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当地时间周日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)发表特别电视讲话,向新冠肺炎疫情在英国发生以来参与抗疫的每个人表达感谢,呼吁英国民众团结一致对抗疫情。 这是她在位68年以来,第五次发表非常规性的电视讲话,足以见得此次疫情对英国社会的影响之大。 It is only the fifth time the monarch1 has given such a speech in her 68-year reign2. 一开篇,女王便直入主题——英国当下面临的处境非常艰难,疫情蔓延仍在上升期,对每个人的生活都造成了影响。 I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all. 据我所知,当下挑战愈加严峻。此刻我们国家的社会生活被打乱:一些人遭遇悲痛经历,许多人面临经济困难,所有人的日常生活都发生了巨大变化。 紧接着,她向身处抗疫一线的医务工作者和所有坚守岗位的工作人员表达了感谢。 I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all. 我要感谢奋战在英国国民医疗服务体系一线的抗疫人员,还有那些护理工作者和坚守关键工作岗位的人员,为了我们大家,他们离家外出工作,夜以继日无私奉献。 I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated and every hour of your hard work brings us closer to a return to more normal times. 我相信全国人民都将和我一起感谢你们的付出,你们努力工作的每一刻都让我们离正常生活更近了一步。 女王还向所有居家隔离的人表达了感谢,称这样的做法保护了弱势群体。 I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby3 helping4 to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones. 我还要感谢那些居家的人,你们的做法保护了弱势群体,避免了更多家庭遭受失去亲人的痛苦。 她表示,只要团结一致一定能战胜病毒,希望将来人们会为今天的行动感到骄傲和自豪。 Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure5 you that if we remain united and resolute6, then we will overcome it. 我们正在共同应对这一疾病,我确信的是,只要我们团结一致,坚定信念,就一定能战胜它。 I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. 我希望,在不久的将来,每个人都能为自己在应对这一挑战时的行动而感到自豪。未来之人在谈及我们这一代英国人时会说,我们一如既往地坚强。 演讲最后,她说这一次英国人与全球人民一起对抗疾病,相信成功属于每一个人。 While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive7 compassion8 to heal. 虽然我们以前也曾遇到过挑战,但这次不同。这一次我们与全球所有国家一起,依靠科技的进步和人类本能的同情心来治愈疾病。 We will succeed — and that success will belong to every one of us. 我们一定会成功——成功将属于我们每一个人。 为了录制这短短四分钟的讲话,向全英上下传递信心,两周之前就搬到温莎城堡居住的女王第一次接触了“外人”。 Only one cameraman was allowed in the room wearing gloves and a mask. 只有一名戴着手套和口罩的摄影师获准进入房间拍摄。 Other technical staff were made to work in a separate room using monitors and speakers. 其他技术人员被安排在另外的房间控制监视器和扬声器。 当地时间5日,英国新冠肺炎确诊病例已经超过47000,病亡人数逼近5000。 点击 ![]()
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