The Thief and the Innkeeper
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A THIEF hired a room in a tavern1 and stayed a while in the hope
of stealing something which should enable him to pay his
reckoning.  When he had waited some days in vain, he saw the
Innkeeper dressed in a new and handsome coat and sitting before
his door.  The Thief sat down beside him and talked with him.  As
the conversation began to flag, the Thief yawned terribly and at
the same time howled like a wolf.  The Innkeeper said, "Why do
you howl so fearfully?'  "I will tell you," said the Thief, "but
first let me ask you to hold my clothes, or I shall tear them to
pieces.  I know not, sir, when I got this habit of yawning, nor
whether these attacks of howling were inflicted2 on me as a
judgment for my crimes, or for any other cause; but this I do
know, that when I yawn for the third time, I actually turn into a
wolf and attack men."  With this speech he commenced a second fit
of yawning and again howled like a wolf, as he had at first.  The
Innkeeper.  hearing his tale and believing what he said, became
greatly alarmed and, rising from his seat, attempted to run away.
The Thief laid hold of his coat and entreated3 him to stop,
saying, "Pray wait, sir, and hold my clothes, or I shall tear
them to pieces in my fury, when I turn into a wolf."  At the same
moment he yawned the third time and set up a terrible howl.  The
Innkeeper, frightened lest he should be attacked, left his new
coat in the Thief's hand and ran as fast as he could into the inn
for safety.  The Thief made off with the coat and did not return
again to the inn. 

Every tale is not to be believed.


1 tavern wGpyl     
  • There is a tavern at the corner of the street.街道的拐角处有一家酒馆。
  • Philip always went to the tavern,with a sense of pleasure.菲利浦总是心情愉快地来到这家酒菜馆。
2 inflicted cd6137b3bb7ad543500a72a112c6680f     
把…强加给,使承受,遭受( inflict的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They inflicted a humiliating defeat on the home team. 他们使主队吃了一场很没面子的败仗。
  • Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her. 卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑。
3 entreated 945bd967211682a0f50f01c1ca215de3     
恳求,乞求( entreat的过去式和过去分词 )
  • They entreated and threatened, but all this seemed of no avail. 他们时而恳求,时而威胁,但这一切看来都没有用。
  • 'One word,' the Doctor entreated. 'Will you tell me who denounced him?' “还有一个问题,”医生请求道,“你可否告诉我是谁告发他的?” 来自英汉文学 - 双城记