• 生物多样性丧失可能造成 “生态崩溃”

    21-11-01 最新数据显示,英国是世界上自然资源消耗最严重的国家之一,在全球排最差的百分之十,在七国集团(G7)中排在最后。研究发现,英国的生物多样性平均只剩一半,远低于 75%的全球平均水平。 The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat all rely on biodiv...

  • 化石可恢复遗失的生物多样性

    14-09-24 Many native species have vanished from tropical islands because of human impact, but University of Florida scientists have discovered how fossils can be used to restore lost biodiversity. The key lies in organic materials found in fossil bones, whic...