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211.bail1 : 保释金 Money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant2 while awaiting trial. 存放在法庭的一定数量的保证金,以使被告在候审期间获得释放。 Frank’s wife came down to the police station to bail him out. 弗兰克的妻子到警察局将他保释出来。 212.ballistics : 弹道学 The science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets. 研究火器及子弹运动的科学。 A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime. 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。 213.blackmail3 : 敲诈,勒索 The act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. sexual scandals, in order to extract money. 以揭露隐私特别是性丑闻为威胁手段以谋取钱财的行为。 Linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor. 林达涉嫌敲诈市长的丑闻。 214.black market : 黑市 A market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged. 非法或紧俏物资的销售点,或者非法换汇的地方。 Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market. 黑帮总在黑市购买攻击性武器。 215.blood money : 血腥钱 Money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc. 为他人受伤、丧命、损坏财产而付出的酬金。 The mafia paid blood money to have that man killed. 黑手党拿出血腥钱将那人杀了。 26 216.body bag : 装尸袋 A heavy-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse4. 一种结实的用来装运尸体的袋子。 The officer warmed the man to drop his gun or “end up in a body bag.” 警察警告那人放下武器,否则必死无疑。 217.bomb squad5 : 爆破小组 A team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate6 bombs. 经专门训练,从事排除和拆卸炸弹的一支警察队伍。 The bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb. 有关部门请来爆破小组拆除这枚汽车炸弹。 218.bootlegging : 贩卖违禁品 The illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc. 非法销售物品如酒类、毒品、枪支等。 Three Mexicans were arrested for bootlegging firearms across the border. 三名墨西哥人因越境贩卖枪支而被捕。 219.break-in : 非法闯入 A burglar 入室盗窃 It looks like you are the victim of a break-in. 看起来,你是入室盗窃的受害者。 220.bribery7 : 行贿受贿 The act of offering, giving, or taking bribes8. 赠送,提供,或接受贿金的行为。 The congressman9 resigned after having been found guilty of bribery. 这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。 点击 ![]()
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