• 黑猩猩母亲剖腹产两天后与宝宝团聚

    22-12-31 This is the moment a chimpanzee was reunited with her newborn. 这是黑猩猩妈妈和它的新生儿团聚的时刻。 Mahale the chimp gave birth via Caesarean section performed by two doctors. 这只名叫玛哈莉的黑猩猩通过剖腹产分娩,手术由两名医生主刀。 The baby chi...

  • 英语中句子的主动与被动语态的变换

    22-10-24 英语中的被动语态使用频率很高,很多句子可以从主动语态变为被动语态。你知道主动句和被动句之间转换的规则吗? 1. What is the correct passive transformation of this active sentence? Scientists have discovered a new species of fish at the bottom of the oce...

  • benefit from a misfortune 因祸得福

    22-09-22 因祸得福,汉语成语,意思是遭遇灾祸,但由于某种原因却反而使人得到好处。比喻变坏事为好事。可以翻译为benefit from a misfortune等。 例句: 他那次生病反而是因祸得福,因为在医院里他认识了现在的妻子。 His illness was a blessing in disguise, for there in th...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 10

    22-09-14 The hospital was small and private with just one entrance. Michael looked through the window down into the street. There was a curved courtyard that had steps leading down into the street and the street was empty of cars. But whoever came into the h...