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coloured diamond colouring material combed combed yarn combination frame combination of natural and artificial fibre product Combined Free Quota2/Swing Scheme Combined Nomenclature Codes [CN Codes] Combined Nomenclature (Harmonized System) Number combined trade mark combined yellow gold and steel watch band combing [pre-spinning process] commendable3 increase commercial electronic data interchange service commercial information Commercial Information Circular [CIC] commercial policy commercial publication commercial relation Commercial Relations and Control Group Commercial Relations Branch Commercial Relations Registry commercial relationship commercial satellite commercially appealing comminution Commission of the European Communities Commission of the European Communities Office in Hong Kong commissioned work
Committee for the Implementation8 of Textile Agreements [CITA] Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices Committee on Government Procurement9 [World Trade Organization] Committee on Intellectual Property Committee on Regional Trade Agreement [World Trade Organization] Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade Committee on Trade and Environment [World Trade Organization] Committee on Trade and Investment [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation] commodity commodity item code number "common carrier" system common channel signalling Common Customs Tariff10 [CCT] Common Customs Tariff Nomenclature common gas distribution network common quota unit Commonwealth11 of Independent States [CIS] Commonwealth Preference Certificate Commonwealth Preference Certificate Circular communal12 industry support service communal manufacturing support facilities communications channel controller communications hub communications industry communications sector communications service Community Electronic Trading Service [CETS]
Community-wide Eco-label Award Scheme [EC] compact disc [CD] Companies Registry company company chop Company-wide Quality Culture, A Company-wide Quality Performance Improvement Programme comparative law compartmentalized function compensation of employees compensation trade Competence-based Management Development Programme competent laboratory Competition Authority competition policy
competitive edge competitive need limit competitive tender competitiveness competitor complete spectacles Complex Commercial Crimes Ordinance13 [Cap. 394] complex monopoly component garment component part component subcategory
Composite Consumer Price Index [CPI] composite needle composite theoretical performance [CTP] compositor [printing industry] comprehensive economic freedom index Comprehensive Services Policy Comprehensive Shipments Policy compression mould compression moulding compression moulding machine compressive shrinkage compressor Comptroller-General [United Kingdom Patent Office] compulsory16 licence computer numerically-controlled machine [CNC machine] computer numerically-controlled machine tool [CNC machine tool] computer numerically-controlled turret17 punching [CNC turrent punching] computer peripheral18 computer terminal computer using facility Computer Verification Unit computer-aided colouring [CAC] computer-aided design [CAD] computer-aided design of moulds and dies Computer-aided Design Service Centre computer-aided design system computer-aided grading system computer-aided manufacturing [CAM] computer-aided manufacturing system computer-aided process planning computer-generated work computer-integrated manufacturing [CIM] Computer-integrated Manufacturing Conference and Exhibition computerized colour kitchen Computerized Database and Image System [Intellectual Property Department] computerized management information system computerized sequencer computerized solution analyzer and dispenser system computerized stockkeeping software computerized typesetting system computer-to-plate system concealing20 loose ends of yarns21 concentrated load concerted party concerted unilateral liberalization concession22 for foreign investment concrete concurrent23 engineering concurrent use condition code conflict of interest consign consignment26 consignment check consignment check referral consolidation30 consolidator31 constant market price constant price production-based Gross Domestic Product estimates [constant price production-based GDP estimates] constructed export price constructed normal value Construction Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations [Cap. 59] construction undertaking32 consultancy service consultation33, conciliation34 and mediation35 consumer and light engineering product Consumer Council Consumer Council Ordinance [Cap. 216] consumer electronics consumer expenditure37 consumer fundamentals consumer goods Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance [Cap. 456] Consumer Goods Safety Regulation [Cap. 456] Consumer Legal Action Fund consumer market consumer organization consumer policy Consumer Price Index (A) Consumer Price Index (B) Consumer Price Index Report Consumer Product Safety Act [CPSA] [United States] Consumer Product Safety Commission [CPSC] [United States] Consumer Protection Act 1961 [United Kingdom] Consumer Safety Act 1978 [United Kingdom] consumer spending Consumers International consumption
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