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Accessory Accessory Shoes Achromatic Active Acutance Acute-matte Adapter Advance system AE Lock(AEL) AF(Autofocus) AF Illuminator4 AF spotbeam projector Alkaline Ambient light Amplification5 factor Angle finder Angle of view Anti-Red-eye Aperture priority APO(APOchromat) APZ(Advanced Program zoom7) Arc ASA(American Standards Association) Auto composition Auto exposure Auto exposure bracketing Auto film advance Auto flash Auto loading Auto multi-program Auto rewind Auto wind Auto zoom Automatic exposure(AE) Automation Back Back light Back light compensation Background Balance contrast Bar code system Barrel distortion BAse-Stored Image Sensor11 (BASIS) Battery check Bayonet Blue filter Body-integral Bridge camera Brightness control Built in Bulb Button Camera Camera shake Cap Card Case CCD(Charge Coupled Device) CdS cell Center spot Center weighted averaging Circle of confusion Close-up Coated Compact camera Composition Compound lens Computer Contact Continuous advance Continuous autofocus Contrast Convetor Coreless Correction Coupler CPU(Central Processing Unit) Creative expansion card Cross Curtain Customized function Data panel Definition Delay Depth of field Depth of field preview Detection Diaphragm Diffusers DIN9 (Deutsche Industrische Normen) Diopter Dispersion Display Distortion Double exposure Double ring zoom Dreams filter Drive mode Duration of flash DX-code
Electro selective pattern(ESP) EOS(Electronic Optical System) Ergonomic EV(Exposure value) Evaluative metering Expert Exposure Exposure adjustment Exposure compensation Exposure memory Exposure mode Exposure value(EV) Extension tube Extension ring External metering Extra wide angle lens Eye-start Eyepiece Eyesight correction lenses Field curvature Fill in Film Film speed Film transport Filter Finder First curtain Fish eye lens Flash Flash range Flash ready Flexible program Focal length Focal plane Focus Focus area Focus hold Focus lock Focus prediction Focus priority Focus screen Focus tracking Focusing Focusing stages Fog filter Foreground Frame Freeze Fresnel lens Frontground Glare GN(Guide Number) GPD(Gallium Photo Diode) Graduated Half frame Hand grip High eye point High key Highlight Highlight control High speed Honeycomb metering Horizontal Hot shoe Hyper manual Hyper program Hyperfocal IC(Integrated Circuit) Illumination angle Illuminator Image control Image size lock Infra-red(IR) Instant return Integrated Intelligence Intelligent power zoom Interactive25 function Interchangeable Internal focusing ISO(International Standard Association) Landscape LCD data panel LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) LED(Light Emitting Diode) Lens Lens cap Lens release Lithium battery Lock Low key Low light LSI(Large Scale Integrated) Macro Magnification Main switch Manual Manual exposure Manual focusing Matrix metering Maximum Metered manual Metering Micro prism Minimum Mirror Mirror box Mirror lens Monitor Monopod Motor Mount MTF (Modulation Transfer Function Multi beam Multi control Multi-dimensional Multi-exposure Multi-image Multi-mode Multi-pattern Multi-program Multi sensor Multi spot metering Multi task Negative Neutral Neutral density31 filter Ni-Cd battery Off camera Off center OTF(Off The Film) One ring zoom One touch Orange filter Over exposure Panning Parallel Parallax Partial metering Passive Pastels filter PC(Perspective Control) Pentaprism Perspective Phase detection Photography Pincushion distortion Plane of focus Point of view Polarizing Polarizer Portrait Power Power focus Power zoom Predictive Predictive focus control Preflash Professional Program Program back Program flash Program shift Programmed Image Control (PIC) Rainbows filter Range finder Release priority Rear curtain Reciprocity failure Reciprocity Law Recompose Red eye Red eye reduction Reflector Reflex Remote control terminal Remote cord Resolution Reversal films Rewind Ring flash ROM(Read Only Memory) Rotating zoom RTF(Retractable TTL Flash) Second curtain Secondary Imaged Registration(SIR) Segment Selection Self-timer Sensitivity Sensitivity range Sensor Separator lens Sepia filter Sequence zoom shooting Sequential shoot Servo autofocus Setting Shadow Shadow control Sharpness Shift Shutter curtain Shutter priority Shutter release Shutter speed Shutter speed priority Single frame advance Single shot autofocus Skylight filter Slide film Slow speed synchronization37 SLD(Super Lower Dispersion) SLR(Single Lens Reflex) SMC(Super Multi Coated) Soft focus SP(Super Performance) SPC(Silicon Photo Cell) SPD(Silicon Photo Dioxide) Speedlight Split image Sport Spot metering Standard Standard lens Starburst Stop Synchronization Telephoto lens Trailing-shutter curtain Trap focus Tripod TS(Tilt and Shift) TTL flash TTL flash metering TTL(Through The Lens) Two touch UD(Ultra-low Dispersion) Ultra wide Ultrasonic38 UV(Ultra-Violet) Under exposure Vari-colour Var-program Variable speed Vertical traverse View finder Warm tone Wide angle lens Wide view Wildlife World time X-sync Zoom Zoom lens Zoom clip Zoom effect
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