• Manstration 男人月经

    11-07-10 Manstration refers to a monthly hormonal cycle for men. Some men get cranky and bitchy for no reason regularly, just like what women go through in their monthlies (known as menstruation). This is where the term manstration comes from. Manstration(...

  • 超半数男性先提出恋爱表白

    11-06-25 It may take them at least three months to get round to it but, contrary to popular perception, men are the first to say I love you. 也许这句话至少要三个月后才能说出口,但男人是先说我爱你这三个字的,和人们普遍认为的情况正相反。 However, their motives...

  • 七成男性爱车胜过爱自己

    11-06-18 Is it any surprise that most men find it easier to love their cars more than themselves? 如果大多数男性爱车胜过爱自己,会有人感到惊讶吗? Almost 70 percent of American men said they find it easier to care for their cars than their personal health, a...

  • 研究:深沉的男性更性感

    11-05-28 Guys, want to look sexy and get the girl? Don't smile too much. Look brooding or show a bit of shame instead. Women, ignore that advice. 想要做个性感男人,俘获女人的心吗?那就不要笑得太多,你应该看起来深沉些或露出一点害羞的神色。如果你是女人,以上的...

  • 男性冲动购物花费高于女性

    11-05-24 Modern men spend more on impulse buys than women do, research has revealed. 调查显示,现代男性冲动购物比女性花费更多。 A study found that men regularly shell out an average of 25-a-week on items they bought on a whim(奇想,一时的兴致) , while wome...

  • 女性思维更开阔 男性更有决断力

    11-04-23 It will come as no surprise to any man who has waited for his wife to choose what to wear for a night out. 对于那些曾经因为妻子要挑选晚上出门穿的衣服而苦苦等待的男人来说,这一研究结果并不会让他们惊讶。 But scientists have now proved that women are t...

  • 男女购车意向相异

    11-04-16 Men prefer their cars beefy or fast, while women go for lower price tags and higher miles per gallon, according to a survey released on Thursday. 上周四发布的最新调查显示,在购车时,男性更喜爱结实耐用且速度快的车,而女性更喜爱价格低廉且省油的车。 Tr...

  • Gemini 双子座2

    11-04-15 The health of Gemini natives is usually excellent. They appear to be rather fragile, or at least delicate, but this is not the case. Doubtless that impression is created by the fact that they are so nervous and thin, and apparently wear themselves d...

  • 男人逛街好处多多

    11-04-09 It may come as old news to many women, but it seems a bit of retail therapy really is good for you. 这对许多女人来说也许不是什么新闻,但是逛街似乎确实对人有好处。 A day at the shops can help you live longer, says a study. And surprisingly, the benef...

  • 男性在家庭经济地位日益减弱

    11-03-06 Men face a depressing future as their stiff upper lips start to crumble and more women become breadwinners, psychiatrists predict. 精神病学家们预测说,男人们的未来很灰暗:他们正在摒弃喜怒不形于色的形象,而且越来越多的女性成了家庭的主要经济支柱。 The...