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All-Kinds-of-Fur Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a king, who had a wife with golden hair, and she was so beautiful that her equal was not to be found anywhere on earth. It happened that she fell ill, and when she felt that she was about to die, she called the king to her and said, "If you want to remarry after my death then do not take anyone who is not as beautiful as I am, and who does not have such golden hair as mine. That you must promise me." After the king had promised her this, she closed her eyes and died. For a long time the king could not be comforted, and he did not consider taking a second wife. Finally his councilors said, "There is no other way. The king must remarry, so that we will have a queen." Then messengers were sent out far and wide to seek a bride, who in beauty was entirely1 the equal of the deceased queen. However, no such bride could be found in the whole world. And even if a bride this beautiful had been found, she would not have had such golden hair. Thus the messengers returned home without success. Now the king had a daughter who was just as beautiful as her deceased mother, and who also had such golden hair. After she had come of age, the king looked at her one day that she resembled his deceased wife in every way, and he suddenly felt a great love for her. Then he said to his councilors, "I will marry my daughter, for she is the image of my deceased wife, and nowhere else can I find a bride who is her equal." When the councilors heard this they were horrified2 and said, "God has forbidden that a father should marry his daughter. Nothing good can come from sin, and the kingdom will be pulled along into ruin." The daughter was even more horrified when she heard her father's decision. Hoping to dissuade3 him from his intentions, she said to him, "Before I fulfill4 your wish, I must have three dresses: one as golden as the sun, one as silver as the moon, and one that glistens5 like the stars. Further, I must have a cloak put together from a thousand kinds of pelts6 and fur. Every animal in your kingdom must contribute a piece of its skin for it." Now she thought, "That will be entirely impossible for him to achieve, and in this way I will divert my father from his wicked thoughts." But the king did not give in, and the most skilled maidens7 in his kingdom had to weave the three dresses, one as golden as the sun, one as silver as the moon, and one that glistened9 like the stars. And his huntsmen had to capture all the animals in his entire kingdom and take a piece of skin from each one. From these a cloak of a thousand kinds of fur was made. Finally, when everything was finished, the king had the cloak brought to him. Spreading it out, he said, "Tomorrow is our wedding day." When the king's daughter saw that there was no more hope to change her father's mind, she made the decision to run away. During the night, while everyone was asleep, she got up and took three things from among her valuables: a golden ring, a little golden spinning wheel, and a little golden reel. She put the three dresses from the sun, moon, and stars into a nutshell, put on the cloak of all kinds of fur, blackened her hands and face with soot10. Then surrendering herself to God, she set forth11. She walked the entire night until she came to a great forest. Being tired, she sat down in a hollow tree and fell asleep. The sun came up, and she continued to sleep, and she was still asleep by broad daylight. Now it came to pass that the king who owned these woods was hunting in them. When his dogs approached the tree they sniffed12 then ran around it barking. The king said to the huntsmen. "See what kind of wild animal is hiding there." The huntsmen followed his command, and when they returned they said, "A strange animal, like none we have ever seen before, is lying in the hollow tree. There are a thousand kinds of fur on its skin. It is just lying there asleep." The king said, "See if you can capture it alive, then tie it onto the cart and bring it along." When the huntsmen took hold of the girl, she awoke. Filled with fear, she cried out, "I am a poor child who has been abandoned by her father and mother. Have pity on me and take me with you." Then they said, "All-Kinds-of-Fur, you are good for the kitchen. Come with us. You can sweep up the ashes." Thus they set her on the cart and drove her home to the royal castle. There they showed her a little cubbyhole under the stairs, where the light of day never entered, and said, "This is where you can live and sleep, you furry13 little animal." Then she was sent to the kitchen, where she carried wood and water, tended the fire, plucked the poultry14, sorted vegetables, swept up the ashes, and did all the dirty work. All-Kinds-of-Fur lived there miserable15 for a long time. Oh, you beautiful princess, what will become of you? Now one day it happened that a banquet was being held in the castle, and she said to the cook, "May I go up for a little while and take a look? I will stand outside the door." The cook answered, "Yes, go ahead. But you have to be back here in a half hour and carry out the ashes." Then she took her oil lamp and went into her cubbyhole. Taking off her fur cloak, she washed the soot from her hands and face so that her full beauty again came to light. Then she opened the nut and took out her dress that glistened like the sun. And after she had done all this she went upstairs to the banquet. Everyone stepped out of her way, for no one knew her, and everyone thought that she was a princess. The king approached her, reached his hand out to her, and danced with her, and thought in his heart, "My eyes have never before seen such beauty." When the dance had ended, she curtsied, and while the king was looking around, she disappeared, and no one knew where she had gone. The guards who stood watch in front of the castle were called and questioned, but no one had seen her. Now she had run back to her cubbyhole, quickly taken off her dress, blackened her hands and face, put on the fur cloak, and was once again All-Kinds-of-Fur. After she had returned to the kitchen and was about to set to work and sweep up the ashes, the cook said, "That's enough until tomorrow. Make the king's soup for me, so I can have a look upstairs, but don't let a hair fall into it, or in the future there will nothing more for you to eat." Then the cook went away, and All-Kinds-of-Fur made soup for the king. She made bread soup, and as good as she knew how. When it was done, she got her golden ring from the cubbyhole and placed it in the bowl that the soup was in. When the dance was over, the king had his soup brought to him. He ate it, and it tasted so good to him, that he thought he had never eaten a better soup. But when he reached the bottom of the bowl, he saw a golden ring lying there, and he could not imagine how it had gotten there. He ordered the cook to come before him. The cook was terrified when he heard this order, and he said to All-Kinds-of-Fur, "For sure you let a hair fall into the soup. If that's true, you'll get a beating." When the cook came before the king he was asked who had cooked the soup, and he answered, "I cooked it." The king said, "That is not true, for it was made in a different way, and much better than usual." The cook answered, "I must confess that I did not cook it, it was the little furry animal." The king said, "Go and have her come up here." When All-Kinds-of-Fur arrived, the king asked, "Who are you." "I am a poor child who no longer has a father or a mother." He asked further, "What are you doing in my castle?" She answered, "I am good for nothing, except having boots thrown at my head." He asked further, "Where did you get the ring that was in the soup?" She answered, "I do not know anything about the ring." Thus the king could learn nothing, and he had to send her away again. Some time later there was another banquet, and All-Kinds-of-Fur, as before, asked the cook for permission to have a look. He answered, "Yes, but come back in a half hour and cook the bread soup for the king that he likes so much." She ran to her cubbyhole, quickly washed herself then took from the nut the dress that was as silver as the moon and put it on. Then she went upstairs and looked like a princess. The king came up to her and was delighted to see her again, and because a dance was just beginning, they danced together. But as soon as the dance was over she again disappeared so quickly that the king did not notice where she went. She ran to her cubbyhole, turned herself back into a furry animal, and went to the kitchen to make the bread soup. While the cook was upstairs she got the golden spinning wheel and put it in the bowl, so that the soup was prepared on top of it. Then it was taken to the king, who ate it, and it tasted as good to him as the last time. He had the cook brought before him, who again had to confess that All-Kinds-of-Fur had made the soup. All-Kinds-of-Fur again came before the king, and she answered that she was only good for having boots thrown at her head, and that she knew nothing at all about the little golden spinning wheel. When the king gave a banquet for the third time, everything happened as before. But this time the cook said, "You are a witch, you furry animal, always putting something in the soup that makes it very good and taste better to the king." But because she asked, he allowed her to look in on the ball at the appointed time. This time she put on the dress that glistened like the stars, and thus clothed she stepped into the hall. The king danced again with the beautiful maiden8, thinking that she had never been so beautiful. And while he was dancing he placed a golden ring on her finger, without her noticing it. Further, he had ordered that this dance should last a long time. When it was over, he tried to keep hold of her by her hands, but she tore herself loose and jumped so quickly into the crowd that she disappeared before his eyes. She ran as fast as she could to her cubbyhole beneath the steps, but because she had stayed away too long, more than a half hour, she could not take off the beautiful dress, but instead just threw the fur cloak on over it. And in her haste she did not cover herself entirely with soot, and one finger remained white. All-Kinds-of-Fur now ran into the kitchen, made the bread soup for the king, and while the cook was away, put the golden reel in it. When the king found the reel at the bottom of his bowl had All-Kinds-of-Fur called before him. Catching16 sight of the white finger, he saw the ring that he had put on her while they were dancing. He seized her by the hand and held her fast. As she attempted to free herself and run away, her fur cloak opened a little, and the dress of stars glistened out. The king grabbed the cloak and tore it off. He golden hair appeared, and she stood there in full splendor17, no longer able to hide. And after she had wiped the soot and ashes from her face, she was more beautiful than anyone who had ever been seen on earth. The king said, "You are my dear bride, and we shall never part." Then their wedding was celebrated18, and they lived happily until they died. #p# 从前有个国王,他的妻子长着一头金发,她的美貌在世界上是绝无仅有的。可不幸的是她病倒了,而且很快就要死了。她将国王叫到跟前说:「如果你想在我死后再娶,答应我一定要娶一个和我一样美、一样有一头金发的女人。」国王答应了,王后便闭上眼睛死了。 国王难过了很长时间,根本无心再娶。最后他的大臣们说:「不能再这样下去了,国王一定要再娶一个,我们也好有个王后。」於是向四面八方派出使者,寻找和已故王后一样美丽的姑娘。可是全国都找遍了却没有找到,偶尔找到一个漂亮的,又没有王后那样的金发,使者们只好空手而归。 国王有个女儿,长得和母亲一模一样,而且也是一头金发,她一天一天长大了。国王看着她,觉得她无处不似已故的妻子,因而对她产生了强烈的爱。他对大臣们说:「我要娶我女儿,她就是我前妻的再现。我再也找不到有谁更像她了。」大臣们大惊失色地说:「上帝是禁止父亲娶女儿的。犯这样的罪不会有好结果,而且整个国家都会遭殃的。」 公主得知父亲的打算后更是震惊,可她希望能使父亲改变主意。於是她对父亲说:「在我答应你的要求之前,我必须得到三件衣服:一件像太阳那样金光闪耀、一件像月亮那样银光四溢、一件像星星那样明亮闪烁。除此以外,我还要一件斗篷,必须是用上千种不同动物的皮毛缝制的。你国度里的每一种动物都必须献上一块皮毛。」公主想:「这些都是不可能办到的。这样就可以让父亲改变主意了。然而国王没有放弃,他吩咐手艺最巧的姑娘织那三件衣服……一件像太阳般闪耀、一件像月亮般流银、一件像星星般璀灿;他还吩咐最优秀的猎人去捕捉每一种动物,然后取其皮毛缝制千兽皮斗篷。等一切准备停当,国王叫人在公主面前展开斗篷,说:」我们明天就举行婚礼。「公主一看没法让父亲回心转意,便决定远走他乡。晚上,当人们都睡熟之后,公主从珠宝盒里取出一个金戒指、一个金纺轮和一个金线轴,然后将阳光、月亮和星星三件衣服等物装进一只小匣子,用烟灰将手脚和脸涂得黑黑的,披上千兽皮斗篷出发了。她听天由命地走了一整夜,来到一座大森林里。她累极了,便爬进一个树洞睡着了。 太阳出来了,公主还没醒;中午了,她仍然熟睡着。这森林是一个国王的,那天他刚巧出来打猎,猎狗跑到树洞口嗅了又嗅,然后围着树」汪汪「直叫。国王对跟来的猎手说:」去看看是甚么野兽躲在那儿。「猎人去了之后回来说:」有头奇怪的动物在树洞里睡觉,身上的皮是上千种兽皮拼起来的。我们以前还从没见过这种动物呢。「国王於是说:」试试能不能活捉。如果能就捆好让我带回王宫去。「猎手抓住了公主,姑娘惊恐万状地喊道:」我是个被父母遗弃的可怜的孩子,可怜可怜我,带我走吧。「猎手说:」千皮兽,我看你在厨房里帮着扫扫炉灰还行。跟我来吧。「他们让公主上了马车,把她带回了王宫,指着楼梯底下一间不透光的衣帽间对她说:」毛傢伙,你住在这儿吧。「从此公主被派到厨房扛柴火、挑水、扫炉膛灰、拔鸡鸭毛、拣菜、掏炉膛……,干各种又髒又累的活儿。千皮兽在那里度过了很长一段时间的悲惨生活。啊,美丽的公主,你现在都成甚么模样了! 然而有一天,宫里开宴会,公主对厨师说:」能让我上楼看一看么?只在门外看看。「」去吧。「厨师说,」不过过半小时你得回来掏炉膛灰。「公主拿起油灯回到自己那间斗室,脱下毛斗篷,洗净脸上和手脚上的烟黑,她的美貌立刻大放光彩。她打开小匣子,拿出那件金光灿烂的衣服穿上,走进宴会大厅。人们纷纷给她让路,尽管没人认识她,可都觉得她有公主的气派。国王走过来,伸手邀请她跳舞,心想:」我还从来没见过这么美丽的人呢!「一曲终了时,公主向国王行了个曲膝礼。等国王抬头再看时,公主已不知去向了。他召来站在宫门口的卫兵问,可谁都说没见过。公主跑回了那间斗室,迅速脱下衣服,把脸和手脚重新涂上黑烟灰,穿上毛斗篷来到厨房扫炉灰。厨师说:」明早再扫炉灰吧,先给国王做一碗汤,我要上楼去看看。当心别把头发之类的髒东西掉进汤里,否则我罚你挨饿!「厨师走了,千皮兽为国王做了一碗麵包汤,这是她做得最好的一种,然后将她带来的金戒指放到汤里。 国王跳完舞,叫人把汤送去。他很爱喝那种汤,似乎以前从来没有喝过这么好味道的汤。喝到最后,他发现了那只金戒指,简直不敢相信。他命人去召厨师,厨师一听国王召见,吓得对千皮兽说:」准是你把头发掉进汤里了。如果真是那样,我非狠狠揍你一顿不可。「他来到国王面前,国王问他汤是谁做的。厨师说:」我做的。「国王又说:」不对,汤的味道比以前好多了,而且做法不同。「厨师回答说:」我承认汤的确不是我做的,是那个毛傢伙做的。「国王说:」叫他来。「千皮兽来到国王面前,国王问:」你是甚么人?「」我是个没有父母的可怜姑娘。「国王又问:」你在我宫里有甚么用?「她回答说:」我的作用就是让人踢打。「国王接着问:」汤里的金戒指哪里来的?「」我不知道甚么金戒指。「国王一看甚么都问不出来,只好让她回去了。 不久,国王又举行舞会。千皮兽像前一次那样求厨师让她上楼看热闹。厨师说:」去吧。不过过半小时你得回来做国王爱喝的那种汤。「她答应着跑回房间,迅速洗净烟黑,换上那件如月光流淌般的衣服,像公主那样走进了舞会厅。国王迎上前来,很高兴又见到她。舞乐响起,他们一起跳啊跳,可等乐曲终了时,她又迅速消失了,快得连国王自己都没看清她去了哪里。公主连跑带跳地逃进自己房间,将自己又变成了毛乎乎的动物,跑回厨房准备国王的汤去了。等厨师上楼看热闹的时候,她悄悄地将金纺轮放进汤碗里。仆人将汤端给国王,他还像上次那样爱喝。他召来厨师,他承认汤是千皮兽做的。国王又叫人把她召来,可她的回答还是和上次一样,并且说她根本不知道金纺轮的事。 当国王再次举行舞会时,一切如前面两次那样发生了。厨师问:」毛傢伙,你准是个巫婆。你总是往汤里放点甚么,使国王格外爱喝你做的汤,不爱喝我做的。「可由於她的苦苦请求,厨师还是答应让她上楼看,但必须在指定时间内返回。这次,公主穿上了那件星光闪烁的衣服来到大厅。国王又走上前来和她跳舞,心想她这样更加漂亮了,并趁她不注意的时候往她手指上套了个戒指。国王命令延长舞曲,所以当一曲结束时,规定的时间已经超过了。国王想抓牢公主的手,可她挣脱了,迅速穿过人群不见了。她来不及脱下华丽的服装,只是草草披上兽毛斗篷。匆忙中她也没顾上把各个部位仔细涂黑,竟然有个指头漏了涂。她急忙回到厨房给国王做汤,并且趁厨师不在时将金线轴放进汤里。当国王发现碗里的金线轴时,马上召来千皮兽,发现了那只没有涂黑的白晰的手指,并且看到了自己在跳舞时给她套上的戒指。他紧紧抓住这只手,公主想挣脱,斗篷开了一条缝,衣服上的星光立刻泄漏出来。国王抓住斗篷一拽,公主那金色的秀发顿时大放光彩。她站在那儿,婷婷玉立,再也无法躲藏了。等她洗净烟黑,那份美更是无与伦比的了。国王说:」你就是我亲爱的新娘,请别再离开我。「他们当时就举行了婚礼,并幸福地生活着,一直到老。 点击 ![]()
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