• 与“父亲”相关的英文习语

    22-03-07 Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。 John is as smart as his father. Like father, like son. 约翰和他的父亲一样精明。有其父,必有其子嘛。 father-figure 长者,父亲般的人物 Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure. 也许他们需要一个...

  • 白宫国土安全顾问汤姆·博塞特辞职

    18-04-11 U.S. President Donald Trumps homeland security adviser, Tom Bossert, has resigned, the White House confirmed Tuesday. 白宫周二证实,特朗普总统的国土安全顾问汤姆博塞特已辞职。 The president is grateful for Toms commitment to the safety and security o...

  • Great Wealth Comes From Small Beginnings

    10-08-24 Once upon a time, an important adviser to a certain king was on his way to a meeting with the king and other advisers. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a dead mouse by the roadside. He said to those who were with him, Even from such small beginn...

  • 前泰国总理供职柬埔寨政府

    09-11-10 Fugitive former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has landed in the Cambodian capital to take up a job as economic adviser to the government. 亡命天涯的前泰国总理他信西那瓦踏上柬埔寨首都的领土,接受政府经济顾问一职。 Mr Thaksin remains a highly...
