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boiler 整形模 sizing die 直流电焊机 DC welder 直流焊机 DC welder 直流弧焊机 DC arc welder 直流弧焊机 DC arcway welder 直流弧焊机 Dc welder 直流稳压电源 DC regulated power supply 制牙成形模 teeth shaping die 制牙圈耳模 teeth circular shaping die 制牙圈圆 teeth circular cutting die 中频碎火控制设备 middle frequency quench1 control 中型洛氏硬度计 middle rockwell hardness meter 中央配电室 power switch room 重氨晒图机 heavy ammonia blue print apparatus 主减速器壳攻丝机 threading machine for final drive house 主减速器壳铰孔机 reaming machine for final drive house 主减速器壳五孔粗镗 rough boring machine for five hole on final drive house 主减速器壳五孔精镗 finish boring machine for five holes on final drive house 柱式回转悬臂吊 colume suspension crane 柱式悬臂吊 colume suspension crane 铸工变电所冲压 transformer of casting shop-stamping shop 铸工车间 casting shop 铸工金相室 metallography room of casting shop 铸工扩建1 casting shop expanding 1 铸工扩建2 casting shop expanding 2 铸工浴室 bath room of casting shop 专家楼 expert rooms 转塔式六角车床 turn turret2 lathe 转台式斜断锯 turn-table cutting saw 转台式斜断锯 turn-table oblique3 saw 转向力角测量仪 steering force gauge 锥齿轮研齿机 bevel gear lapping machine 锥齿轮研齿机 taper gear grinder 紫光扫描仪 scanner 紫外光分光度计 ultraviolet spectral4 photometer 自动恒流充电机 auto stabilizing5 charger 自行车棚 bicycle shed 总机程控交换机 process control telephone switchboard 总装板式输送机北 assembling conveyer (north) 总装板式输送机南 assembling conveyer (south) 钻铣床 drilling and milling machine 裂解部分 cracking section 初分馏 primary fractionation 急冷水系统 quench water system 稀释蒸汽 dilution steam generation 裂解气压缩 cracked gas compression 碱洗 caustic6 wash 干燥和凝液汽提 drying and condensate stripping 脱甲烷 demethanizing 乙烯精炼 ethylene purification 脱丙烷塔 depropanizer 脱丁烷塔 debutanizer 丙烯精制 propylene purification 制冷循环 refigeration cycles 裂解汽油加氢 cracked gasoline hydrogenation 丁二烯抽提 butadiene extraction 作废 void 进料预热和裂解 feed preheating and cracking 初分馏塔和急冷塔 primary fractionater and quench tower 稀释蒸汽的发生 dilution steam generation 裂解气压缩机 cracked gas compressor 碱洗系统 caustic washing system 丙烯制冷剂循环 propylene refrigerant cycle 乙烯制冷剂循环 ethylene refrigerant cycle 一段加氢精馏工段 first stage hycrogenation distillation7 section 废碱处理 spent caustic treatment 排放的烃类回收系统 released HC collecting system 生化处理 biological treatment 开工锅炉 start up boilers 石脑油 naphtha 轻质裂解原料油 light cracking feed oil 丙烯 propylene 共裂解 cocracking with 在工况三中 in case 3 裂解管的优化选择 selection of optimum cracking coil 苛刻的工作条件 extreme operating conditions 约为0.5 巴 ca.0.5 bar 在运转初期 at S.O.R 这是U 型设计所特有的 inherent to the U-design 炉管运行周期 coil runlength 对流段 convection section 辐射段炉管 radiant coils 稀释蒸汽与烃类比 dilution steam hydrocarbon8 ratio 进料量变化 feed rate changes 超前-滞后蒸汽/进料比控制 lead-lag steam/feed ratio control 分配不均匀 mal-distribution 临界流量文丘里管 critical flow Venturi 呈行列布置 be located in-line 引风机 I.D.fan (inducted draft) 约365 365 approx 不会结垢 non flouling behaviour 吹灰器 soot blower 露点 dewpoint 循环泵 pumparound 回收回路 recovery loop 稀释蒸汽负荷 dilution steam duty 筛板塔盘 sieve trays 酸性水汽提塔 soul water stripper 低热通量 low heat fluxes (苯)酚 phenol 排放物 blowdown 抑制剂 inhibitor 去氧剂 oxygen scavenger 磷酸盐 phosphate 分散剂 dispersant 消泡剂 anti-foam 聚合现象 polymerization phenomena 物相 phase 低温分馏 low temperature fractionation 绝对压力 abs 与•相配 b compatible with 加氢催化剂 hydrogenation catalysts 补充氢气压力 H2 make-up gas pressure 放热 exothermicity 聚合物 polymer 进料/出料换热器 feed/effluent exchanger 失控反应 runaway reaction 浸渍 impregnation 胶状物 gum forming compounds 活化,再生 reactivations, regenerations 过剩氢气 the exess of H2 gas 汽化 vaporization 残余的双烯烃 residual amount of diolefins 加氢胶硫 hydrodesulfurization 硫 sulfur 矾土载体 alumina carrier 成对法兰 conpanion flange 对接法兰 counterflange 乙醛 acetaldehyde 醋酸 acetic acid 丙酮 acetone 乙炔 acetylene 丙烯酸 acylic acid 丙烯酸树脂 acylic resin 标高 EL 快递 EMS 快递 DHL 原料油 feed oil 就地仪表盘 local panel 板式塔 plate column 填料塔 packed column 压缩天然气 CNG 液化天然气 LNG 环氧树脂 epoxy resin 乙稀贴 vinyl appliques 氟里昂 freon 阻燃尿烷泡沫 self-extinguishing urethane foam 聚氨酯 polyurethane ABS 共聚体 点击 ![]()
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