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1 linear metre of paper record 1 linear metre of storage 100% pensionability 12-day rule 12-month annual leave and passage cycle 1989 Salary Structure Review 1999 Fringe Benefits Survey 20 Years Meritorious1 Service Certificate 30 Years Meritorious Service Certificate 40 Years Meritorious Service Certificate 90% pensionability abnormal duty abscondence absence absence from duty absence not counting as leave absence on leave absence without leave absence without reasonable cause absence without reasonable excuse absent with apologies absorbed into stock academic accreditation4 accelerated promotion5 acceptance of advantages and entertainment acceptance of free service Access to Information Officer access to personal records Accession Register [GF 39] accommodation accommodation allowance Accommodation Allowance Scheme Accommodation Circular Accommodation Circular Memorandum6 Accommodation Regulations accountability accountable accountable allowance accountable to . . . Accounting7 Circular Accounting Circular Memorandum accounting class accounting framework Accounting Officer accounting period accreditation criteria8 accrediting9 and validating10 agency accumulation limit accumulation of leave accused officer acknowledge receipt of . . . acknowledgement of inventory12 across-the-board pay increase acting . . . in addition to his appointment acting . . . vice2 . . . acting allowance acting appointment Acting Chief Executive acting for administrative14 convenience acting office acting pay acting with a singling-out effect acting with a view to substantive15 appointment acting with a view to substantive promotion acting-up action by . . . action checklist action copy to . . . action plan action required action taken action to be taken active duty active leave balance active record active service activity-based costing actual conflict actual expenditure16 ad hoc basis ad hoc committee ad hoc group ad hoc proposal ad personam member ad personam promotion post ad personam promotion system additional pension Additional Pension Paper [GF 29B] additional post adjudicating panel [for disciplinary matters] Adjudicator Administration Wing [Adm Wing] [Chief Secretary for Administrations Office] Administrative Appeals Board administrative class administrative ethical17 practice Administrative Ethics18 Checklist Administrative Fairness Checklist administrative function administrative grade administrative guidelines Administrative Officer Administrative Officer, Staff Grade A Administrative Officer, Staff Grade B Administrative Officer, Staff Grade B1 Administrative Officer, Staff Grade C administrative order administrative practice administrative record [also known as housekeeping record] admonition adopted child ADR Method [Alternate Dispute Resolution Method] advance of leave advance of salary advance of vacation leave Advance Purchase of Excursion Tickets [APEX19] Advanced Certificate in Human Resources Management in the Public Sector20 Advanced I Examination [Civil Service Examinations Unit] advanced leave advancement21 advisory committee Advisory Committee on Post-retirement23 Employment advisory letter Aeronautical24 Communications Officer agency agreement aggregate25 working hours aggregation26 of leave passage allowance agreed establishment agreed procedure agreed time frame agreed timetable Agreement of Charge [GF 195] agreement officer agreement officer on annual leave terms Agreement on Government Procurement27 [World Trade Organization] agreement terms agreement terms of appointment Agricultural Laboratory Technician Agricultural Officer Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department [AFCD] Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Staff Association Air Crewman Officer Air Traffic Control Officer Air Traffic Flight Services Officer air-conditioning allowance Air-Conditioning Inspector28 Aircraft Engineer Aircraft Technician Airport Authority [AA] [also known as Airport Authority Hong Kong] alimentary29 allowance allocated30 stock item allocated stores allocated stores ledger31 allocated stores return note allocated stores survey allocation of responsibilities allocation warrant alternate chairman Alternate Dispute Resolution Method [ADR Method] alternate member alternate Saturday-off system Amalgamated32 Union of Government Technical Inspectors33, Clerks of Works and Works Supervisors34 Amalgamated Union of Highways, Drainage Services, Civil Engineering & Territory Development Departments Engineering Staff amalgamation35 of ranks Ambulance Officer Ambulanceman amendment sheet Amenities Officer Amenities Officers Association amount of annual reduction Analyst/Programmer anniversary date annual allowance annual allowance gratuity39 Annual Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure annual increment40 annual leave Annual Leave Detail Form annual leave eligibility41 period annual leave passage annual leave terms annual paid-up pension annual pension Annual Pension Claim Form annual pensionable emolument42 annual programme plan annual registered pension annual salary APEX [Advance Purchase of Excursion Tickets] appeal board appendix Application for Adjustment in Allowance [Home Financing Scheme] application for appointment Application for Collection of Quarters Furniture Application for Leave [GF 62] Application for Local Education Allowance [GF 380 (Revised)] Application for Medical & Dental Treatment [GF 181] Application for Overseas Education Allowance [GF 425] Application for Permission to Accept an Outside Appointment Following Retirement from Government Service Application for Supply of Quarters Furniture application for transfer Application for Write-off under SPR 1070(a)(ii) [GF 403] Application for Write-off under SPR 1070(b)(iv) [GF 402] application procedure appointed day appointed member appointment appointment checking appointment held appointment last held appointment on expatriate terms appointment on local terms appointment on transfer appointment on trial appraisal form appraisal interview appraisal period appraisal report appraisal system appraising47 officer apprentice48 grade apprenticeship49 appropriate point below the minimum of the pay scale approval-in-principle approved lending institution approved manning scale approved post approved scale of quarters furniture Approved Schools List approving authority approving officer arbitration51 procedure Architect Architectural Services Department [Arch SD] Architectural Services Department Architects Association Architectural Services Department Landscape Architects Association Architectural Services Department Maintenance Surveyors Association Architectural Services Department Quantity Surveyors Association Architectural Services Department Structural52 Engineers Association archival record archives administration programme Archivist area of specialization area of work Armourer arrival notice Artisan Arts in Government Building Scheme Asian Ombudsman Conference assertiveness53 training assessment54 panel assessment panel mechanism55 assessment test Assessor assignment of emolument Assistant Officer assistant rank Assistant Shipping57 Master assisted homeward passage associate member Association of Assistant Principals of Government Secondary Schools Association of Assistant Social Work Officers (S.W.D.) Association of Building Services Engineers of Housing Department Association of Companies Registration58 Officers Association of Customs & Excise59 Service Officers Association of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong Association of Female Senior Government Officers, The Association of Government Calligraphists Association of Government Cartographic Staff Association of Government Cultural Services Assistants Association of Government Education Administrators60 Association of Government Information Officers Association of Government Land & Engineering Surveying Officers Association of Government Local Land Surveyors Association of Government Printing Officers Association of Government Secretarial Staffs Association of Government Statisticians Association of Government Supervisors of Typing Services Association of Government Survey Officers (Estate) Association of Government Technical and Survey Officers Association of Hong Kong Civil Servants Association of Hong Kong Nursing Staff Association of Hospital Administrators, Hong Kong Association of Insolvency61 Officers Association of Inspectors, Education Department Association of Inspectors of Works and Works Supervisors of Housing Department Association of Laboratory Assistants and Technicians in Education Department Association of Labour Administrators Association of Lecturers at the Hong Kong Institute of Education Association of Liaison62 Officers, Home Affairs Department Association of Local Engineers of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Association of Managers, Cultural Services Association of Police Communications Officers Association of Police Translators Association of Principal and Senior Assistant Masters and Mistresses of Education Department Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools Association of Purchasing and Supplies Officers Association of Scientific Officers (Medical) Association of Technical Officers (Cultural Services) Association of Technical Staff (HAD) Association of Trade Controls Officers (C & E Department) Association of Water Meter Reading Staff assumption of duty assumption paper A-stores: local landing charges at centre at discretion63 at float attach attainment64 test attendance register attention [attn.] attentiveness65 to duties attn. [attention] Audiology Technician audio-visual record Audit Commission Auditors69 Association Audit Commission Examiner Grade Association Audit Department Clerical Staff Association authentication70 report authoritative71 response authorization72 of expenditure authorized73 absence authorized insurer authorized signature authorizing74 officer automated75 search-aid system automatic increment Automatic Order System Auxiliary76 Medical Service [AMS] Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal--First Clasp Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal--Gold Medal Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal--Second Clasp Auxiliary Medical Service Long Service Medal--Third Clasp available date [quarters] average basic salary average job size average line average merit increase average merit payment average monthly issue rate average overall incremental increase Awards Committee
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