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CABLEADD CABLE ADDRESS 电报挂号 CC CARBON COPY 抄送 C.F. CUBIC FEET 立方英尺 C&F COST AND FREIGHT 货价加运费 CFS CONTAINER FREIGHT STATION 集装箱货运站 CIC CHINA INSURANCE CLAUSE 中国保险条款 CIF COST,INSURANCE AND FRIEHGT 到岸价格(货价,保险费,加运费价) CIF & C COST,INSURANCE,FREIGHT AND COMMISSION 到岸价格加佣金 CL.B/L CLEAN BILL OF LADING 清洁提单 CO. COMPANY 公司 C/O (IN) CARE OF 由...转交 COA CONTRACT OF AFFREIGHTMENT 包运合同 COMM. COMMISSION 佣金 CONBILL CONFERENCE BILL OF LADING 公会提单 CONGENBILL CONFERENCE GENERAL CARGO1 BILL OF LADING 公会杂货提单 CO-OP CO-OPERATION 合作 CORP. CORPORATION 公司 COSCO CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING2 COMPANY 中国远洋运输总公司 C/P CHARTER PARTY 租船合同 CQD CUSTOMARY QUICK DESPATCH3 按港口惯常速度快速装卸 CUB CUBIC 立方 CUFT CUBIC FEET 立方英尺 CUM CUBIC METER 立方米 CY CONTAINER YAND 集装箱堆场 CAC currency adjustment charge 货币贬值附加费 CAConf Cargo Agency Conference(IATA) 货运代理公会( ) C.A.F. currency adjustment factor 货币贬值附加费系数 C.A.S. currency adjustment surcharge 货币贬值附加费 CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System(IATA) 货运费用结算系统 C.B. container base 集装箱底 c.& d. collection and delivery 运费收讫,货物交毕 c.b.d. cash before delivery 交货前付现 cbm cubic meter 立方米 cc charges collect 收取运费 CCS consolidated cargo(container) service 集中托运业务 C/D customs declaration 报关单 CEM European Conference on goods train timetables 欧洲货运列车时刻表会议 CFR Cost and freight (Incoterms) 成本加运费价 C.H. carriers haulage 承运业 C.H.C. cargo handling charges 货物装卸费 Ch.fwd charges forward 运费到付 c.i.a. cash in advance 交货前付现款 c.i.f.& e. cost,insurance,freight and exchange 成本,保险费,运费,加汇费价格 c.i.f.L.t. cost,insurance,freight,London terms 伦敦条款到岸价格 c.i.f.w. cost,insurance,freight/war 到岸价加战争险 CIM International Convention concerning the carriage of Goods by Railway CIP Carriage and insurance paid to (Incoterms) 运费和保险费付至...(指定目的地) CIV International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway CKD completely knocked down (unassembled) 完全分解的 cm centimetre(s) 厘米 cm3 cubic centimetre(s) 立方厘米 CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road C/N consignment5 note 发货通知书 Cnmt/consgt. consignment 发运 cnor consignor 发货人 C/O certificate of origin 原产地证明 C.O.D. cash on delivery 货到付款 C.O.F.C. Container-on-Flat-Car(rail flatcar) (铁路)装运集装箱的平板车 COMBITERMS Delivery terms for intl groupage traffic 国际成组运输交货条款(货运代理人之间) COP customs of port 港口惯例 C.O.S. cash on shipment 装船付船 COTIF Convention concerning Intl Carriage by Rail (CIM-CIV) 国际铁路运输公约 C.P. Customs of Port 港口惯例 CP carriage paid 运费已付 C/P blading charter party bill of lading 租船提单 CPLTC Conference Port Liner Term Charges 港口班轮装卸条款公会 CPT Carriage paid to (Incoterms) 运费付至(...指定目的地) CSC Container service charge 集装箱运输费用 CSC Intl Convention of the Safe Transport of Containers 国际集装箱安全公约 CSConf Cargo Service Conference(IATA) 货运业公会 CST Container Service Tariff7 集装箱运输费率 C/T Container Terminal 集装箱码头 C.T. conference terms 公会条款 CT combined transport 联合运输 CTD combined transport document 联合运输单证 CTO combined transport operator 多式联运经营人 CTPC Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee(IATA) cu.ft. cubic foot(feet) 立方英尺 cu.in. cubic inch(es) 立方英寸 CVGK customs value per gross kilogram (毛重)每公斤海关价值 CVGP customs value per gross pound (毛重)每磅海关价值 CWE cleared without examination 未经查验过关的 cwt hundredweight 担,(英制)等于112磅,(美制)等于100磅 CWO CASH WITH ORDER 订货时预付款 cy currency 货币 点击 ![]()
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