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one at a time 一次一个人 one by one 一个接一个 One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 巧妇难为无米之炊 one day 有一天 one fine day 有一天 One good turn deserves1 another 善有善报 one in a thousand 难得 One man's guess is as good as another's 猜测终究是猜测 One man's meat is another man's poison 对某人有利的对另外的人未必有利 one of these days 总有一天 one of these fine days 总有一天 one reason or another 因为 One swallow does not make a summer 一花独放不是春 one way or another 无论如何 one who knows all the answers 万事通 One who plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者自焚 one 一个 one's best bib and tucker 最好的衣服 one's better feelings 良心 one's better self 本性中好的一面 one's blind side 缺点 one's day 顺利 one's ewe lamb 最珍爱的东西 One's eyes draw straws 昏昏欲睡 One's fingers are all thumbs 某人笨手笨脚 One's heart sinks within one 某人消沉泄气 One's hour has come 某人的死期已到 one's last will and testamnet 遗嘱 one's length of days 一个人的寿命 one's long home 坟墓 One's mouth is full of pap 乳臭未干 one's native heath 出生地 One's number is up 某人气数已尽 one's opposite number 对等的人 one's own flesh and blood 亲骨肉 one's pet aversion 某人最讨厌的东西 one's pygmy effort 绵薄之力 one's right hand 右手 one's strong suit 特长 One's sun is set 全盛时期已过 one's worse self 本性中坏的一面 one-acter 独幕剧 one-arm bandit 老虎机 one-bagger 一垒安打 one-base hit 一垒安打 one-celled 单细胞的 one-eyed 单眼的 one-horse 单马拉的 one-ideaed 单一思想的 one-man 个人的 one-night stand 在一处只演出一场 one-off 一次的 one-one 一对一的 one-pair 二楼的房间 one-piece dress 连衣裙 one-piece 整块的 one-seater 单人座 one-shot 只有一次的 one-sided love 单相思 one-sided 一面的 one-step 一步 one-time 以前的 one-to-one 一一对应 one-track 单轨的 one-up 领先的 one-upmanship 高人一等的作风 one-way 单向 onefold 单一的 oneiric 梦的 oneirocritic 解梦的 oneirocritical 解梦的 oneiromancy 解梦 oneness 单一 oner 无比的人 onerous 繁重的 oneself 自己 onfall 攻击 onflow 湍流 ongoing 进行的 onion 洋葱 onionskin 薄纸 oniony 洋葱似的 online 联机 onlooking 目击 only to 却 only 唯一的 onomastic 名字的 onomastics 名字的 onomatopoeia 拟声 onomatopoeic 拟声的 onomatopoetic 拟声的 点击 ![]()
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