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61. get 〔have〕 the goods on sb. *找出证据,知道…内幕
解 俚语;词义溯源:得到(抓到)[有关(on)]某人的[犯罪证据、赃物(the
例 Once we got the goods on the senator and his affair with another woman, he did anything
we asked him to. 一旦我们找到参议员与那个女人有染的证据,他就会对我们言听计从。
62. get the high sign **得到预定的信号(眼神等)
解 习语;词义溯源:获得[用表情或动作表示的信号(high sign)]
63. get 〔shake〕 the lead out of one's pants *快速行动
解 俚语;词义溯源:为了使行动更迅速,把[衣裤里的(of one's pants)]所有东西
例 Ineed that machine installed and operational by tonight, so tell the mechanic to get the
lead out! 我想今晚就装好那台机器,投入使用,所以,告诉机械师赶紧行动!
64. get the lowdown on sb. or sth. / get the lowdown *得知内幕(真相)
解 俚语;词义溯源:得知关于某人或某事的[内幕、实情(lowdown)];give sb. the
例 We went over to his house to get the lowdown on what happened, but all we found out
was things we already knew. 我们去他家想了解真相,却发现都是一些我们早就知道的事
65. get〔have〕 the old heave-ho / get the heave-ho **被抛弃,被撵走
解 习语;词义溯源:遭受[解雇、拒绝、卷起风帆的声音(heave-ho)];参照give
sb. the (old) heave-ho
例 Paul told me you got the old heave-ho at the bar last night for fighting. 保罗跟我说,你
66. get the once-over **被匆匆打量,被粗略考虑
解 习语;词义溯源:得到[粗略的查看,马马虎虎的估量(once-over)];参照give
sb. the once-over
例 Each patron gets the once-over from the guard at the front door before being allowed to
67. get the slip *错过;被排挤
解 俚语;词义溯源:遭受[滑倒、踩空(slip)];give sb. the slip表示“排挤”
例 Police had been following the man's every move for weeks when they got the slip and he
disappeared forever. 警察密切跟踪这个人好几周了,但一不小心跟丢了,这个人永远地消失
68. get the works *挨打骂,吃苦头
解 俚语;词义溯源:得到[全部、一切(works)];give sb. the works表示“判重罪;
例 She got the works from her boss because she was late again. 她挨老板骂是因为她又迟
69. get 〔have〕 the worst of sth. **经历某事物最糟糕的一面
解 习语;词义溯源:遭受某事物[最恶劣、最坏的一面(the worst)]
例 Both armies suffered a high number of casualties, but the Serbs definitely got the worst of
the losses. 两军均伤亡惨重,但是塞尔维亚人绝对是莫此为甚了。
70. get to 〔reach〕 first base (with) sb. or sth. **取得良好开端,得到初步成果
解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:达到[对于(with)]某人或某物的[第一垒(first
例 After three months of negotiations3 with little progress, we seem to have finally gotten to
first base at least. 经过三个月的协商,效果甚微,但是似乎至少有了一个良好的开端。
71. get 〔have〕 two strikes against one **处于不利位置
解 习语;词义溯源:棒球比赛中,三振出局的情况下,“已被夺去两振”
例 One commentator4 said the President got two strikes against his policy by not including
congressional leaders in the discussions. 一名评论员称,总统因在讨论中不赞同议会领导们而
72. get 〔be〕 underway **出发,开始
解 习语;词义溯源:成为[进行中的、行驶中的(underway)]状态;参照get sth.
例 Our weekly staff meeting is supposed to start at 11:00 AM, but it usually doesn't get
underway until quarter-after. 我们每周的员工大会原本定于上午11点举行,但是通常要推迟
73. get up ***起床,睡醒
解 短语动词;词义溯源:去[起身、离开(up)]
例 The alarm clock went off and I reluctantly got up to start another day. 没有了闹钟,我就
74. get used to sb. or sth. **习惯于
解 习语;词义溯源:成为对于某人或某物[熟悉的、用过的(used)]状态
例 The weather seemed extremely cold when I first transferred to the Alaska office, but I soon
got used to it and it wasn't so bad. 刚调到阿拉斯加州分公司工作的时候天气相当冷,但是我
75. get wet **完全浸湿
解 习语;词义溯源:成为[湿漉漉的、潮湿的(wet)]状态
例 Somebody left a window open and the whole apartment got wet during the storm. 有人开
76. get what for **被责骂,被追究
解 习语;词义溯源:遭受[严厉的责罚、痛打(what for)];give sb. what for表
例 Don't show up late for the meeting or you'll get what for from the chairman. 开会时别迟
77. get 〔be〕 with sth. ***打起精神;追赶潮流
解 短语动词;词义溯源:去携带某物[一起(with)];用作俚语时,通常与it连用
例 Turn off that TV and get with your homework right away, young man! 关掉电视,赶紧
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