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11.Byzantine :拜占庭艺术风格的 (adj.) A term used to describe a style of art with strong religious content. 艺术风格突出强烈宗教色彩的。 The Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th century and was characterized by art with religious influence. 拜占庭式艺术始于13世纪,一直延续到16世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。 12.calligraphy1 书法艺术 Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or “beautiful” writing as a decorative2 art. 书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可作装饰的笔迹。 Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in today’s computerized society. 在今天的电脑时代,书法艺术差不多要消亡了。 13.cartoon 草图,底图 A full-size, preliminary painting or sketch3 for a completed work. 一部完整艺术作品的雏形。 Leonardo da Vinci’s cartoon of the Virgin4 Mary and Saint Anne hangs in the British National Gallery. 达·芬奇的圣母马丽亚和圣安妮画像的草图现存于英国国家美术馆。 14.ceramics (1)The art of making objects such as pottery6 or clay. (2)The objects themselves. 陶器制作艺术;陶器制品。 Savannah enjoys making ceramic5 pottery. 萨文喜欢做陶器。 15.collage7 :拼贴艺术 A composition of found objects, newspaper, and cloth over other material on a single surface. 把拣得的报纸、碎布等在画面上粘贴成画。 We used to make computer collages8 when I was in college by first pasting various items together and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen. 我们在大学时曾用电脑制作拼贴画。其步骤是:首先,将各种材料粘在一起,然后用摄像机将图像传送到电脑上。 16.composition :艺术作品 Aesthetically9 pleasing, harmonious10, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole. 各部分和谐生动、符合美学规律的作品。 Matisse used color and shapes and worked back and forth11 until he felt he had achieved a balanced composition. 马蒂斯反复调试色彩、构思图案,终于画了一幅布局和谐的作品。 17.computer art 计算机艺术 2 Electronically produced images displayed on video screen. 在屏幕上显示运用电子手段设计图像的艺术。 Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public. 当80年代个人电脑开始普及之后,计算机艺术也流行起来。 18.cubism :立方主义;立体派 A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century) 20世纪初出现的一个艺术流派。它抛弃传统现实,强调艺术作品的形体结构,即同时性、多角度性及扭曲的视角。 Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 帕勃洛·毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用。 19.Dada :达达主义 A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes. 流行于1915年至1925年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。矛盾的主题。 Dadaism asked “what is art?” and used humor and shock value as communicative elements. 达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。 20.drawing :素描 A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil. 用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生图。 The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York. 米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。 点击 ![]()
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