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BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol2 BAK Binary4 Adaptation Kit5 [Microsoft] .BAK Backup (file name extension) BAL Basic Assembly Language BALUN Balanced Unbalanced (device) BAM Boyan Action Module BAPI Business Application Programming Interface6 [SAP] BARTS Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing .BAS Basic Language (file name extension) BASH Bourne Again Shell [Unix] BASIC Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic7 Instruction Code BASM Built-In Assembler BAT Block Address Translation .BAT Batch8 Processing (file name extension) BBS Bulletin Board System BCC Block Check Character BCC: Blind Carbon Copy BCD Binary Coded Decimal B-CHANNEL Bearer Channel BCL Batch Command Language BCN Beacon BCP Best Current Practice + Bulk Copy Program BCPL Basic Computer Programming Language BCR Byte Count Register BCS Bar Code Sorter BDA Bios Data Area BDC Backup Domain9 Controller BDE Borland Database Engine [Borland] BDLS Bidirectional Loop Switching BDOS Basic Disk Operating System BDR Bus Device Request BDSL Broadband ADSL BE Below or Equal BECN Backward Explicit10 Congestion11 Notification BEDO Burst Extended Data Out BEL Bell BELLCORE Bell Communications Research BER Basic Encoding Rules + Bit Error Rate BERT Bit Error Rate Test/Tester BF Bad Flag B/F Background/Foreground .BFC Briefcase12 (file name extension) [Microsoft] BFF Binary File Format13 [IBM] BFT Binary File Transfer BFTP Batch FTP BGA Ball Grid14 Array BGCOLOR Background Color [HTML] BGE Branch if Greater or Equal .BGI Borland Graphic15 Interface (file name extension) BGP Border Gateway16 Protocol BGT Branch if Greater Than BHI Branch if Higher BHIS Branch if Higher or Same BI Binary Input17 .BIB Bibliography18 (file name extension) BiDi Bi-Directional BIFET Bipolar Field Effect Transistor BIFF Binary Interchange File Format BIM Beginning of Information Marker .BIN3 Binary (file name extension) BINAC * Binary Automatic Computer BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain BINHEX Binary Hexadecimal BIOS Basic Input/Output System BIS Business Information System BISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network BIST Built-In Self-Test BiSYNC (See BSYNC) BIT Binary Digit BITNET Because It's Time Network BITNIC Bitnet Network Information Center BIU Bus Interface Unit BIW Business Intelligence Warehouse19 [SAP] BIX Byte Information Exchange (BBS) BIZ. Business [USENET Newsgroup Category] .BK! Backup (file name extension) [WordPerfect] .B~K Backup (file name extension) BKSP Backspace BL Backlit + Bit Line BLAST Blocked Asynchronous Transmission (protocol) [Communications Research Group] .BLD BASIC Bload Graphics21 (file name extension) BLE Branch if Less or Equal BLER Block Error BLK Block BLMC Buried Logic22 Macrocell BLOB Binary Large Object BLOS Branch if Lower Or Same BMI Branch if Minus BMIC BusMaster Interface Controller [Intel] BMP Basic Mapping Support + Batch Message Processing Program .BMP Bitmap (file name extension) [Paintbrush Format] BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman (connector used with coaxial cable invented by Mr. Neill-Concelman) BNE Branch if Not Equal BNF Backus-Naur Form (also Backus-Normal Form) [developed by John Backus and Peter Naur] BNS Backbone23 Network Service BO Binary Output BoB Break-out Box BOC Basic Operator Console BOF Beginning Of File BOM Basic Online Memory [IBM] + Beginning Of Message BOND Bandwidth On Demand BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol [Internet] BOPS Billion Operations Per Second BORPQU Borland Pro1 Quattro BORQU Borland Quattro BOS Basic Operating System BOT Beginning Of Table + Beginning of Tape + Robot BP Base Pointer BPB BIOS Parameter24 Block BPDU Bridge Protocol Data Unit BPI Bits Per Inch BPL Branch if Plus BPP Bits Per Pixel BPS Bits Per Second + Bytes Per Second BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying BR Bad Register BRGC Binary Reflected Gray Code BRI Basic Rate Interface + Brain Response Interface BS Backspace BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method BSC Binary Synchronous20 Communication .BSC Boyan script (file name extension) [Boyan Communications] BSCS Bachelor of Science (Degree) in Computer Science BSD Berkely Software/Standard Distribution BSF Bit Scan Forward BSI British Standards Institute BSM Basic Storage Module [IBM] BSP Bulk Synchronous Parallelism BSR Bit Scan Reverse BS-RAM Burst Static RAM BSS Block Started by Symbol BSV BASIC Bsave Graphics (file name extension) BSY Busy BSYNC Binary Synchronous Communications (protocol) BT Bit Test BTAM Basic Telecommunications Access Method [IBM] BTB Branch Target Buffer BTC Bit Test and Complement BTOA Binary To ASCII BTP Batch Transfer Program BTR Bit Test and Reset BTS Bit Test and Set BU Branch Unit BUBL Bulletin Board for Libraries [Janet] BUF Buffer BUS Broadcast and Unknown Server BVH Base Video Handler BWM Block-Write Mode B2X Binary To Hexadecimal [REXX] BYTE Binary Element String 点击 ![]()
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