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The Mask Forever —Jim Carrey Jim Carrey has become one of the most recognized faces in the world —and it is precisely2 because of his face that he has achieved such fame. His rubbery look, and penchant3 for wild and extreme behavior has given him a notoriety he delights in. Born in New Market, Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 to a working class family, growing up poor was tough for young Jim Carrey, While in his teens, he had to take a job as a janitor4 when his father lost his job and he had to juggle5 both School and work. School eventually lost out and he dropped out. He describes himself as being very angry at this time in his life, yet one good thing came out of it. He developed a tremendous sense of humour to help him cope and to shield his anger from the world. He was a loner who claims he didn’t have any friends because he didn’t want any. Between school and work there just wasn’t much time for a childhood. At 15 though, he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks, a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick. He moved to LA and did the club circuit there. He soon came to the attention of Rodney and was put on his tour. Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990, when he landed a role on the hip6 new sketch7 comedy show In Living Color which boasted a cast of African-Americans and Carrey, the sole white guy. While there, Carrey perfected many characters, most notoriously “Fire Marshal Bill” who always went up in a blaze. The sketch was yanked when critics claimed that it encouraged kids to play with fire. The controversy8 put Carrey’s name in the headlines for the first time. He broke into feature films, and into the collective unconscious of the world, in one single successful year, 1994. It was the Year of the Funny Face. First there was Ace1 Ventura: Pet Detective, a surprise hit that show Carrey’s now signature wacky style. Next came The Mask, a role that seemed tailor-made for him and was a hit with audiences. As if he hadn’t made an impression yet, there was still Dumb and Dumber which was released during the holiday season and ended up on top of the box office. Jim Carrey was in the limelight now and he hasn’t looked back since. Since that famous year Carrey has, dare we say it····, slowed down a bit. His films have come out less often but have continued to make waves if not quite of the caliber9 as previously10 seen. There was Batman Forever, in which he inherited the role of The Riddler11. Then there was a sequel to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls which didn’t quite recapture the sparkle of the original. Next came Liar12, Liar. The film was a tremendous success with crowds everywhere and put him back on top. It also brought his salary back up 20 million. Then came The Truman Show, a film which proved to the world that Jim Carrey was more than just a funny face. In fact, Jim was awarded a Golden Globe for his dramatic portrayal13. When he was snubbed by the Oscars, there was a collective gasp14 heard around the world. Clearly the fans at least think Jim Carrey is golden. The future looks good for Jim Carrey, he has developed a legion of devoted15 fans who love his wild style of physical comedy. He has proven his ability to weather a storm and come out on top, important for any celebrity16. Carrey has come a long way from his unhappy childhood and in fact seems to be living a second childhood now. Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years, and Jim Carrey is definitely the best of the new breed. 金·凯利已成为当今世界上最熟悉的面孔之一—确切地说,是由于他的面孔,才使他闻名遐迩。他那似橡胶我眼神,以及对狂野和极至行为的酷爱,令他名声远扬,乐此不疲。 金·凯利1962年1月17日生于加拿大安大略省纽马克特的一个工人阶级家庭,在贫困中成长。十几岁时,父亲失去工作,他不得不找了份看门的差事并对学校和工和地都做了隐瞒。可最终还是没骗过校方,他辍了学。他描述自己一生的这一刻异常气恼,然而柳暗花明。他形成了丰富的幽默感,这帮助他掩饰愤怒,泰然处世。 凯利独来独往,他宣称自己没有朋友因为他不需要朋友。往返于学校与工地的那段童年时光并不算长。十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才能。后来前往洛杉矶并在那儿开始了俱乐部巡回演出。不久他引起了罗德尼的注意并从此走上了艺术之旅。 1990年金·凯利开始走红,当时他捞到了一个在嬉皮士新短喜剧中扮演角色的机会,这幕名为《跳动的色彩》的剧目的演员包括一组黑人和凯利,唯一的白人小伙子。剧中,凯利完美地扮演了许多角色,最令人津津乐道的就是“带火的元帅比尔”,他总是身上冒火。该剧受到了猛烈的抨击,批评家宣称这会促使孩子纵火。而争论使得凯利的大名首次登在头版头条。 1994年,在他成功的一年中,他开始出演电影正片,并不知不觉成了圈内人士。1994年是滑稽面孔先生年。先有艾丝·温图拉的《宠物侦探》,一部展示凯利特有的古怪风格的叫座影片。接下来是《面具》,这象是一个专为他定做的角色,观众反响强烈。然而他仿佛觉得人们对他的印象还不够深,假斯推出的《装聋作哑》在放映结束时雄居票房首位。金·凯利如今成了焦点人物,此后便益发不可收。 自打那辉煌的一年后,恕我直言,凯利的脚步放慢了一些。人的影片有所减少,虽达不到以往的水准但仍有轰动效应。其中包括《永远的蝙蝠侠》。该片中他继承了在《猜谜者》中的角色风格。然后是《艾丝·温图拉》续集:《当自然召唤时》,该片未能再现原著的精华。接下来是《大话王》。这部影片取得了巨大的成功,各地竞相观看,这使他重回到排行榜首。与此同时,他的薪金也回升至两千万。后来在《洋相杜鲁门》中的表现向世人证明了金·凯利不仅仅因为只有一张有趣滑稽的脸而受到欢迎。 实际上,因为金的戏剧形象,他曾获过金球奖。当他与奥斯卡奖擦肩而过时,全世界都发出了嘘声。很显然至少影迷们认为金·凯利是最酷的。 金·凯利的未来是美好的,他拥有了一大批忠实的影迷,他们喜欢他的喜剧的粗犷风格。他已证明了自己经受风雨出人头地的能力,这是成为名流的关键。 点击 ![]()
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