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学习英语的时候一定不要回避一些最常用单词、短语,甚至一些约定俗成的句子、段落、文章也有其固定的翻译方法,现在列举出来供大家参考。 1.如果我们连党八股也打倒了,那就算对于 主观主义和宗派主义最后地“将军”,弄得这两个怪物原形毕露,“老鼠过街,人人喊打”,这两个怪物也就容易消灭了。 If we destroy that too,we shall 'cheekmate' subjectivism and sectarianism and make both these monster show themselves in their true colors,and then we shall easily be able to annihilate1 them,like 'rats runing across the street with everyone yelling,kill them!kill them!' 2.中国是一个小资产阶级成分极其广大的国家,我们党是处在这个广大阶级的包围中,我们又有很大数量的赏是出身于这个阶级的,他们都不免或长或短地拖着一条小资产阶级的尾巴进党来。 China is a country with a very large petty-bourgeoisie and our Party is surrounded by this enormous class;a great number of our Party members come from this class,andwhen they join the Party they inevitably2 drug in with them a petty-bourgeois tail,be it long or short. 3.说理的首要一个方法,就是重重给病患者一个刺激,向他们大喝一声,说:“你有病啊!”使患者为之一惊,出一身汗,然后叫他们去治疗。 The first thing to do in their reasoning process is to give the patient a good shake-up by shouting at him,'You are ill!' So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat,and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment. 4.我们有些同志喜欢写长文章,但是没有内容,真是“懒婆娘的裹脚,又长又臭”。 Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance,very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly. 5.“对牛弹琴”这句话,含有讥笑对象的意思。 The saying 'to play the flute3 to a cow' inplies a gibe4 at the audience. 6.何况这是党八股,科老鸦声调,却偏要向人民群众哇哇地叫。 What is worse,he is proudcing a Party stereotypes5 as raucous6 as a crow,and yet he insists on crawing at the masses. 7.党八股的第五条罪状是:甲乙丙丁,开中药铺 The fifth indictment7 against stereotyped8 writing is that it arranges item under a complicated set of headlings,as if starting a Chinese pharmacy9. 8.主观主义和宗派主义的东西表现在党八股式的文章和演说里面,却生怕人家驳,非常胆怯,于是就靠样子吓人,以为这一吓人家就会闭口,自己就可以“得胜回朝”了。 But those who write subjectivist and sectgarian articles and speeches in the form of party stereotpyes fear refutation,are very cowardly,and therefore rely on pretontiousness to overcome others,believing that they can thereby10 silence people and 'win the day'. 9.俗话说:“到什么山上唱什么歌。”又说:“看菜吃饭,量体裁衣”。 As sayings go,'Sing different songs on different mountains' and 'Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes'. 点击 ![]()
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