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The Burial Shirt Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm A mother had a little boy of seven years who was so attractive and good natured that no one could look at him without liking1 him, and he was dearer to her than anything else in the world. He suddenly died, and the mother could find no solace2. She cried day and night. However, soon after his burial, the child began to appear every night at those places where he had sat and played while still alive. When the mother cried, he cried as well, but when morning came he had disappeared. The mother did not cease crying, and one night he appeared with the white shirt in which he had been laid into his coffin3, and with the little wreath on his head. He sat down on the bed at her feet and said, "Oh, mother, please stop crying, or I will not be able to fall asleep in my coffin, because my burial shirt will not dry out from your tears that keep falling on it." This startled the mother, and she stopped crying. The next night the child came once again. He had a little light in his hand and said, "See, my shirt is almost dry, and I will be able to rest in my grave." Then the mother surrendered her grief to God and bore it with patience and peace, and the child did not come again, but slept in his little bed beneath the earth. 从前有一位母亲,她有一个人见人爱、英俊漂亮的儿子。那年他七岁了,她视她的小宝贝为自己的生命,比世上任何东西都珍贵。但是天有不测风云,他忽然病了,而且病入膏肓,上帝将他召唤了去。母亲悲痛欲绝,日夜哭泣。时过不久,孩子下葬了,可是夜里他又会出现在生前玩耍的地方,陪着母亲一同哭泣,到了早晨则又消失了。母亲非常悲伤,每时每刻都在不停地哭。一天夜里他身着一件入葬就穿着的白色小寿衣,头上戴着一顶花环来到床前,站在母亲的脚旁说:“噢,母亲,请别哭啦,否则我在墓中无法入睡,因为您的泪水把我的寿衣都打湿啦。”母亲听到后担起心来,不再流泪了。第二天晚上孩子又来了,手里举着一盏小灯,说:“母亲,您看看我的寿衣快干啦,我可以在墓中休息了。”从此,母亲把悲痛交给了上帝,自己默默地承受了心中的创伤。
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