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F Factor :要素 factor demand :要素需求 factor market :要素市场 factors of production :生产要素 factor substitution :要素替代 factor supply :要素供给 fallacy of composition :合成谬误 final goods :最终产品 firm :企业 firms’demand curve for labor1 :企业劳动需求曲线 firm supply curve :企业供给曲线 first-degree price discrimination :第一级价格歧视 first—order condition :一阶条件 fixed proportions production function :固定比例的生产函数 flow :流量 fluctuation4 :波动 for whom to produce :为谁生产 free entry :自由进入 free goods :自由品,免费品 free mobility5 of resources :资源自由流动 free rider :搭便车,免费搭车 function :函数 future value :未来值
game theory :对策论、博弈论 general equilibrium6 :总体均衡 general goods :一般商品 Giffen goods :吉芬晶 收入补偿需求曲线 Gini coefficient :吉尼系数 goldenrule :黄金规则 goods :货物 government failure :政府失败 government regulation :政府调控 grand utility possibility curve :总效用可能曲线 grand utility possibility frontier :总效用可能前沿
heterogeneous8 product :异质产品 Hicks—kaldor welfare criterion :希克斯一卡尔多福利标准 homogeneity :齐次性 homogeneous demand function :齐次需求函数 homogeneous product :同质产品 homogeneous production function :齐次生产函数 horizontal summation :水平和 household :家庭 how to produce :如何生产 human capital :人力资本 hypothesis :假说
identity :恒等式 imperfect competion :不完全竞争 implicitcost :隐性成本 income :收入 income compensated demand curve :收入补偿需求曲线 income constraint :收入约束 income consumption curve :收入消费曲线 income distribution :收入分配 income effect :收入效应 income elasticity of demand :需求收入弹性 increasing cost industry :成本递增产业 increasing returns to scale :规模报酬递增 inefficiency :缺乏效率 index number :指数 indifference :无差异 indifference curve :无差异曲线 indifference map :无差异族 indifference relation :无差异关系 indifference set :无差异集 indirect approach :间接法 individual analysis :个量分析 individual demand curve :个人需求曲线 individual demand function :个人需求函数 induced variable :引致变量 induction :归纳法 industry :产业 industry equilibrium :产业均衡 industry supply curve :产业供给曲线 inelastic :缺乏弹性的 inferior goods :劣品 inflection point :拐点 information :信息 information cost :信息成本 initial condition :初始条件 initial endowment :初始禀赋 innovation :创新 input :投入 input—output :投入—产出 institution :制度 institutional economics :制度经济学 insurance :保险 intercept :截距 interest :利息 interest rate :利息率 intermediate goods :中间产品 internatization of externalities :外部性内部化 invention :发明 inverse demand function :逆需求函数 investment :投资 invisible hand :看不见的手 isocost line :等成本线, isoprofit curve :等利润曲线 isoquant curve :等产量曲线 isoquant map :等产量族
kinded—demand curve :弯折的需求曲线 点击 ![]()
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