭ chipper disk Ƭ chipper knife Ƭ chipper spout25 ƬιϿ chipperman Ƭ chipping Ƭ chisel26 edge ڣ chlorate chlor-fastness ι chloric acid chloride Ȼ chlorinated lignin Ȼľ chlorinated lime Ư chlorinated starch27 Ȼ chlorinated stock washer Ȼϴ chlorinating agent Ȼ chlorination Ȼã chlorination stage Ȼ chlorination tank Ȼ chlorination tower Ȼ chlorination unit Ȼװ chlorinator Ȼ chlorinator with injector 䣨ʽȻ chlorinator with spiral tubing Ȼ chlorine ȣ chlorine cell ȵ chlorine compound Ȼ chlorine consumption Ⱥģ chlorine cylinder28 Һƿ chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide bleaching30 Ư chlorine dioxide tower ȴ chlorine dissolving tank Ȳ chlorine gas chlorine monoxide һ chlorine number ȼ chlorine requirement chlorine resistant31 chlorine still chlorine storage tank chlorine water ˮ chlorite chlorite bleaching Ư chlorcacetic acid ȴ chlorolignin Ȼľ chlorohydrin lignin ȴľ chloromix tower Ȼ chlorophyll Ҷ chlorous acid choke valve chopped reed έƬ chopped straw Ƭ chopper жװ chopping ж chromate chromaticity ɫ chromaticity diagram ɫͼ chromato gram ɫ chromatographic analysis ɫɫ chromatographic technique ɫɫ chrome brick ש chrome nickle steel chrome steel chrome vanadium steel chrome wire chrome yellow chromium oxide29 chromometer ɫ֭ chromophore ɫ chromophoric group ɫ chuck ̣ͷ churn 黯 chute бۣϲ cigarette tissue machine ֽ cigarette wrapping ̰װֽ cinchona(Cinchona) cinder32 ¯ cinder dust ¯ cinnamic aldehyde ȩ cipher33 룻ֽţˮӡ circuit ··· circuit break · circuit bresker ϵ翪أ· circuit diagram ·ͼ·ͼ circular chart ԲΣ̣¼ֽ circular cutter Բϻ circular former ˫װ circular saw Բ circular slitting34 knife ̵̶ circular swing saw ڶԲ circulating air ѭѭȷ circulating pump ѭ circulating stock chamber circulating system ѭϵͳ circulating water ѭˮ circumferential35 speed Բٶ cistern36 clack valve 귧ֹ clack digester ϸְ clack metal Ͻ cladding ϣ Claflin refiner Ⱦĥ clamp Уа壬ѹ壻ǯ clamp mark к clamp truck С clamping length оߵľ clamping rings ̶Բ clapped valve ֹ clarification clarified liquer Һ clarifier clarify clasp machine classification ɸ֣ãѡã classifier ɸ classify ɸ֣ѡࣻ claw צ claw wrench צͰǯ ![]()