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Once upon a time were a little brother and a little sister who loved each other with all their hearts. Their own mother, however, was dead, and they had a stepmother who was not kind to them. She secretly did everything she could to hurt them.
It so happened that the two of them were playing with other children in a meadow in front their house. There was a pond in the meadow that came up to one side of the house. The children ran around it, caught one another, and played a counting out game: Eenie, meenie, let me live, And to you my bird I'll give. The little bird will bring me straw, The straw I'll give then to the cow. For which the cow will give me milk, The milk I'll to the baker1 take. With which he then will bake a cake, The cake I'll then give to the cat. Little cat will catch some mice for that, The mice I'll hang up in the smoke, And after that I'll cut them up. While playing this game they stood in a circle, and the one to whom they were pointing when they said "cut them up" had to run away, and all the others would run after him and catch him. While they were thus running about so joyfully2 the stepmother was watching them from the window, and grew angry. Because she understood the art of witchcraft3 she bewitched them both, transforming the little brother into a fish, and the little sister into a lamb. The little fish swam back and forth4 in the pond and was sad, and the little lamb walked back and forth in the meadow and was sad, and would not eat. She would not even touch one blade of grass. Thus a long time passed, and then some strangers came as guests to the castle. The treacherous5 stepmother thought, "Now is my chance," and called the cook and said to him, "Go and fetch the lamb from the meadow and slaughter6 it. We have nothing else for our guests." The cook went and got the little lamb, took her into the kitchen, and tied her feet together. She bore all this patiently. The cook then took out his knife and was whetting7 it on the doorstep in order to kill the little lamb when he saw how a little fish was swimming back and forth in the water in front of the gutter8 and looking up at him. This was the little brother, for when the little fish saw the cook take the little lamb away, he followed them, swimming along the pond as far as the house. Then the little lamb cried down to him: Oh little brother in the lake My sad heart is about to break. The cook, he makes his knife so sharp To stab it then into my heart. The little fish answered: Oh little sister, way up there My sad heart also soon will break, Deep down here in this lake. When the cook heard that the little lamb could speak, saying such sad words to the little fish down below, he was frightened and thought that this could not be an ordinary little lamb, but must have been bewitched by the wicked woman in the house. He said, "Don't worry. I won't kill you." Then he took another animal and prepared it for the guests, after which he took the little lamb to a good peasant woman and told her everything that he had seen and heard. Now this peasant woman had been the wet nurse for the little sister, and she suspected at once who the little lamb was, and took him with her to a wise woman. The wise woman pronounced a blessing9 over the little lamb and the little fish, and they regained10 their human forms. After this she took them both to a little hut in a large forest, where they lived by themselves, contented11 and happy. 从前有个小弟弟和小妹妹,非常相爱。他们的母亲已谢世,他们又有了一个继母,继母待他们很不好,常常暗地里想方设法虐待他们。有一次,兄妹俩正在屋前的草坪上和其他的孩子们玩,草地旁有个水池,水池紧挨着屋子。孩子们围着圈儿不停地跑啊,跳啊,做着数数的游戏。 “内克,贝克,饶了我, 我将给你我的小鸟; 小鸟儿得帮我寻草, 草料我拿来喂母牛; 母牛儿吃草产牛奶, 牛奶我送给面包师; 面包师给我烤面包, 面包我拿来喂小猫; 小猫得替我逮耗子, 耗子要熏在烟囱里, 熏好的耗子好细切。“ 他们玩游戏时站成了一圈,这个“细切”落到谁的身上,谁就得马上跑开,其他的人就去追他,逮住他。就在他们玩得正起劲时,继母从窗口看见了,十分恼火。由于她会巫术,便念着咒语,把小弟弟变成了一条鱼,把小妹变成了一只小羊羔。于是,小鱼儿在池塘中游来游去,十分忧伤;小羊羔在草地上走来走去,心里悲凉,丝毫不肯吃草。就这样过了很久,有些生客来到城堡里,狠毒的继母心想:“现在机会来了!”便叫来了厨子说:“去草地上把那头羊牵来宰了,咱也没什么别的好东西来待客。”那厨子去了,把羊儿牵到厨房,捆住了她的四蹄。这一切,小羊羔顺从地忍了。当厨子拔出刀子,在台级上磨了磨,正要下手宰羊时,他看到了似乎有条鱼儿在来回地游动,并抬起头望着他。这鱼儿就是那个小弟弟,因为他看见了厨子带走了那羊羔,它便尾随着从池塘游到了屋里。于是小羊羔对他苦叫道: “深池里的小哥哥啊, 我的心儿多悲凉! 那厨子正把他的刀磨亮, 就要把我的命儿丧。“ 那小鱼答道: “啊,那上面的小妹妹, 我在深深的池水里, 我的心呀多忧伤。“ 厨子听到小羊羔会说话,而且对着下面的小鱼说着那样悲凉的话,不禁大惊失色,知道了这只羊不可能是只普通的羊,而是北屋里那位狠毒的女人念过咒的东西,于是他说:“别害怕,我不会杀你的。”于是另外换了头羊,宰了给客人做菜,接着他把这只小羊羔牵去送给一位好心的农家妇,还向她讲诉了自己的所见所闻。 这农家妇恰巧做过小羊羔的乳母,她立刻猜到了这只羊羔是谁,便把它带到女先知那儿去。女先知为小羊和小鱼儿念了几句咒语,他俩立刻恢复了人形。这以后她又把他们俩带到了一座大森林中的一间小屋里,从此他们独自住在那儿,生活过得惬意而快活。 “西瓜、西瓜,开门吧” 从前有兄弟俩,一个富,一个穷,那富的兄弟从不肯接济那个穷的。这个穷弟弟靠作谷物生意为生,日子过得紧巴巴的;而他的生意也常常很清淡,以致他无力养活妻儿子女。一次,他推着车穿过一片森林,他的一侧是座巍峨的大山,寸草不生,山顶光秃秃一片。他先前从未见过这座山,所以此刻静静地站在那儿,惊讶地凝视着那重大山。 突然,他看见了十二个身材高大、举止粗野的人朝他走来,他想这些人一定是强盗,于是马上把车推进灌木丛,自己爬上一棵树,等着看究竟。只见那十二个人向山峰方向走去,大声叫道:“芝麻、芝麻,开门吧!”这空阔的山中立刻裂开了一条缝,那十二个人迈步走了进去。等他们全走进去后,山门又合拢了,山门又随即打开了,那些人肩上背着沉甸甸的麻袋走了出来。他们重新回到亮处,只听见有人说:“芝麻、芝麻,关门吧!”随后山门又应声合拢,不露丝毫痕迹。紧接着,那十二个人就走了。 等他们完全消失踪影后,这个穷兄弟才从树上爬了下来。此刻他有点惊讶,这山里面究竟藏着什么?他爬上了大山,也高声喊道:“芝麻、芝麻,开门吧!”山竟为他裂开了。他马上走了进去,只见整个山峰中,洞内中空,宽阔无比,里面有无数金银珍宝,熠熠生辉。 此刻,这个穷小伙茫然不知所措,想着他是否可以拿走一些金银财宝呢?最后,他还是把他的口袋装满了金子,却没拿那些珠宝。出来后,他又叫道:“芝麻、芝麻,关门吧!”山随即又合拢了。他于是推着手推车,踏上了回家的路。 如今他可是无忧无愁了,即不用为养家糊口发愁,还可以拿出钱来干别的事情了,小日子过得美满幸福,他还乐善好施。无论如何,钱一花光,他就到他兄弟那儿去借个箩筐,又重新去拿。但他从不去碰那些价值连城的大宝贝。后来,他又想去取财宝,再次向他兄弟借那个箩筐。由于弟弟的家产众多,且家境一直红火,哥哥早就为之妒火中烧了。他心里发窘,那些财富从何而来,他的兄弟拿箩筐去干嘛?于是他眼珠一转,顿生奸计,他在箩筐底涂上了沥青。等他取回箩筐时,发现箩筐底部竟粘着块金子。他立刻跑到兄弟家,质问他,“你一直用箩筐在量什么?”“量玉米和麦子。”另一个答道。这时他把那块金子摆在他眼前,威胁他说如果他不讲真话,他就要到法庭去告他。于是这个穷兄弟向他吐露了事情的来龙去脉,就好像这事才刚刚发生似的。听到这些,这个兄弟就命令下人备好了马车,只身前往,决心趁机多装回些奇珍异宝。 到了山前,他大声喊道:“芝麻、芝麻,开门吧!”山门打开了,他走了进去。那儿的,金银财宝尽现眼底,好长一段时间他都不知该先抓什么好。最后,他还是把马车装满了宝石,满得简直再无地方可装了。他真希望把这车满满的财宝运出去,但是由于他脑子里充满了金银财宝,竟把山名给忘了。他大声喊道:“西瓜、西瓜,开门吧!”但那名字念错了,大山巍然不动,山门紧闭,理也不理他。此刻,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,只见他愈是绞尽脑汁去回忆那名字,越是心乱如麻记不起来,此时就是有再多的珍宝也爱莫能助。傍晚,山门又打开了,走进了那十二个强盗。他们一看见他就哈哈大笑,并大叫道:“你这鸟东西,这下总算给我们逮住了!你以为我们不知道你曾两次来过此地?那时,我们没有去抓你,这回,你休想走出此地!”这时他哭丧着脸分辩道:“那两次可不是我,而是我的兄弟。”不管他怎样求饶,怎样诉说,他们始终置之不理,最后还是让他的脑袋搬了家。 点击 ![]()
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