• 美国儿童防弹衣开始热销

    12-12-23 上周五美国校园枪击案发生以后,针对儿童的防弹衣背包开始热销。据犹他州一家防弹装备公司总裁介绍,枪击案发生后的一周内,该公司防弹衣背包的销量是平时一个月销量的三倍。 The Newtown, Conn., mass shooting of schoolchildren seems to have had an impact in one...

  • 时迁盗甲

    11-04-18 The armored cavalry(装甲部队) deployed by Huyan Zhuo could not be destroyed unless barbed lances(长矛) were used. Tang Long presented a drawing of such a lance and lance could be made according to the drawing. However no one was able to use them...

  • 不寻常的蜗牛壳有助于更好的装甲研究

    10-01-19 New insights洞察力,眼力 about a tiny snail蜗牛 that lives on the ocean floor could help scientists design better armor for soldiers and vehicles, according to MIT麻省理工学院 researchers. A team of materials scientists, led by MIT Associate Profess...
