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Women do not develop high blood pressure from a coffee drinking habit but there is a link between hypertension and drinking colas that may have nothing to do with caffeine, a study said on Tuesday. "We found strong evidence to refute speculation1 that coffee consumption is associated with an increased risk of hypertension in women," wrote study author Wolfgang Winkelmayer of Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health. Previous studies have offered conflicting findings about the relationship between coffee consumption and hypertension, but many experts have concluded healthy peoples' bodies learn to tolerate a daily cup or two. No link was found between habitual2 coffee consumption and hypertension based on analysis of 12 years of data on 33,077 cases of high blood pressure among 155,594 women participating in the Nurses Health Study, which is jointly3 run by the hospital and the school. However, there was an association found between hypertension and consumption of caffeinated colas, independent of whether the soft drinks were sugared or diet. The current study did not look at non-cola soft drinks. "We speculate that it is not caffeine but perhaps some other compound contained in soda-type soft drinks that may be responsible for the increased risk in hypertension," said the study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Roughly 50 million people in the United States suffer from hypertension, and the number is increasing. The condition increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney trouble. 中文: 11月8日公布的一项美国最新研究结果显示,女性不会因为有喝咖啡的嗜好而导致患上高血压;但是她们经常饮用可乐类饮料却和高血压的发生具有某种联系。 据路透社11月8日报道,这项研究由美国布莱根妇女医院和哈佛公共卫生学院共同完成。参与了此项研究的沃尔夫冈·温克尔迈耶表示,“我们发现了可以驳倒常饮咖啡会增加女性患高血压这一推测的有力证据”。 研究人员是在对12年来155594名参加健康护理研究的女性中的33077份高血压病例进行分析的基础上,得出上述结论的。研究人员发现,女性患高血压和含咖啡因的可乐类饮料之间具有某种联系。 他们表示,“我们推测,女性日益增加的患高血压的危险和咖啡因之间并没有什么关系,但这可能和软饮料中含有的其它一些成分有关”。 对于饮用咖啡和女性患高血压症之间的关系,以前曾有一些短期研究结果提出了与此相矛盾的结论。但很多专家曾表示,健康人每天可以承受1杯到2杯的咖啡摄入量。 报道说,美国大约有5000万人患有高血压症,而且患病人数还呈逐年上升趋势。而高血压则会诱发心脏病、中风和肾脏等其它危险疾病。 点击 ![]()
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