• 我国老年人群新冠疫苗接种率不断提高

    22-05-18 我国持续推进新冠病毒疫苗接种工作,老年人群接种率正不断提高。 More than 1.25 billion Chinese have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of Thursday, accounting for 88.74 percent of the countrys total population, a Chinese health official...

  • 打疫苗

    21-04-30 1 vaccination 提到疫苗,第一个想到的词一定就是vaccine了。 接种疫苗可以说administer the vaccine或者have the vaccine。 当然也可以直接用动词形式vaccinate: We should be vaccinated against COVID-19. 我们要打疫苗预防新冠病毒。 Vaccination则是指疫苗接种的...

  • 预防龋齿的疫苗有望问世

    17-10-03 Dreaded trips to see your dentist could be replaced with a vaccine to prevent tooth decay in the future, researchers predict. 据研究人员预测,预防龋齿的疫苗有望问世,之后你就再不用为看牙医担惊受怕了。 The jab, developed by Chinese scientists, offers...

  • 糖类可减轻婴儿注射疼痛感

    10-05-13 Babies should be given something sugary before a jab to reduce pain, Canadian researchers say. 加拿大研究人员称,婴儿在接受注射之前可吃食一些糖类以减轻疼痛。 Sugary solutions reduced crying time, the researchers said. Experts at the University of To...
