常用成语翻译 上
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2014-02-14 01:49 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations
平等互利equality and mutual benefit
扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses
反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government
层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another
优胜劣汰survival of the fittest
延年益寿prolong one’s life
灵丹妙药panacea / miraculous cure
长治久安a long period of stability
名山大川famous mountains and great rivers
名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites
湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills
青山绿水green hills and clear waters
简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization
集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas
国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony
政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well
国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood
辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new
徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud
流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home
国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation
开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead
求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences
广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory
高瞻远瞩的决策a visionary/far-sighted decision
贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions
审时度势size up the trend of events
招商引资attract investment
功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations
继往开来,承前启后(continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future

TAG标签: government green benefit