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通用计量术语及定义 General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions 国家计量检定规程编写规则 The Rules for Drafting National Metrological Verification Regulation 流量计量名词术语及定义 Metrological Terms and Their Definitions for Flow Rate 标准物资常用术语(试行) General Terms of Reference Material 容量、密度计量名词术语及定义(试行) Terminology and Definitions for Measurement of Capacity Density 罐内液体石油产品计量技术规范 Technical Norm of the Measurement of Liquid Petroleum1 Products in Tanks 计量器具定型通用规范 The General Norm for Pattern Evaluation2 of Measuring Instruments 计量器具定型鉴定规范的编写导则 Rules for Drafting Norms of Pattern Evraluation of Measuring Instruments 产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范 The Technical Examination Norm for Metrology Accreditation3 of Testing Unit for Testing of Product Quality 计量标准命名规范 The Technical Norm of Designation for Metrological Standard 计量器具的可靠性分析原则 Technical Norm of Reliability4 Analysis Principle for Measuring Instruments 测量误差及数据处理技术规范(试行) Technical Norm for Error of Measurements and Interpretation5 of Data 计量标准考核规范 Technical Norm of Check for Standard of Measurement 工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范 Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification Code 燃油加油机税控装置技术规范 The Technical Norm For Revenue Control Device of Fuel Dispenser 测量不确定度评定与表示 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty6 in Measurement 税控燃油加油机定型鉴定大纲 The Program for Pattern Evaluation of Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function 税控燃油加油机制造许可证考核规范 The Examination Specification7 of Manufacturing Competence8 for Fuel Dispensers with Revenue Function 法定计量检定机构考核规范 Specification for the Examination of the Services of Legal Metrological Verification 定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则 The Rules of Metrological Inspection9 for Net Content of Prepackeged Commidity with Fixed10 Content 国家校准规范编写导则 The Rules for Drafting National Calibration Specifications11 膜式煤气表定型鉴定大纲 The Program for Pattern Evaluation of Diaphragm Gas Meters 印制板用处理“E”玻璃纤维纸 Specification for “E” glass paper for printed boards 印制板用处理“E”玻璃纤维布 Specification for finished fabric12 woven from “E” glass for printed boards LED显示屏通用规范 Generic specification for LED panels LED显示屏测试方法 Test methods for LED panels 移动通信网室内分布系统标准 Standard of indoor distributing system of mobile communication network 宽带无线IP技术规范 Broadband wireless13 IP Technology specification 移动IP技术规范 Mobile IP Technology specification 应用于无线IP技术的网络安全规范 Network security specification for wireless IP Technology 无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范 Wireless Lan Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications 无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范2.4GHz频段较高速物理层扩展规范 Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications: Higher- Speed Physical Layer Extension in the 2.4GHz Band 无线局域网媒体访问控制和物理层规范5GHz频段高速物理层扩展规范 Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and physical layer(PHY) specifications: High Speed Physical Layer in the 5GHz Band 高速率无线IP移动通信系统标准 The High-Date-Rate wireless Mobil IP communication system standard 中小企业信息化技术规范 Technical Specification for Informationalization of Middle and Small Enterprises 中小企业信息化建设规范实施指南 Guide for the Implementation14 of Informationalization Construction Specification of Middle and Small Enterprises 阴极射线管玻壳检验规范 Inspection standards for glass bulbs for cathode-ray tubes 显像管玻壳型号命名方法 The type designation for picture tube bulbs 阴极射线管有效屏面缺陷规范 Defect criteria15 in useful screen area for cathode ray tubes 电子元器件详细规范 MYS4、 MYS5、MYS6、MYS8防雷指示型过电压保护器 评定水平E Detail specifications of electronic and element device for lighting16 surge protective device with fault-indication of type MYS4、 MYS5、MYS6、MYS8 Assessment17 level E 空调器用步进电动机详细规范 Stepping motor for air conditioning detail specification 空调器用无刷直流风机详细规范 Brushless D.C blower for air conditioning detail specification 数字式角度测量仪规范 Digital clinometer 综合智能交通电子信息系统技术体系规范 Specification of technical system of integrated intelligent traffic electronic information system 数字电视接收设备内部开放总线规范 Specification of inner open bus for digital television receivers 数字音频接口 Digital audio interface 数字功率放大器系统技术规范 Specification of system technology for digital power amplifier 数字功率放大器性能测量方法 Method of performance measurement for digital power amplifier 数字功率放大器通用规范 General specification for digital power amplifier 汽车彩色显示器通用技术条件 General specification for bus video monitor 卧式液相外延系统通用规范 Generic regulation for horizontal liquid phase epitaxial system 推板式高温隧道电窑通用规范 Generic regulation for pusher type high temperature electro-heat tunnel kiln 表面组装技术术语 Terminology for surface mount technology 彩色电视广播接收机技术参数要求 Requirement of technology parameters19 for colour broadcasting television receivers 数字电视接收机及机顶盒外部接口规范 Specification of outer interfaces18 for digital television receivers and set-top boxes 数字电视接收设备信道与信源间模块接口规范 Specification of interfaces between channels and sources modules for digital television receivers 电子设备用固定电感器总规范(SJ2885-88) General specification for fixed inductors for use in electronic equipment(SJ2885-88) 电子设备用片式固定电感器空白详细规范 Blank detail specification for chip fixed inductors for use in electronic equipment 电子设备用压敏电阻器 第3部分:空白详细规范防雷指示型过电压保护器评定水平E Varistors for use in electronic equipment Part3: Blank detail specification for lightning surge protective with fault-indication Assessment level E 电子设备用压敏电阻器 第3部分:分规范 防雷型压敏电阻器 Varistors for use in electronic equipment Part 3: Sectional specification for lightning protection varistors 永磁铁氧体材料物理分析方法( SJ/T10411-93) Physical analysis methods for permanent ferrite materials 永磁铁氧体材料(SJ/T10410-93) Permanent ferrite materials 永磁铁氧体料粉(SJ/T10412-93) Permanent ferrite powder 磁性氧化物制成的RM磁芯及其附件的尺寸(SJ/T2744-87) Dimensions of RM cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts 电子工业用免清洗液态助焊剂 NO- clean liquid soldering flux 电子及电器工业用硅微粉(SJ/T10675-1995) Silicon dioxide micropowder for electronic and electrical part 信息技术鼠标器通用规范 Information Technology—General specification for mouse 面向对象领域工程指南 Guide of object-oriented domain engineering 面向对象的软件系统建模规范 第1部分:概念与表示法 Specification of object-oriented software system modeling Part1:Concept and notation 面向对象的软件系统建模规范 第3部分:文档编制 Specification of object-oriented software system modeling Part3: documentation 喷墨打印机用墨盒通用规范 General specification for cartridge-spare part of Ink-Jet machine 软磁铁氧体料粉 Soft ferrite powder 微波炉磁控管用永磁铁氧体磁体分规范 Sectional specification for permanent ferrite magnets for microwave oven magnetron 扬声器用永磁铁氧体磁体尺寸及公差 Dimension and tolerance for permanent ferrite magnets for speakers 互联网机顶盒通用规范 Generic specification for Internet set-top box 电子设备用压敏电阻器安全要求 Safety requirements for varistors for use in electronic equipment 电子设备的安全 Safety of electronic equipment 防静电周转容器通用规范 General specification for reusable containers and boxes for electrostatic protection 点击 ![]()
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