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注意一个礼貌问题,是如果这些缩写你用大写的话,经常表示一种很强烈的感情,比如在叫喊。 GG: Good Game - 玩得不错,通常在锦标赛之后说。 GH: Good Hand - 好牌,通常指对方有一手意想不到的好牌。 GP: Good Play - 很会玩,通常指一方用微弱优势赢了大钱,或者把好牌隐藏成功而骗得另一方大败。 GTG: Got To Go - 离开的时候说。 HeHe: 笑声。 LOL: Laugh Out Loud - 通常是对别的玩家的幽默表示理解或者嘲笑自己的坏运气。 Str8: Straight-顺子。 OMG: Oh My God - 当一手很好的牌被一手更好的牌击败的时候。 NH:Nice hand - 牌不错,常为输家表示对赢家的服气和旁观者感叹赢家的牌好。 TY: Thank You - 谢谢,很多时候都可以说。 UW: You Wish.你想得美。语气不是很强烈,但是觉得这不可能。 VNH: Very Nice Hand- 实在是有些太好的牌的时候,比如大家一直以为他有一手三同点,结果却是一手四同点。 WTG: Way To Go - 对别人表示祝贺。 nh - 'nice hand' vnh - 'very nice hand' gg - 'good game' - a comment usually made at the conclusion of an online tournament, by the winners only gp - 'good play' - comment from one player to another, very rarely made lol - 'laugh out loud' - player responds to good humour from another player or mocks1 his own bad luck, very common raoflmho - 'rolling around on floor laughing my head off' (also ruder versions of this) Fish - the weakest player at the table who loses the most money (If you don't know who this fish is it's probably you) wb - 'welcome back' - comment from players when a Fish returns to table having visited the online bank and purchased more chips Blind - compulsory2 bet made a the beginning of a hand Pocket cards - also known as 'hole cards' - the two personal cards dealt face down to each player in Hold'em Flop3 - the three 'communal4' cards dealt in a game of Texas Hold'em Turn - the fourth communal card dealt in Hold'em River - the fifth and last card dealt in Hold'em Floptrips - A powerful hand when you are holding three of a kind after the flop The Nuts - the best possible hand in any particular game that can't be beaten. Players often say 'I've got the nuts', however they are not always telling the truth. Flush draw - when a player bets on making a flush hand with the last communal card dealt (The River) Str8 draw - when a player bets on making a straight from the River card Tight - well disciplined player who only play their best hands Loose - aggressive player who bets on plenty of hands, good and bad including regular Flush and Str8 draws tx - 'thanks' - cheeky comment from a player who has just won a big pot tilt - 'I'm on a bad run' wtg - 'way to go' - congratulatory remark from one player to another, usually well meant and quite rare gtg - 'got to go' - usually from a player who has won money is about to leave omg - 'oh my god' - when a good hand is beaten by an even better hand, also known as a 'bad beat' hehe - cheeky acknowledgement by a player that he was lucky to win a hand 点击 ![]()
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