评论:Celebration of Life

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游客 于 06-21 22:52说到
What is the real life?life is just to make us more independent
游客 于 05-06 05:01说到
There have so many things that we feel very regret every day in our life .And so we shuold love the person around us.
游客 于 04-06 15:46说到
1.why we as a culture wait until somebody has passed away before we tell them how much we love them. Why do  Why do we build someone up after they have gone into eternity?

2.Just once I would like to see a celebration of life instead of a gathering of death.    

3.Life is too short to leave kind words unsaid.
游客 于 04-01 08:35说到
nice and passionnate article,   thank you for sharing with us!!!
游客 于 04-01 08:34说到
nice and passionnate article,  thank you for sharing with us!!!
游客 于 03-31 11:47说到
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