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91.cash flow :现金流通 Fluctuations2 in a company’s cash position 公司现金形势的波动情况。 Our company is currently having a cash flow problem. 92.CEO :总裁,总经理 An acronym3 for “chief executive officer”. The highest executive officer of a company. “chief executive officer”的缩略词。指公司的最高行政长官。 Advertisers are using CEO’s more frequently in their company’s commercials because studies show that people trust and admire leaders. 广告商们在广告片中越来越多地利用总裁的形象,因为研究表明,人们相信、崇拜领导者。 93.Chapter 11 :破产条款 A bankruptcy4 code section that applies to a corporation going out of business which may require restructuring. 破产法的部分章节,适用于需要重组的倒闭公司。 Rumors5 are spreading that one of the big movie companies is filing a chapter 11. 有谣言说一家大的电影公司正申请破产。 94.commercialism :重商主义,商业行为 The practice and spirit of business in which the making of profits is emphasized. 商业做法和精神,强调利润的追求。 Many American dislike the commercialism that is associated with Christmas. 95.competition :竞争 The rivalry6 between similar businesses for customers or clients. 经营产品相近的厂商间争夺顾客或客户的斗争。 Competition in business is good because it generally results in better quality and lower prices for consumers. 商业竞争中是好事,它可以为消费者带来更好的质量和更低的价格。 96.conglomerate7 :集团公司,联合大企业 A corporation made up several companies that produce large quantities of output in a variety of industries. 诸多产业中,由几家公司组成的股份公司,大量生产各种产品。 Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate. 宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。 97.consumerism :(1)消费;(2)消费者权益运动 The consumption of goods and service. 商品和服务的耗费 Inflation always hurts consumerism. 通货膨胀总是打击消费。 The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims. 保护消费者免受劣质产品和误导性广告的侵害。 The U.S. Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism. 美国食品和医药管理局想规范消费者权益运动。 98.consumer price index :消费品价格指数 A measure of the fluctuation1 in prices of common consumer goods and services over a fixed8 time period. 在一定时期内衡量常用消费品和服务价格波动情况的一种尺度。 The consumer price index is a good reference tool to use in order to learn how much the price of a specific item has changed over the last several years. 12 想了解某一特定商品在过去几年内的价格变化情况,消费品价格指数是一个很好的工具。 99.corporate9 ladder :公司的官阶 A series of steps in the organizational hierarchy10 of a company. 公司组织等级制度中的一系列晋升阶梯。 Climbing the corporate ladder is not as popular as it used to be. 走公司的晋升之道不象以前那样有吸引力了。 100.corporate raider :强行收购 A person, company, etc. that attempts to take over another company, exp. by buying up the stock of the target company. 个人或公司通常以全部买下其看准的公司的股份而吞并该公司。 点击 ![]()
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