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51.pop art :波普艺术 A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly. (mid-20th century) 把精确复制大众文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。起源于20世纪中期。 Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s. 早在50年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动,直到90年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖人物。 52.primitivism :原始风格 A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content. 形式处理和内容表现力求简洁,避免复杂化或工艺手段的创作风格。 The famous series of “cut-outs” by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism. 亨利·马蒂斯著名的《割断》系列作品是原始主义流派的代表作之一。 53.realism :现实主义风格 Art that depicts1 reality as it appears. 以写实的手法描绘现实。 I am in awe2 when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer. 欣赏着17世纪荷兰画家杨·弗美尔的风景画,我被其中的现实主义风格所震撼。 54.Renaissance3 :文艺复兴时期风格的;文艺复兴 (adj.)Art that is classical in form and content. (n.) revival4 of aesthetics5 of classical antiquity6. (14th – 17th century) 艺术作品的形式和内容具有古典主义色彩的;从14世纪延续到17世纪的经典传统美学的复兴。 Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists of today. 现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复兴时期的艺术珍爱有加。 Much of the greatest art in the history of the world was produced during the Renaissance. 世界艺术史上最伟大的作品很多是在文艺复兴时期产生的。 55.rococo7 :洛可可艺术的;洛可可式的 A style with ornamental8, poetic9, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes. 融装饰性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。 Mrs. Mead10 is looking for a chair in rococo style. 米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。 56.sculpture :雕刻术;雕塑术 The art of carving11 wood, chiseling12 stone, casting or welding metal, molding clay or wax, etc. into three-dimensional representations, as statues, figures, forms, etc. 通过对木头、石头进行雕刻,对金属加以铸造、焊接,或对泥、蜡加工制成的三维雕塑作品。 Mr. Rushmore which depicts images of 4 U.S. presidents in the Black Hills, South Dakota, is one of the most famous sculptures in America. 在南达科他州布莱克山区的拉什莫尔山刻有四位美国总统的雕像。它们是美国最有名的雕塑之一。 7 57.self-portrait :自画像 A depiction13 of an artist’s own face 艺术家创作的自己的肖像画。 Artist’s self-portraits are usually very sought-after works of art. 人们总是乐于求购艺术家的自画像。 58.still lift :静物画 A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items. 以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、水果、家什等。 Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples. 赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画闻名遐迩。 59.surrealism :超现实主义 A style using subconscious14 mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery. 将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。 The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism. 艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。 60.Symbolism :象征主义 A 19th century French movement that rejected realism and expressed subjective15 visions through evocative images. 产生于19世纪的法国艺术运动。它摒弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意像表达主观感受。 Great art most always incorporates symbolism. 伟大的艺术几乎总具有象征意义。 点击 ![]()
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