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drawing:素描 ●A picture,design,or sketch1 done with lines in pen or pencil. 用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生画。 ★The drawing of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York. 米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。 hyperrealism:高度写实主义 ●An extension of photorealism in which depiction2 of a subject is indistinguiahable from reality. 20世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸。强调对现实的临摹。 ★The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challengs the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn‘t. 高度写实主义绘画很有意思的一点是,观者很难判断哪些是真实的,哪些是虚构的。 impressionism:印象主义,印象派 ●A style emphasizing the depiction of light and its effects,with the act of seeing as its primary subject.(France 19th century) 强调绘画中的光感,以视觉影象作为描绘对象。 ★Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.Van Gogh‘s impressionistic paingting entitled "Dr. Gachet" was purchased for a world record $85 millon by Japanese investor3. 长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。凡高的印象派作品《盖什医生》被一名日本投资商以8500万美元的天价购得。 Ming:具有明代艺术特色的 ●Characteristic of a highly academic classisism,esp. in porcelains4.(China,14th--17th centuries) 高度传统古典主义倾向的。特别是指与14至17世纪中国明代瓷器有关的艺术。 ★Dr. Franks is an expert on porcelains form Ming dynasty. 弗兰克博士是明代瓷器鉴赏专家。 ●An illustration composed of small,colored stones or tiles set into cement. 用五颜六色的小石子或瓦片在水泥板上镶嵌成的图案。 ★The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way. 在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。 new wave:新浪潮 ●A combination of cartoon,graffiti,and performance art in a minimalist,unsopisticated style.(late 20th century) 综合漫画、涂鸦和表演艺术的艺术形式。其风格简单自然。 ★There‘s a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college dallery. 本地大学美术馆里正在举办一个新浪潮艺术作品展。 ●The undraped human figure,sometimes allegorical. 无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。 ★The nude has always played a powerful role in art throughout the ages. 在艺术领域,裸体画一直占有重要的地位。 op art:光效应艺术,视幻艺术 ●A style with graphic7 abstaction and pattern-oriented optical effects.(mid-20th century) 利用几何图形和色彩对比给人以摸棱两可的视幻觉艺术。起源于20世纪中期。 ★Riley and Vasarely are two noteable artists who made contributions in the illusory world of op art. 瑞利和凡撒里这两位著名的艺术家为梦幻般的光效应艺术作出了贡献。 pop art:波普艺术 ●A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce,often reproduced exactly.(mid-20th century) 把精确复制大众化文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。起源于20世纪中期。 ★Roy Litchnstein,who helped start the movement in the 1950s,continues to rule as the king of pop art into the 90s. 早在50年代,罗耶·列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动。直到90年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖级人物。 Renaissance8:文艺复新时期风格的;文艺复新 ●Art that is classical in form and content.(n.) revival9 of aesthetics10 of classical antiquity11.(14th-17th centuries) 艺术作品的形式和内容具有古典主义色彩的;从14世纪延续到17世纪的经典传统美学的复新。 ★Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today. 现在的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。 ★Much of the greatest art in the history of the world was produced during the Renaissance. 世界艺术史上最伟大的作品很多是在文艺复新时期产生的。 sculpture:雕刻术;雕塑术 ●The art of carving12 wood,chiseling stone,casting or welding metal,molding caly or wax,etc. into three-dimensional representations,as statues,figures,forms,etc. 通过对木头、石头进行雕刻,对金属加以铸造、焊接,或对泥、蜡加工制成的三维雕塑作品。 ★Mt. Rushmore which depicts13 images of 4 U.S. presidents in the Black Hills,South Dakota is one of the most famous sculptures in America. 在南达科他州布莱克山区的拉莫尔山上刻有四位美国总统的雕像。它们是美国最有名的雕塑之一。 surrealism:超现实主义 ●A style using subconscious14 mental activity as its subject matter,characterized by dreamlike,halluncinatoyy imagery. 将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。 ★The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism. 艺术家萨多瓦尔·达利是超现实主义的同义词。 Symbolism:象征主义 ●A 19th century French movemennt that rejected realism and expressed subjective15 images. 产生于19世纪的法国艺术运动。它摈弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意象表达主观感受。 ★Great art most always incorporates Symbolism. 伟大的艺术几乎总是具有象征意义。 tempera:蛋彩画颜料 ●A pigment16 mixed with water and a gelatinous material,esp. egg yolk17. 调入水、蛋黄等胶状物的颜料。 ★Tempera was used to paint frescos hundreds of years ago. 数百年前蛋彩画颜料被用来画壁画。 video art:视频艺术 ●The use of filmed or videotaped material displayed alone or with other media.(late 20th century) 通过创造性地利用视频技术产生可以在电视屏幕上观看的一种艺术形式。产生于20世纪末。 ★Video art has become a popular medium in today‘s art,especially in collages18. 今天,视频艺术已经成为一种非常受欢迎的绘画形式,特别是在拼贴图中。 watercolor:水彩颜料;水彩画 ●A paint which is mixed with water and used to create pictures;A picture which has been done with this type of paint. 一种与水混合用来作画的颜料;用这种颜料作的画。 ★My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico. 我的叔叔在墨西哥时画了一幅漂亮的日落水彩画。 点击 ![]()
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