A mother and father are giving their son and daughter the
gift of normal life by each donating a kidney to them.
Peter Alvey, 29, and his sister Elizabeth Pearson, 22, require life-saving transplants after suffering years of kidney problems, but were warned that it could take years to find suitable donors1.
To their amazement2 however, their parents were both found to be perfect matches. Mary Alvey, 52, will donate to Peter, who undergoes dialysis at the hospital, Notts. Her husband, Des, 55, is giving a kidney to Elizabeth, who requires dialysis four times every day.
Mrs Alvey said: "In the end it was not a hard decision to make. They are our children, and if it means that we can help and offer them the chance of a more normal life then that is what we will do."
Peter and Elizabeth said: "We cannot thank my parents enough. We are so grateful to our parents."
A spokesman for the Kings Mill Kidney Patients' Association said: "It is a wonderful gesture by Des and Mary. We have known Peter and Elizabeth for a while and it is wonderful to think that they are getting the chance of leading a normal life."