一位网友这样概括丛飞的一生:南国噩耗痛断肠,百八儿女泪千行。济弱扶贫平生事,舍身化乳助儿郎。生忧贫儿辍学业,死望残眼再生光。怒目击节问苍天,好人何以命不长? 他10年里参加了400多场义演,捐赠钱物300万元,资助边远地区贫困孩子和孤儿达178个,家财散尽,还欠了十几万外债。2005年4月,丛飞患胃癌住院,2006年4月20日20时40分病逝,终年仅37岁。
Popular singer Cong Fei, who devoted1 himself to charity work, lost his year-long battle with stomach cancer on Thursday. But even in his death, at the age of 37, he is helping2 others.
The Beijing Times reports that, according to Cong Fei's last wish, his corneas were collected by the Lions Eye Bank of Shenzhen less than one hour after his death.
Altogether four patients with eyesight problems will become the beneficiaries of Cong's final donation. One of the recipients3, a nine-year-old girl, underwent a successful operation on Friday.
Since 1994, Cong Fei had been using nearly all his earnings4 from commercial performances, more than 375,000 US dollars, to help nearly 200 children in poverty-stricken areas pay their tuition fees.